Tag: Kievsky
40 words / 44:38
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Greg Johnson is joined by Rob Freeman (Kievsky) to discuss a number of topics including:
- Munchausen by Proxy and cat lady politics
- Pathological altruism, pet hoarding, co-dependent enabling as clues to the liberal mind
- Freedom, paternalism, and self-actualization
- Parenting, homeschooling, and self-improvement
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Greg Johnson interviews Kievsky about how White Nationalists need to take a page from market dominant minorities and recolonize America. (more…)
December 3, 2012 Kievsky
Bataille pour une place au soleil
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English original here
Je veux que les gens comprennent la nature élémentaire de notre combat. En fin de compte, ce n’est pas une guerre de mots. C’est une Guerre Mentale, mais qui ne peut pas être gagnée par des arguments. La Guerre Mentale est gagnée par la conscience collective qui conduit à l’action individuelle et collective nécessaire.
December 13, 2011 Kievsky
Vers un Transhumanisme Blanc du Pouvoir
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Kievsky is an American white activist who has taken to heart the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. He is a master of the miniature who never loses sight of the big picture. A number of his best articles are archived here.
My mentor is a very productive but anonymous activist with a 160 IQ. He told me many years ago that the White nationalist movement isn’t going anywhere if it is dominated by people making clownish and unserious incitements to violence.
The worst thing about clownish and unserious incitements to violence is not the bad image it projects; bad as this is, the worst thing is that it is a short-circuit from what really needs to be done.
Entrepreneurialism, Economic Sanctions, and Tribalism
Prior to attacking Serbia and Iraq militarily, the US used so-called “economic sanctions” against these countries. One hears the term, “economic sanctions,” and thinks that it only applies to whole countries. Think again.
Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” in the 1960s set up millions of Blacks and Hispanics in cities on generous housing and welfare benefits. Before the Great Society, nobody assumed they could live on permanent government benefits, except maybe disabled veterans.
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I happened to see this tidbit by Peter Brimelow from VDARE:
Wendy Gramm, wife of Republican presidential candidate Phil Gramm. During the Iowa caucus race, Mrs. Gramm dismissed complaints about low wages paid by the meatpacking giant IBP, of which she was a director, (more…)
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Recently I was at a supermarket that uses the American flag for its logo. The ladies at the deli were handing out samples of buffalo chicken salad, and I asked if I could buy a pound of it. They said, “No, it only comes in sandwiches that were made at a warehouse in Massachusetts.” We can assume the sandwich assemblers were recent immigrants, possibly illegals. Then the ladies at the deli complained that their hours had been cut. I was infuriated. The process of outsourcing jobs and insourcing illegal and legal immigrants has massively accelerated.
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French translation here
Judaism — A Transhumanistic Religion of Power
How Judaism is like getting jumped into a gang:
The ritual of getting jumped into a gang goes like this: the group beats the crap out of you, then if they decide you took it well, then they are all your “gang brothers” or whatever. (more…)