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Mike Polignano: Today we’re speaking with Yoav Shamir, the Israeli documentary filmmaker who has produced numerous award-winning documentaries, including Checkpoint, which is a film that documented the experiences of Palestinians traveling through Israeli security checkpoints in the West Bank, as well as the experiences of the Israeli soldiers who guarded those checkpoints.
Most recently Yoav has produced Defamation, which is a hard-hitting film on anti-Semitism that challenged many sacred cows. He’s now working on a new film project called 10-Percent, and he’s running a crowd-funding campaign to receive support for the final editing of that film.
So, Yoav, please tell us a little bit about your background.
Greg Johnson: Yes, there are a few people out there who are listening to or will read this who don’t know much about you, so for that 5% could you just give us a little introduction?
Yoav Shamir: Sure, I was born in Israel; my family has been here for many, many years. My parents are teachers. They’re retired now. And like most Jewish Israelis I have been through this very traditional Jewish route of high school, military service, traveling the world a little bit after the army. And I studied history and philosophy, traveled some more, worked as a computer programmer. When I was 30 I decided I wanted to do something different with my life. I started studying film; I took an MFA in Film at Tel Aviv University, and started making films ever since.
Greg: One thing about Defamation that really struck me as interesting and funny is your interview with your grandmother. I thought she was a lady with a lot of character, and I wanted to ask you, are her attitudes about Jews in the Diaspora fairly representative of Israeli Jews of her generation? Or Israeli Jews more generally?
Yoav: She’s like 95 years old, so there are not many people still alive from her generation. But if you think about the Zionist hardcore and how they moved to Israel from Europe when they were very young and had all these socialist ideas, many of them were trying to build something new. It was rebellion against their parents and great-grandparents, and they wanted to start something new. You have to remember it was a revolutionary movement. And you have to remember that Zionism, when it started, was very small – maybe 3% of all Jewish people in the world were Zionists. So it was kind of a fringe movement, and fringe movements tend to be very radical in the way they look at the world mostly. And I think they wanted to build something new, to build a community which is based on hard work and socialism, and some of the thinking was to look at how the Jews in Europe lived, and the way Europe was sort of like degradation, and they wanted to start fresh, with new land, and all these kind of things. So many things which were associated with old-fashioned Jewish life were seen as bad, as corrupted, and in that sense she’s very representative of this school of thought.
Greg: Do you share any of her values today? And do younger Israelis, say under 40, have similar attitudes, or has that changed?
Yoav: Socialism, now, there’s hesitancy to talk about that because – not only in Israel but throughout the US as well and throughout many countries in Europe – socialism started to become a bad word instead of being something which is honorable. For many years money was the king, and whoever made money was highly respected. Capitalism in the US is like a religion. So, I wouldn’t say that many Israelis think like her; that would not be correct to say.
Mike: So how did your desire to create the film Defamation come about, and how did you present the proposition to the Anti-Defamation League, because they really gave you unprecedented access into their organization, and people were able to see how that group functions, and I don’t think they were quite prepared for the way you presented it, but I’m curious about the background of how the film was started, and how you made those proposals to these organizations.
Yoav: The motivation for Defamation actually started with Checkpoint, when Checkpoint was released. I started out making Checkpoint approaching it more as a filmmaker than an activist or a leftie or anything like that. I was drawn to this human drama and conflict, these day-to-day encounters, the psychological insights into them. I’m saying this because I think it’s important to know that Checkpoint was not made by someone with very strong political convictions who wanted to send a message – that’s where I was coming from. I was studying film; it started when I was a film student, and I was fascinated with what was happening, and having been at these checkpoints myself, it was very interesting for me to come back after a while. It wasn’t set up as a political statement. I think, in a way, that’s what made this film as extraordinary as it was. There were Palestinians telling me that they’ve seen the film and have some empathy for the Israeli soldiers; many Israelis were affected by the way it portrayed the Palestinians. I think it touched many people because it was done from this human way of looking at things and not as a film an activist would make.
But then the responses, especially from Jews in the US, were very harsh. In Israel it received pretty positive coverage, and the film made a difference for many people. But then I started reading reviews about the film, and they were very, very hostile. To the extreme that there were journalists referring to me as the Israeli Mel Gibson, accusing me of being an anti-Semite, all of these things that were, for me, unbelievable. It was totally insane to hear these things. Here I am, an Israeli, born and raised, who has done his military service, and have no issues with the being an Israeli and a Jew, is being referred to as an anti-Semite. It kind of blew me away. Then I started thinking about the whole concept of anti-Semitism: What does it mean? Where is it being used? Then you see that it’s all around, it’s so present in the Israeli media, the Jewish media. And if I’m an anti-Semite, then what is anti-Semitism? Something about the use of the word brought up questions. And that was the starting point for Defamation.
