Cary Nelson is a very smart man. He is an emeritus English professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne and was the president of the American Association of University Professors from 2006 to 2012. As much as anybody else writing about higher education today, he grasps the hair-splitting nuances of academic freedom. He knows where to delineate the boundaries between expressions that deserves protection and those that should be subject to professional or administrative control. (more…)
Tag: hate speech
2,616 words
The first point in occult science is by no means the advancing of assertions or opinions which are to be proven, but the communication, in a purely narrative form, of experiences which are to be met with in a world other than the one that is to be seen with physical eyes and touched with physical hands. — Rudolf Steiner, An Outline of Occult Science (more…)
March 27, 2024 Jason Kessler
Elon Musk a skutečná pravda o židovské moci
1.226 slov
English original here
Byznysmen Elon Musk v poslední době prokázal značný potenciál jako kritik ilegální imigrace, protibělošských nálad a dokonce i ze řetězu utrženého vlivu židovské lobby. Proto bylo pohled na jeho rituální ponížení během nedávné omluvné cesty od Osvětimi po boku Bena Shapira tak nepříjemný. (more…)
2,120 words
That elusive last puzzle-piece
The jigsaw puzzle that is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland has a piece missing. Of the puzzle’s four parts, as of this month the only non-white premier in Great Britain is Michelle O’Neill, a worryingly white-skinned blonde who obstinately stands in the way of an ethnic minority clean sweep of the UK’s top posts in government.
With the resignation of Welsh premier Mark Drakeford, a black man, Vaughan Gething, was duly elected in his place, and he wasted no time celebrating the fact that he is the first black premier in the European Union. There, you might be tempted to say, goes the neighborhood. (more…)
1,454 words
One of the points Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn bangs home a lot in his classic work of historical research, The Gulag Archipelago, is that political prisoners in the Soviet gulag system were of lower status and were treated worse than actual criminals, such as rapists, thieves, and murderers. This is exactly what happens when a hostile elite takes over a nation. At best, it doesn’t trust the people. (more…)
2,228 words
Wales Elects a Black Leader — the First of Any European Country
’Twas but a century ago that the British Empire ruled over roughly one-quarter of the world’s people and had control over one-quarter of the planet’s land, making it the largest empire in world history.
And then, as this son of the British Isles has repeatedly lamented, the British populace was persuaded that it was a good idea to feel guilty about such a tremendous accomplishment. (more…)
Czech version here
Entrepreneur Elon Musk has shown immense promise recently as a critic of illegal immigration, anti-whitism, and even the out-of-control Jewish lobby. That’s why it was disquieting to see him ritually humiliated during a recent apology tour of Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro at his side. (more…)
It’s only been a week since Elon Musk took a stand on the Jewish Question, and yet so much has happened since then it almost feels like ancient history already. While it was a big win for the dissident Right, in the days that followed there were some minor black pills. (more…)
2,328 words
Israeli Minister Won’t Rule Out Using the Samson Option to Nuke Gaza
If someone said “Amichai Eliyahu” to me, my first instinct would be to say, “Gesundheit!”
Amichai Eliyahu is Israel’s Minister of Heritage, which apparently means that his role is to maintain a long and seemingly uninterrupted heritage of seeing Jews as divinely anointed and everyone else as subhuman cattle to be extorted and murdered whenever The Chosen see fit. (more…)
“Reality”: the world or the state of things as they actually exist.
One succinct way to characterize the Western “democracies” is that they are, in all their various manifestations, anti-reality regimes. For starters, they are not really what they piously call themselves — “democracies” — in any accepted definition of the term. The governments of these countries are cabals of oligarchs who use political parties as fronts for advancing the interests of backroom, money-connected players. (more…)
The recent tilt towards authoritarianism across Europe and the Commonwealth, aided and abetted by the Covid-19 pandemic which, even if not intentionally manufactured was certainly deliberately manipulated, has a curious aspect. It seems to the casual eye that certain countries have been selected to test-run various globalist designs.
The Antipodean nations, Australia and New Zealand, got to try out statist control with lockdown policies more restrictive than just about anywhere bar China. (more…)
2,602 words
Kanye West’s Jewish Ex-Trainer Threatens to “Medicate the Crap” Out of Him
Powerful Jews continue to prove they’re not powerful by flexing their massive power to disempower anyone who dares suggest they are powerful.
Kanye West tossed a couple more salvos last week in his ongoing quixotic one-man battle against International Jewry. (more…)
2,188 words
We’ve tried the cowboys, now for the Indians
There is nothing so exciting or colorful as the election of a Hindu Prime Minister. The splendor of India, the heat and dust, the parade of many-armed goddesses and elephant gods, the dusky maidens in bright saris doing that thing with their necks that parrots do, the flowers, the smell of spice, the . . . (more…)