Dissident Soaps, part of the latest devious white supremacist conspiracy.

Dissident Soaps, part of the latest devious white supremacist conspiracy.
3,035 words
Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty of Shooting Three Black Men
As I explained last week, the only remotely racial element of the Kyle Rittenhouse case — if you discount the convicted boy-raper dwarf Joseph Rosenbaum shouting, “shoot me, nigga!” to a crowd of non-niggas — was the idea that mobs were roaming the streets of Kenosha burning buildings and destroying property for three days because, in the course of trying to arrest a black man named Jacob Blake over a domestic sexual-assault situation, a Jewish cop had shot Blake after the domestically violent Negro had turned his back against police orders before walking away from them and reaching inside his car. (more…)