As for the Anti-Defamation League – in a very similar way to Checkpoint, I came without knowing too much. Normally, when I work, I don’t know too much about the subject I’m starting to work with, because if you know too much in advance there’s a lack of authenticity, a lack of energy; it’s like proving a point. I like to share with people watching the film this sort of fresh look, this authenticity, these things which are unfolding in front of the camera and that are unfolding to me as well.
You know, it doesn’t take much to Google anti-Semitism; the ADL has always been the biggest organization fighting anti-Semitism. Then I approached them, telling them I want to see, I want to learn what they’re doing, how they are fighting anti-Semitism, and they said “Yes”; they didn’t, you know, run a very thorough background check – maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, I don’t know – they were very open with me about everything. And again I think I was very honest with them. I don’t think I was misleading them in any way. And it was kind of funny, because when the film came out the ADL spokesman (who isn’t working there anymore, obviously) told me that she thought it was a fair film. Foxman took it on a very different level, as sort of a personal offense. But I was fortunate to be able to have this access; that is always a good thing to have.
Mike: Why do you think Checkpoint was received so harshly abroad? Why there was such a difference in opinion between the media outside of Israel and within Israel?
Yoav: Yeah, there is this sort of disturbed relationship between Israel, Israelis, and Jews living abroad. Things are happening here; people have different opinions about stuff. It’s funny I’m saying that, since we have had this terrible shift to the Right in Israel in the last couple of years, and maybe all of these things I’m saying are going to be [obsolete]. People will listen to them in a while and say “Wow, what is he saying?” But at least until last year, Israel was a very open place; you can criticize the government; you can express opinions; we have newspapers from very Right to very Left, and it’s all legitimate; there is discussion.
I think it’s mostly American Jews, you see it also in the UK, but I think that America would be sort of the place where it happens most – it’s also the biggest Jewish society outside Israel – that they feel Israel is maybe like a retarded brother who needs to be protected or something like that. I mean, everything we do is right. It’s sort of like, I don’t know, some kind of psychological mechanism of making sure that you know whatever is happening in Israel is not going to be portrayed in a bad light; if there are problems, they should sort of be like watched internally, you know this kind of thing.
Mike: One of the people you interviewed in Defamation, a lady who worked for the ADL, referred to Israel as a child. In my view on things I think American Jews may view Israel as a child that needs to be defended. And just as a mother would have natural biases toward her own children, I think – would you think it’s possible – that American Jews have a similar dynamic going on, where they feel like they’re obligated to rubber stamp any decisions that the Israeli government makes?
Yoav: Yeah, unfortunately in many [cases] it happens like this. The word which is being used also a lot is “insurance policy,” you know, “Israel is our insurance policy.” And you do have to remember that especially for the older generation the Holocaust is still very much something that is present in their lives. You know, if it’s not themselves maybe their parents are survivors or other family members. And this is something that psychologically I can understand. I can understand how somebody that was – I mean — always it’s easy to take it this kind of analogies from our daily lives so, if someone as a child was beaten up and suffered, you know, he’s going to grow up and maybe teach his kids they have to stand up for their rights and never let anybody harass them. So for many American Jews, they see Israel as someone that needs to be defended and protected if something bad happened, because I think many American Jews feel that they’re living in a hostile place.
While making the film, I was present at this kind of very interesting ritual or game, whatever you want to call it, which Abe Foxman played with his ADL followers, where he would say, “Please think about ten non-Jews who are friends that would save you” – I mean if someone is going to come knocking on the door, the reference of course is always to an SS officer knocking on the door. And if then they cannot think of ten names, then “It’s okay, tell me five names.” If they can’t think of five, then it goes down to three, then one. It’s this kind of ritual, this catharsis of “everybody hates us” and “we need to take care of each other.” So I think for many American Jews they live under these sort of fears, which we might see as imaginative, but I think for them they’re very real. I mean, because if you’re a foreigner, you really think that someone is after you. It doesn’t matter what the real situation is.
Greg: I was especially impressed with one of the segments in the documentary where you interviewed Norman Finkelstein. He made the point that there’s something sort of obscene when Jews, who are a very wealthy, very powerful, community in the United States, engage in these kinds of thought experiments and ginning up this kind of feeling of constant siege and hysteria. And he talked about how there’s a kind of shameful narcissism about that, and I was really struck by that statement.
I want to ask you a couple things about Israel and its neighbors. Do you think that it is ever going to be possible for Israel to have peaceful relations with its Arab neighbors? For Israel to have relations with its neighbors like the United States has with Canada, or Finland has with Sweden, where they live in an essentially casual and peaceful relationship, where there’s trade and interaction and basically amity. Do you think that’s going to ever be possible, and how, if it would be possible?
