Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 79
An Introduction to Plato’s Republic, Part 2
Greg Johnson
Part 2 of 2
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In January of 2000, I began a 10-week class on Plato’s Republic. The week before it started, I gave a bonus introductory lecture. Sadly, I loaned out the lectures on the Republic, and they were never returned. But this introductory lecture was meant to stand on its own, so I am presenting it in two parts. The sound quality for the first 3:40 is somewhat muffled, but bear with it, because it gets much better. Unlike the first part, this part is somewhat choppy because of extensive questions and discussions, the student portions of which were not caught by the microphone. The official “conclusion” of the lecture is the quote about Alfarabi, but the discussion goes on long after that. I would be most grateful for a transcript of both parts of this lecture, which pleases me a great deal.
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The best yet. Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom, Camille Paglia, isn’t that called apostolic succession?
I did start reading The Republic and I kept saying to myself ‘what’? He can’t be serious.
Extremely well done! You had me glued to the podcast. Will you eventually deal with Plotinus, and Tertullian’s “What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem?”
Thanks so much for your kind words.
I lectured on Plotinus years ago, and I have tapes, but they are not a priority.
No plans to discuss Tertullian.
Sorry, I didn’t read your blurb about this being only a two-part Intro to the Republic. Pity! Anyway, hope you do more poscasts one day!
This is a pretty fascinating take on the Republic. I look forward to hearing more.
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