Growing up in a suburban commuter colony of Canada’s federal capital in the 1980s was good, for the most part. The first house that I lived in was an attached garden home in a brand-new neighborhood. Houses were in rows of five or six units. Every unit had a modest, fenced backyard; our house featured a beautiful Russian olive tree out front as well. Everyone had surface parking spots for their family vehicles. (more…)
Tag: blacks in Canada
1,805 words
Everywhere there are large numbers of blacks and other non-whites, chaos ensues. That is not news to Counter-Currents readers, of course, but I think it is important to reiterate this fact ad nauseam until some of the pea-brained automatons that do our globalist-liberal overlords’ bidding have a come-to-Wotan moment. Although it may seem like beating a dead horse, I like to think of it instead as a means to wake up some of our sleepy brethren who still believe in utopian, multicultural claptrap.
I would hope that even some of the most oblivious white people, such as those who live right next door to us, may have done a bit too much noticing this summer. (more…)
1,261 words
One would think that here, beyond The Wall, in the primordial snowscape that is the Great White North, we would still be revelling in wind-swept freedom and happiness, hunting caribou across the tundra all while sporting oversized, plaid shirt-jacket hybrids or shackets. Maybe at one time Canadians were like the wildings who sprang from George R. R. Martin’s degenerate noggin: living in the far north, periodically fending off White Walkers, communing with nature, and saying, “You know nothing, Justin Trudeau.” (more…)