Yoav: Yeah, [laughs] that’s a tough one. I wish I could say “yes.” And there were times when – although it was maybe never as relaxed and nice as the Scanandavian neighborhood – but there were times. My grandmother who’s in the film, we had long conversations. She was born here, and her mother was born here. Her grandfather was a soldier in the Turkish army, and then her father was in the British army, and they used to travel here and travel there, and so there was some kind of peaceful coexistence. People could travel to Lebanon, to Syria, to Turkey, and this reality existed before.
Greg: Right. Regarding this thought experiment that you were describing that Abraham Foxman does with his friends: every people has a process whereby they form their sense of identity, and part of that process of forming their identity is to differentiate themselves from other people. Americans and Canadians think of themselves as different from one another, for instance. But it’s a kind of innocuous difference. And it strikes me that it’s tragic and an impediment to peace when you have very powerful organizations like the ADL or the organization sponsoring these tours to Poland, to Auschwitz and other locations in Poland, that are forming the identities of Israelis and Jews in general in such a hostile way towards the rest of humanity. It just strikes me that it’s going to be very, very difficult to have peace when that kind of enmity and sense of past grievances has such a prominent place in the identity of people today.
To give you an example, I was in India in 2004, in Varanasi. And I made a tour of a temple there, and the place was under heavy guard. There were soldiers with machine guns everywhere, and next door there was a mosque that had been built on the site of the temple. This Hindu was giving me a tour, and he was talking about how the temple had been destroyed by Muslims – and he was describing this as if it had just happened. And at a certain point, I realized he was describing events that happened in the 17th century, as if they were yesterday. And I just thought, how in the world can these people live at peace with one another when they’re re-living these past conflicts like they just happened?
Do you think a two-state solution within Israel/Palestine would be the way to having a more normal relationship with Palestinians within Israel’s larger borders, and with your other Arab neighbors?
Yoav: Ideally I would say “yes.” If it was up to me, definitely. But I think something like that would have to go to a referendum, because I don’t know what most Palestinians think about it. Maybe after what they’ve been through they’d say, you know, “Fuck the Israelis, we don’t want to live with them.” So, I mean, looking at it through a humanist point of view, a justice point of view I would say yes. Realistically, it’s a decision that has to be accepted on a majority basis. And I don’t know who has the mandate to set such a thing.
Mike: I think that there’s a huge discontentment both in America and in Israel and really across the world about our leaders — where our leaders are taking us, and that they’re not really well representing the interests of the people whom they supposedly are leading. I saw something very inspirational the other day on Facebook: it seems that in 2011 with all the Arab uprisings there has been a huge number of Arabs who have adopted Facebook and I discovered a group that had the intention of forming a dialogue between Israeli Facebook users and Arab Facebook users about the peace process — but also about other matters – just to facilitate communication and try to bridge this gap. I think the name of it is Yala Young Leaders or something to that effect. What do you think the prospects are for restarting the peace process through one-on-one direct dialog?
Yoav: Getting to know the other person is a must. In order for you to care about someone else, for you to see him in a way that is not too totally stereotypical; you have to get to know people on a one-on-one basis. That’s obvious. And it’s also taken me to my new film, 10-Percent, which is one of the things which all the activists in the region talk about was how crucial these one-on-one meetings are. And I think the Arab world being open for Facebook is a great thing, because it creates a platform for dialog.
But then again, without leaders that would be able to do something with it and take it forward, nothing is going to happen. So dialog is great, but all of us are really very impatient. Even if dialog were to start now, we don’t want to see peace in 50 or 100 years, we want to have peace now. So for that to happen, there needs to be some kind of a leadership which is firm in the way they see things, the way they are willing to take risks, to take chances, to believe in peace, all of these kind of things that can only, realistically talking, only happen through some kind of more conventional political systems.
Mike: Do you see the social justice protests that have taken place across the globe against crony capitalism and, here in America, the Occupy movement against “the 1%” – I know there was also a summer movement in Israel along the same lines – do you see those movements as facilitating the peace process, a greater desire for accountability from leaders to move forward on initiatives that are started through dialogs between peoples?
Yoav: Taking the examples of Israel and the US, these sorts [of protests] taking on capitalism seem to be sort of futile in the US. You really have to break down everything and restart it. I mean, your whole society is not based on this kind of structure of socialist society like you see in North Europe, or like it used to be in Israel. So for this to happen, it’s a huge thing. It’s great that people are out there protesting, but I don’t know. I really want to be so optimistic and think that it will lead somewhere, but I know that doing that is going against—it will almost require a revolution. And I don’t see a revolution as happening in the US.
