- Only 23.1% of all respondents and 30.2% of Republican respondents can think of a concrete example of Israel aiding American interests off the top of their heads.
- 68.4% of respondents oppose direct intervention in the Gaza conflict with airstrikes or boots on the ground.
- 25.7% of respondents aged 18-29 would oppose a draft through peaceful protest, and 16.9% through non-violent civil disobedience.
- 4.4% of respondents aged 18-29 said they would oppose a draft through violence against government property, and 4.4% through violence against government officials.
Tag: United States foreign policy
Rightist third-worldism is a tendency among people of the broadly understood Right — nationalists, New Rightists etc. — to take the side of the “Third World.” The Third World is understood by them very differently from its original meaning — that is, referring to those countries that were not on either side of the Cold War). (more…)
The United States is now on the cusp of a new Cold War. This time, the war is with China. The mainstream media is either hiding this fact from the public or is too distracted by Trump Derangement to really grasp the situation and convey its seriousness. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
It is unquestionably true that today’s China has grown into a major geopolitical, economic, and military rival of America, with both an active ambition and an increasing capacity to challenge, threaten, and eventually dethrone America on the global stage in the coming decades if globalization, through which China has demonstrably been the foremost beneficiary, continues unabated. (more…)
March 12, 2014 Kerry Bolton
Ukrajinská krize – geopolitika a oligarchové
English original here
Současný vývoj na Ukrajině postupuje podle stejného scénáře jako v některých dalších zemích, které byly přivedeny do „stáda“ globalismu. Nepokoje v kyjevských ulicích a jinde představují další z řady „barevných revolucí“, které se jako lesní požár prohnaly přes země bývalého Sovětského svazu a v posledních letech i severní Afrikou, kde nazývaly „Arabské jaro“. 1] (more…)