Tag: The Fourth Political Theory
6,859 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
The following is a transcript of the Guide to Kulchur interview with the Traditionalist scholar Charles Upton on the subject of Alexander Dugin that was broadcast on May 27. Mr. Upton was previously interviewed by Greg Johnson for Counter-Currents Radio in 2012. The transcript was prepared by Hyacinth Bouquet. (more…)
“White Nationalism” is doomed.
And that’s okay.
As Vox Day and many others have pointed out over the years, the concept of “white nationalism” is a distinctly American notion. (more…)
June 6, 2015 Michael O'Meara
Trzecia Teoria Polityczna
English original here
„Trzecią teorią polityczną” (w dalszej części artykułu określaną skrótem 3TP) Aleksander Dugin, w swojej „Czwartej Teorii Politycznej” nazywa faszyzm i narodowy socjalizm [1].
Według Dugina, narodowosocjalistyczne Niemcy i faszystowskie Włochy zostały nie tylko militarnie, ale również ideologicznie pokonane w II Europejskiej Wojnie Domowej (1939-45) – stały się ofiarami „morderstwa” lub być może „samobójstwa”. (more…)
October 2, 2014 Alex Kurtagić
Despensando el liberalismo:
La Cuarta Teoría Política de Alexander DuginEnglish original here
Alexander Dugin
The Fourth Political Theory
London: Arktos, 2012Arktos recientemente publicó lo que podemos espera sea una de las primeras de muchas más traducciones al inglés de los trabajos de Alexander Dugin. (more…)
October 2, 2014 Michael O'Meara
La Tercera Teoría Política
English original here
“Marcharemos para luchar por la Santa Rusia /
Y derramaremos nuestra sangre como un solo hombre por ella”
— Canción del Ejército Blanco.La “Tercera Teoría Política” (3ªTP) es lo que Alexander Dugin, en “The Fourth Political Theory” (2012), llama Fascismo y Nacionalsocialismo [1].
“We will march to fight for Holy Russia/
And spill as one our blood for her.”
—White Army songThe “Third Political Theory” (3PT) is what Alexander Dugin, in The Fourth Political Theory
(2012), calls Fascism and National Socialism.[1]
1,252 words
Alexander Dugin is a popular, well-connected, and academically respected professor at Moscow State University. Unlike his North American and Western European counterparts, his ideas are not censored by Russia’s mainstream media, and he more or less enjoys the favor of Putin’s Russian government. While he’s indubitably the most prominent New Right thinker in Russia, his domestic influence and his ambitious efforts to build international partnerships and relationships have made him arguably the most prominent New Right thinker in the world. (more…)
September 17, 2012 Alexander Dugin
The Fourth Political Theory
Alexander Dugin
The Fourth Political Theory
London: Arktos Media, 2012
212 pagesAbout The Fourth Political Theory
All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies (more…)
Spanish translation here
Alexander Dugin
The Fourth Political Theory
London: Arktos, 2012Arktos recently published what we can only hope will be the first of many more English translations of Alexander Dugin’s work. (more…)