Same thing in Israel. We had all these protests, and nothing happened with it. It started with protests about the price of housing, and you know, you just keep going up. It was almost a way, like a cynical way of the government of letting its citizens ventilate or take out some steam. And now what? What will happen in the US, what will happen in Israel with this? I hope something good will come out of it, but . . .
Greg: My feeling about the Occupy movement is that it really does seem to be designed only to let off steam, because it doesn’t really have any goals or program over and above just having camps and having protests. It seemed to be a great way of getting people to expend a lot of energy and get a lot of anger out of their system without actually changing the system.
I wanted to ask one more question about Defamation: did anyone accuse you or criticize you for not trying very hard to actually interview anti-Semites? Because there are some very articulate American critics of Jews; for instance, somebody like David Duke or Kevin MacDonald; and there are legions of colorful kooks out there on the internet that you could get a hold of fairly easily. Did anyone say, “Well, you didn’t try very hard”? Because the only actual anti-Semitic characters that appeared in the documentary were the black people that you interviewed in Brooklyn. And that was a very interesting segment, by the way.
Yoav: And my grandmother.
[Everyone laughs]
Greg: And your grandmother, yes.
Yoav: Yeah of course, that was one of the main criticisms that I had, and you know what, it’s kind of funny, because if I wanted to make a sequel about Defamation, I became like a target for many anti-Semites to share their views with me, all those that say the Holocaust never happened. I just had a funny email, a very sad email, from a Catholic priest like one of these evangelists that explained to me I would rot in Hell if I don’t convert, and you know . . . In a way the research was very easy, but I had to do the film first.
Greg: Right.
Yoav: Also people were asking me “what do you think of the Arab world?” But in a way it wasn’t about this kind of militant fringe. It’s an easy target, you know. They come; give them a camera; they like to be provocative. But it would have been too easy a task. The film was mostly about perception, and about how we perceive and how we choose to perceive. I mean, personally my own view is that, honestly there are anti-Semites out there; but I think there are many more people who hate Blacks and Muslims than there are people who hate Jews. That’s also, I think, a reality, if you want to really set the record straight. But the question is: How do you choose to deal with the world? How do you choose to relate to things?
I had a very interesting conversation with a Syrian guy living in Vienna. There’s a huge Muslim community in Vienna, and if you compare the anti-Semitism that exists in Austria to the Islamophobia, their situation is much worse than what the Jews are experiencing. I asked him why don’t you have this kind of system of reporting or monitoring – everything that the Jewish people do so well – why don’t you use all these methods to fight Islamophobia?
He told me “I think it would be counter-productive to do it.” And he gave me the example of like someone going into the grocery store. Ordinarily if Jews come in, some people might want to say something, but they’re not going to say anything, because [they are intimidated], so there’s not going to be a straightforward confrontation. And sometimes confronting things will result in getting over things.
And it’s very hard—how do you choose how to be portrayed? Do you choose to be portrayed as a victim? Do you choose to put your victimhood on a pedestal, or do you want to get on with your life, and move forward? You can look at it as a philosophy, as how do you want to deal with the world. The way I like to deal with the world is that sometimes you just have to move forward, and maybe it’s better to swallow, to take a hit once in a while, than to become this person or people that defines their whole existence around it. That’s just my view.
Mike: I heard something recently that I thought was very wise about forgiveness. I grew up Roman Catholic, and eventually I got pretty tired of “turning the other cheek.” I viewed it as a form of weakness, of making yourself submissive to your attackers. But a different way of looking at it is that we forgive somebody, not to justify the wrongs they’ve done, but rather to prevent them from tormenting you in the present, to put them out of your mind and free yourself from emotional and psychological torments that prevent you from acting and thinking accurately about what you need to do in the present.
I’m curious now as to your new film 10-Percent, if you’ll tell us a little more about that and what you hope to accomplish?
Yoav: 10-Percent is my new documentary, and basically it’s a film that asks “What makes a hero?” We see situations around us, whether it’s war, terror, or you notice a situation where people are in distress, and there’s always a minority that helps, while most people don’t help. So, what makes the difference? Is there something different in the way these people grew up, or is there something in their personality, their genetic code, whatever?
Examples I grew up with would be the Germans who helped Jews during the Holocaust, what we call in Israel the Righteous Gentiles, or if you think about White South Africans coming from an upper class family, most of the society was very pro-Apartheid, but a few of them joined the ANC. So why them, while the majority didn’t? You can look at it as like someone is drowning in a river and there might be 10 people watching, but only one person will jump into the river and save this person. So this is kind of like the basic question: why some people are different from most people. What makes them the way they are?
The film has a few storylines, but one of the main storylines is following the research that is done by Professor Philip Zimbardo, who is the person that did this type of prison experiment, which was based on the Stanley Milgram obedience experiment. And these two psychological experiments from the 60s and 70s showed how the majority is easily seduced to evil, or to authority, and was sort of like extremists, and that really made people wonder about the nature of evil, about all of these situations.
