We live under a regime of lies in the modern world, but the lies are not haphazard and random. Rather, they come from a specific place, and they have a specific story they tell which is internally consistent and point to a specific place where we should take our minds. (more…)
Tag: Maurice Bardèche
Today is the birthday of Maurice Bardèche (1907–1998), the French Neo-Fascist writer. Bardèche was a prolific and highly versatile author of literary, film, art criticism, history, journalism, and social and political theory. He published twenty-odd books and countless essays, articles, and reviews. (more…)
Here we have a continuation of the narrative presented in past installments, describing Brasillach’s auto-tour through wartime Spain in July 1938, accompanied by his brother-in-law Maurice Bardèche and their friend Pierre Cousteau. As before, I have translated it directly from Brasillach’s memoir Notre avant-guerre (1938-41). (more…)
Today is the birthday of Maurice Bardèche (1907–1998), the French Neo-Fascist writer. Bardèche was a prolific and highly versatile author of literary, film, and art criticism, history, journalism, and social and political theory. He published twenty-odd books and countless essays, articles, and reviews. (more…)
Today is the birthday of Maurice Bardèche (1907–1998), the French Neo-Fascist writer. Bardèche was a prolific and highly versatile author of literary, film, and art criticism, history, journalism, and social and political theory. He published twenty-odd books and countless essays, articles, and reviews. (more…)
March 31, 2019 Margot Metroland
Robert Brasillach & Notre avant-guerre
Remembering Robert Brasillach
March 31, 1909–February 6, 19453,574 words
Today is the birthday of Robert Brasillach, French journalist, novelist, and film historian (The History of Motion Pictures, co-written with Maurice Bardéche).
It is Brasillach’s fate mainly to be remembered for being the only collaborateur sentenced to death (by firing squad) for “intellectual crimes.” (more…)
Today is the birthday of Maurice Bardèche (1907–1998), the French Neo-Fascist writer. Bardèche was a prolific and highly versatile author of literary, film, and art criticism, history, journalism, and social and political theory. He published twenty-odd books and countless essays, articles, and reviews. (more…)
March 31, 2018 Margot Metroland
Robert Brasillach & Notre avant-guerre:
Remembering Robert Brasillach, March 31, 1909–February 6, 19453,574 words
Today is the birthday of Robert Brasillach, French journalist, novelist, and film historian (The History of Motion Pictures, co-written with Maurice Bardéche).
It is Brasillach’s fate mainly to be remembered for being the only collaborateur sentenced to death (by firing squad) for “intellectual crimes.” (more…)
March 19, 2018 Maurice Bardèche
Fašistický sen, část 3
Při příležitosti výročí úmrtí Maurice Bardècheho přinášíme závěrečný díl třídílné minisérie, první část naleznete zde, druhou zde.
English translation here
Účelem fašistického státu je formovat lidi podle určitého modelu. Na rozdíl od demokratických států se ty fašistické nezdráhají učit také morálku. (more…)
March 14, 2018 Maurice Bardèche
Fašistický sen, část 2
1,059 slov
English translation here
Druhý díl ze třídílné minisérie, první část naleznete zde, závěrečnou třetí tady.
Fašismus v protikladu k tomu demokratickému předkládá svůj vlastní alternativní obraz člověka i pojetí svobody, od onoho velebeného demokratického velice odlišné.
Demokracie svobodu nijak neomezuje, snad kromě zákazu škodit ostatním. (more…)
March 13, 2018 Maurice Bardèche
Fašistický sen, část 1
1,398 slov
English translation here
Druhý díl naleznete zde, třetí závěrečný tady.
Diktatura je věcná. Římané, když se jejich vlast ocitla v ohrožení, pozastavovali působení republikánských svobod. Stejně tak Konvent. Režim „vlasti v nebezpečí“ je režim autoritářský, nastolený ve vážných případech (Ernstfall) k zachování nezávislosti a k záchraně země vůbec. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is a translation by D. G. of a 1982 letter and two enclosures from Maurice Bardèche to Keith Stimely. I wish to thank Mark Weber for providing a copy. The location of the French original of the letter and the accompanying note is not known. The translation of the pages of Suzanne and the Slums can clearly be improved in places by consulting the original. — Greg Johnson
Today is the birthday of Maurice Bardèche (1907–1998), the French Neo-Fascist writer. Bardèche was a prolific and highly versatile author of literary, film, and art criticism, history, journalism, and social and political theory. (more…)