Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “Sonya Massey Is This Election Cycle’s George Floyd,” on how Massey, a black woman who was killed by police as she was preparing to throw a pot of boiling water at them, is set to become this election season’s George Floyd. (more…)
Tag: black women
July 28, 2024 Jim Goad
Sonya Massey Is This Election Cycle’s George Floyd
1,342 words / 8:35
Nearly two weeks ago after surviving an attempt on his life, it appeared as if Donald Trump had sewn up November’s election.
Then, on Sunday night, Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed the cackling biracial knob-gobbler Kamala Harris as his replacement.
On Monday, Illinois State Police released bodycam footage of a white male officer shooting a mentally ill black woman dead in her home. The shooting had occurred back on July 6, but in politics, timing is everything. (more…)
June 30, 2024 Jim Goad
Buttocks-‘n’-Basketball Bash Banned in Blacktown
Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “Buttocks-‘n’-Basketball Bash Banned in Blacktown,” on the cancellation of and fallout that followed from a high school event featuring a group of lard-assed black women in bikinis dribbling and twerking in the school gym for cash prizes in a basketball competition called “Nuttin’ But Az” in that all-American town of Newark, New Jersey. (more…)
When you hear “NBA,” do you think “National Basketball Association” or “Nuttin’ But Azz”?
Newark, New Jersey, that bleak post-industrial mega-ghetto posing as a city, doesn’t have a professional basketball team, so all signs point to “Nuttin’ But Azz.” (more…)
2,110 words
O. J. Simpson: 1947-2024
Up until June 12, 1994, white America was convinced that O. J. Simpson was “one of the good ones.” When it turned out that he wasn’t — and that black America supported him, anyway — race relations took a permanent turn for the worse.
June 12 is my birthday and, possibly overdosing on cake, I’d fallen asleep in my Hollywood apartment around dusk, only to be rustled from slumber by my first wife, who shook me awake to say, “Jimmy — O.J. Simpson murdered his wife.” (more…)
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Wales Elects a Black Leader — the First of Any European Country
’Twas but a century ago that the British Empire ruled over roughly one-quarter of the world’s people and had control over one-quarter of the planet’s land, making it the largest empire in world history.
And then, as this son of the British Isles has repeatedly lamented, the British populace was persuaded that it was a good idea to feel guilty about such a tremendous accomplishment. (more…)
Everyone (Except White Supremacists) Agrees: It’s a White Supremacist World!
As I stumble pell-mell into the morass of news stories, opinion columns, and academic essays that help me to form a mental hologram of what the hell is going on in this world every week, it seems as if everyone agrees that we live in a world that is thoroughly marinated in white supremacy. (more…)
Joe Biden Forgets the Reasons Why People Accusing Him of Having a “Poor Memory” are Wrong
Last Monday, the United States Department of Justice released a 388-page report by Special Counsel Robert K. Hur declining to prosecute President Joseph Robinette Alzheimer Biden for mishandling classified documents. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “The Anti-Black Plague,” on a purported new study which shows that black women were disproportionately affected by the Black Plague in thirteenth-century London — due to RACISM! (more…)
Even the fleas in medieval London hated black women.
That’s the only conclusion I could draw from a series of headlines this week implying that no one suffered more from the bubonic plague that ravaged London in the mid-1300s than black women.
This came as quite the wake-up call to me, seeing as how in my repulsively bigoted ignorance I was unaware there were any black women in Western Europe back then. (more…)
Sepoys on the dark side of the Moon
India may not seem to lie within the remit of this column, but bear with me. Britain’s ex-colony — which seems to be a description that fits a lot of nations now outpacing the old country — has just landed a spacecraft on the Moon, although it has not been confirmed whether, in line with Indian trains, there were dozens of people hanging off its hull. (more…)
2,748 words
Ice-Cream Moguls Ben & Jerry Get Scalped By a Vermont Injun Who Claims They Stole His Land
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, like Bernie Sanders, are New York Jews who helped destroy the once-placid, once-beautiful, once almost entirely rural and homespun State of Vermont. (more…)
“Reality”: the world or the state of things as they actually exist.
One succinct way to characterize the Western “democracies” is that they are, in all their various manifestations, anti-reality regimes. For starters, they are not really what they piously call themselves — “democracies” — in any accepted definition of the term. The governments of these countries are cabals of oligarchs who use political parties as fronts for advancing the interests of backroom, money-connected players. (more…)