But what they overlooked were the people who did not go for it. And so Zimbardo set out on a new research project, to try to explore this minority, what they call “the 10%.” And he’s doing it with a team of Palestinian and Israeli psychologists, and they’re examining three focus groups. In the US, it’s ex-gang members that were once part of a very violent gangster life and now they’re not only quitting it, but they’re trying to help other young people get out of the gang. In Israel they’re talking about people that could be very terroristic and maybe some of them coming from families of settlers or these type of people, who are now joined with the radical Left peace movements, and in Palestine with people that used to be part of the armed struggle, and are now into cooperating with the Israelis and doing it in a nonviolent way.
So I’m following the research and setting out on different, very interesting detours on my own. And as it is with most of my films, I have a lot of questions and am challenging the research and the researchers. But in a way, it’s an exploration into the human soul, into what makes us good or what makes us bad. And so far it’s been a fascinating journey.
Greg: So where are you filming this? Are you filming this in various places around the world like you did with Defamation?
Yoav: Yeah, a lot of it is shot in the US, Palestine, and Israel, but we’ve been to South Africa; we’ve been to Congo; we’ve been to quite a few places. Probably the easiest way to find out is to check out our website. If you go to our website there are clips and trailers that give you a better understanding of what we’re doing.
Greg: What’s that web address?
Yoav: If you go to IndeGoGo,, and search 10-Percent, that will take you there. You can also look me up on Facebook (Yoav Shamir Films). I’m quite easy to track on Facebook, on Google. I’m pretty available, as you guys noticed.
Mike: I’m curious if a low degree of social conformism – what Nietzsche referred to as the “herd instinct” — is a trait of the “10%” that you’re researching? Have you found that to be the case?
Yoav: We’re looking at a specific group of people that under my definition are heroes. So these are people that are willing to risk their lives or pay a considerable toll, and they’re doing it in order to help someone of another group. The psychological term is “outgroup.” You know, we have our ingroup, which can be as small as our nuclear family, and includes our friends, our social circles, even our country, and you have your outgroup, the people outside of this group. The enemy normally is an outgroup.
It’s especially interesting to look at people that were once members of a very defined group. Let’s take South Africans of Afrikaans background. These people during the Apartheid era were a small, close community, with very strong convictions about the world. Supporting Apartheid was a major part of their identity. So to grow up in such a place and to be able to identify with your enemy; and not only your enemy, but someone you see as inferior to you, as not worthy, and manage to take this step and risk losing your friends, risk exile, risk going to prison, risk losing your life in order to help people from this other group. For me, this is heroism. It’s sort of the ultimate expression of altruism and these are the people that I’m interested to find out about in the film.
I’m examining different types of heroism, but eventually these are the people that I’m most interested about, because I think eventually these are the people who change the world, who make the world a better place. These are the people that I think need to be examined and learned [from]. I think it’s interesting to have this tool that psychology or science provides us to question their motives and to see whether there is a psychological blueprint or a genome or common patterns that will help us understand something about these people. In the film and in the research there are some very, very interesting answers.
The great thing about the film is you also have these groups which you’re looking at which are operating now. So we’re not only looking at people that experienced it previously, we’re looking at people who are experiencing it now. It’s great as a filmmaker to be able to follow things as they happen, and also it’s good for the research, because everything is still going on and the situations are real. So it’s a great challenge for me as a filmmaker, and it’s a great pleasure as well.
Mike: I’m curious about this dynamic between the ingroup and the outgroup. Here in the US, and I imagine across the world, there is a tendency among the liberal left to say that we’re all human beings, and differences between individuals and between groups, between races, between religions, that those aren’t very important. I take a different view. I think that it’s important to maintain a healthy sense of identity. And to love yourself, love your group, your family, your people, and I believe that because when you look at individuals who have a healthy sense of self-respect and self-esteem, their capacity to love and have positive interactions with others is increased, rather than decreased. So, I ‘m curious as to your thoughts on that, also, the history of the Jewish people is one of a high level of ethnocentrism as well. And I’m curious as to whether you think that is a healthy thing or an unhealthy thing.
Yoav: It’s not so important whether it’s healthy or not healthy; it’s just the way it is. Like people are fans of sports teams and you refer in a different way to someone that you know that speaks your language, that you grew up with, you have similarities in your group and in your thought. Yeah, we’re all humans, we all should love each other, but realistically there will always be people who divide themselves into groups. It doesn’t matter what I think about it. It exists and I think it will go on until we face a common enemy that will be strong enough to unite us together. We need some extraterrestrials to do that. Until they’re attacking us, there’s going to be people looking at themselves in groups, in tribes. I think this is just the way things are.
Mike: So it’s not a problem per se that people have this natural tendency to divide themselves; rather, how people deal with it, is what you’re focusing on in this film?
Yoav: Yeah, I’m just asking in this film how come very few people – 10% is probably a very optimistic number . . .
Greg: That was my thought actually.
Mike: Especially here with the 99% versus the 1% in Occupy.
Yoav: But I knew that the interesting thing is why certain people will stand up. What makes them different? And I wish everybody would stand up, everybody would say something different but unfortunately that’s not the case. I wish I call this film 50/50 or 70 or 80 or whatever. But with 10% at least I’m not being totally pessimistic about it. But I think it’s very interesting to ask why? It makes you challenge yourself: what should I do in a certain situation? How would I react? What would be my response?
I’ve never seen myself as a huge altruist or as having an altruistic personality. I try to be a decent person, but I can tell you that making this film forces you to deal with things, to think about them. I think it’s a very important step even to be thinking about these things, to make a movement, to make a shift. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Occupy Wall Street or all these demonstrations that are happening in Israel or other places, but at least it’s out there, you’re talking about it, you’re discussing it, it’s a first step towards a change. And in that sense, it’s great.
Greg: We are seeing constituencies form, but the question is will there be people to come along and lead them and actually make change out of them.
What is your pet theory about why people are willing to stand up to social pressure and social conformity, based on your own experience? Because obviously you’re a person who’s been willing to stand up and take some heat. What makes that possible for you? What makes you tick?
Yoav: I think the main thing that—and I don’t want to give too many spoilers from the film because I do want people to eventually watch the film – when there is enough of a dissonance between the way you look at the world, the way you perceive the world, and the way the world is. When the clash is too big, some people can’t live with that. They need to do something. They cannot not do something about it. And with the group that I’m documenting, this is the thing that leads to action. This dissonance between how you perceive the world, and how the world is.
The question is why certain people develop this quality. A healthy way of looking at the world without being influenced by a certain conduct of behavior, or the way that society is expecting you to behave, and they manage to break out of the circle. This is what leads people to act. When you see something, and there’s a voice inside you that’s strong saying “I can’t stand it, I can’t not do something about it.”
Greg: Well I don’t want you to give away any spoilers either, but you’ve certainly given us a lot of teasers, and I’m really very eager to see the final product. So, Yoav, thank you so much for giving us your time and your ideas and your insights. I really appreciate it.
Mike: Yes, thank you very much Yoav.
Yoav: Thank you, it was a pleasure talking with you guys.
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Definition of Anglo-American Main-Stream Media
Anglo-American Main-Stream Media:
A Jew or Jews debating with another Jew or other Jews on or in a Jew-produced show or article on or in a Jew-owned-and/or-run network or publication, about something some other Jew or other Jews said about another Jew or other Jews on or in another Jew-produced show or article on or in a Jew-owned-and/or-run network or publication in relation to the activities of another Jew or other Jews.* [Plus the active and/or passive collaboration of those who serve, assist, enable, deny and/or defend Jewish domination of public discourse and non-organic culture.]
* For example: Charles Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg and David Horowitz debating with Michael Lerner and Naomi Klein and Amy Goodman on ABC or CNN or CBS or NBC about something Bill Kristol and Dennis Prager and Norman Podhoretz wrote about Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein in The New York Times or The LA Times or The Boston Globe or The New York Daily News or US News and World Report or Foreign Affairs orForeign Policy or The National Post or The Washington Post in relation to Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Susan Sontag or Karl Marx or Howie Levey / “Anton Szandor LaVey” or Lev Bronstein / “Trostky” or Benjamin Satanyahoo or Honest Abe Foxman or Rosa Luxemburg or Ben Stein or Theodor Herzl or Ike Turner or Joe Lieberman or Bill Maher or David Miliband or Jakob Rosenfel / “General 羅” or Nicholas Sarkozy or Naomi Wolf or Erica Jong or Paul Gottfried or Andrea Dworkin or Gloria Allred or Daniel Ellsberg or Harvey Milk or Yousef “al-Qaeda” al-Khattab or Larry “Pull It” Silverstein or Marianne Faithful or Gloria Steinem or Emma Goldman or William Kunstler or George Soros or Rabbi Meir Kahane or Alisa Rosenbaum / Ayn Rand or Leon Uris or Rabbi Schmuley Boteach or Rahm Israel Emanuel or Benjamin Shalom Bernanke or Alan Greenspan or Betty Friedan or Adam Yahiye “al-Qaeda” Gadahn or Murray Rothstein / Sumner Redstone or Larry Kramer or Fairuza Balk or Jonathan Adhout or Rob Reiner or Kivie Kaplan or Stanley Levison or Allen “naked kids have been a staple of delight for centuries … to label pedophilia as criminal is ridiculous” Ginsberg or Barry Levinson or Joseph Levitch / Jerry Lewis or Michael Mann or Elaine May or Dick Wolf or Paul Mazursky or John Milius or Paul Newman or Sandra Bernhard or Steven Spielberg or David Geffen or Jeffrey Katzenberg or Murray Rothbard or Felix Frankfurter or Irving Kristol or John Podhoretz or Abbie Hoffman or Bill Graham or Jerry Rubin or Marty Peretz or Jeff Jacoby or Irv Rubin or Norman Ornstein or Bennet Cerf or Richard Perle or John Stewart Liebowitz or Ken Roth or Jerry Zucker or Christopher Hitchens or Peter Hitchens or Annie Liebowitz orMarcel Mangel/Marceau or David Brooks or Michael King or David Frum or Michael Eisner or Bernard Kouchner or Shimon Persky/Peres or Wolf Blitzer or Ted Koppel or Dennis Ross or Larry King or Andrea Koppel or Mike Wallace or Barbara Walters or Ilana Mercer or Michael Ledeen or Heather Graham or Phil Bronstein or Michael Savage or Michael Medved or David Reznik or Samuel “Sandy” “Burglar” Berger or Allen Konigsberg/”Woody Allen” or Rajmund Liebling/”Roman Polanski” or Richard Cohen or Ariel Cohen or Mortimer Zuckerman or Alan Dershowitz or Jeffrey Goldberg or Henry Kissinger or Robert Reich or John Deutch or Robert Rubin or Mickey Kantor or Madeleine Albright or William S. Cohen or Larry Summers or Ari Fleischer or Elliott Abrams or Paul Wolfowitz or Douglas Feith or Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby or Sidney Joseph Perelman or Michael Chertoff or Joshua Bolten or Michael Mukasey or Carl Levin or Arlen Specter or Frank Lautenberg or Dianne Feinstein or Barbara Boxer or Russ Feingold or Charles “Chucky” Schumer or Bernie Sanders or Henny Youngman or Teddy Kaufman or Al Franken or Barry Goldwater or Jacob Javits or Paul Wellstone or Norm Coleman or Henry Waxman or Barney Frank or Gary Ackerman or Ileana Ros-Lehtinen or Jane Harman or Jerry Nadler or Steve Rothman or Yehudi Menuin or Robert Wexler or Shelley Berkley or Jan Schakowsky or Brad Sherman or Anthony D. Weiner or Eric Cantor or David Paymer or Susan Davis or Steve Israel or Adam Schiff or Allyson Schwartz or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Steve Cohen or Gabrielle Giffords or Paul Hodes or Steve Kagen or Moe Berg or Ron Klein or John Yarmuth or Ed Perlmutter or John Adler or Alan Grayson or Jared Poli or Tom Lantos or Ben Cardin or Mark Levin or Ron Lauder or Michael Bloomberg or Laura Schlessinger or Milton Friedman or Alan Shatter or Joseph Stiglitz or James Wolfensohn or Paul Krugman or Lawrence Kaplan or Marvin Hier or Eli Rosenbaum or Elliot Spitzer or Samuel Gompers or Kathy Boudinor Isaac Deutscher or Sir Martin Gilbert or Eric Hobsbawm or Harold Laski or Tony Judt or Bernard Lewis or Simon Schama or Kurt Weill or Simon Sebag Montefiore or Sir Karl Popper or Ludwig “Hitler’s Schoolmate” Wittgenstein or Sigmund Freud or Nathan Mayer Rothschild or Danny Cohen or Sasha Baron Cohen or Nigella Lawson or Aaron Brown or Matt Drudge or Thomas Friedman or Lew Grade or Joseph Moses Levy or Robert Maxwell or Melanie Phillips or Jacob Rothschild or Baron Saatchi or Charles Saatchi or Simon Cowell or Sharon Lévy/”Arden”/Osbourne or Chaim Weizmann or Ian Buruma or Jackie Collins or Arthur Koestler or Will Self or Israel Zangwill or Harold Pinter or Tom Stoppard or Barbra Amiel or Paddy Chayefsky or Samuel Montagu or Melissa “Dexter Twilight” Rosenberg or Herbert Samuel or Vivian (Chaim) Herzog or Dame Shirley Porter or Sir Julius Vogel or Stephen Frears or Henry Jaglom or Wilhelm Weiller or Mike Leigh or Sam Mendes or Alan Yentob or Ben Elton or Edwin Samuel Montagu or Leslie Hore-Belisha or Sir Gerald Kaufman or Sir Clement Freud or Baron Brittan or Baron Lawson or Joel Schumacher or Bryan Singer or Todd Solondz or Barbra Streisand or James Toback or Billy Wilder or Sir Malcolm Rifkind or Manó Kertész Kaminer or Howard Koch or Edwina Currie or Michael Howard orChristopher Cerf or Oona King or Irving Thalberg or Ed Miliband or Izzy Asper or Gail Asper or Lenny Asper or Charles Adler or Isaac Asimov or Zoltán Kellneror Lawrence Auster or Saul Bellow or Sholem Aleichem or Fred Zinnemann or Judy Blume or Michael Chabon or Larry David or Garth Drabinsky or Stephen Suleyman Schwartz or Bernie Madoff or Bob Zimmerman /”Dylan” or Moishe Stern / Lazar Stern / “General Emilio Kléber” / “Mark Zilbert” / “Manfred Stern” / “李德” or Harlan Ellison or Howard Fast or Allen Ginsberg or Schmul Ginsburg / Walter Krivitsky or Peter Hyams or Stanley Kubrick or William Goldman orEve “Vagina” Ensler or Rosa Luxemberg or Lord Mandelson or Lord Levy or Rod Serling or Wallace Shawn or Aaron Sorkin or Benjamin Disraeli or Lionel de Rothschild or Sam Harris or Joseph Heller or Mark Helprin or Judith Krantz orJacob Schiff or George Lakoff or Fran Lebowitz or Vladimir Ulyanov or Ira Levin or Norman Mailer or Lou Reed or Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich or Bernard Malamud or Sheldon Adelson or David Mamet or Arthur Miller or Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo or Clifford Odets or Sara Paretsky or Chaim Potok or Harold Robbins or Monica Lewinsky or Philip Roth or Ariel Sharon or Leiba Felbing or J.D. Salinger or Lev Rosenfeld or Erich Segal or Maurice Sendak or Paul Warburg or Erich Weiss / Harry Houdini or Irwin Shaw or Sidney Sheldon orJoan Ganz Cooney or Sarah Silverman or Rod Lurie or Neil Simon or Isaac Bashevis Singer or Danielle Steele or Gertrude Stein or Ovsei-Gershon Radomyslsky or Martin Landau or Natalie Hershlag/Portman or Baron Jakobovits or Andy and Larry Wachowski or Joel Silver or William “Exorcist” Friedkin or Otto Preminger or Milos Forman or Saul Zaentz or Norman Jewison or Harry Saltzman or Stan Lieber/”Lee” or Jacob Kurtzberg / “Jack Kirby” or Steve Ditko or Joe Simon or Will Eisner or Irvin Kershner or Robert Zemeckis or Ivan Reitman or Arthur Hiller or Sam Raimi or Michael Douglas or Jerry Bruckheimer or Joseph L. Mankiewicz or Irwin Allen or Sydney Pollack or Barry Sonnenfeld or Poul Anderson, or Gregory Benford or Ben Bova or Edgar Rice Burroughs or Ursula Kroeber/”Le Guin” or Don Wolheim or Eliezer Levi Samenhof / “Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof” / “Doktoro Esperanto” or Jack Dann or Fritz Lieber or David Brin or Wolf Mankowitz or George Steiner or Jacqueline Susann or Scott Turow or Elie Wiesel or Herman Wouk or Harold Bloom or Irving Howe or Alfred Kazin or Lionel Trilling or Carl Bernstein or Ruben Sax / “David Brooks” or Ernst Lubitsch or Sidney Lumet or David Mamet or Joel and Ethan Coen or George Cukor or Stanley Donen or Nora Ephron or Friz Freleng or Christopher Guest or Peter Hyams or Adam Spiegel / “Spike Jonze” or William Shatner or Charlie Kaufman or John Landis or Michael Landon or Mike Nichols or Leonard Nimoy or Alan Pakula or Arthur Penn or Leo Penn or Sydney Pollack or Otto Preminger or Harold Ramis or Brett Ratner or Martin Ritt or Henry “The Fonz” Winkler or J.J. Abrams or Judd Apatow or Alan Arkin orDarren Aronofsky or Rosanna Arquette or Evan Rachel Wood or Ralph Bakshi or Michael Bay or Peter Berg or Albert Brooks or Larry Charles or Bernard Goldberg or Doug Herzog or David Halberstam or Andrew Breitbart or Sy Hersh or Daniel Pearl or Geraldo Rivera or Philip K Dick or William Safire or David Ben-Gurion or Daniel Schorr or Joel Siegel or Joel Stein or I.F. Stone or Walter Winchell or Mel Brooks or Ralph Miliband or Baroness Birk or Meyer Lansky or Baroness Gaitskell or Baron Goldsmith or Ariel Emanuel or Harlan Ellison or Robert Silverberg or Harry Turtledove or Forrest J. Ackerman or Alfred Bester or Robert Bloch or E.L. Doctorow or Muammar Khadaffi/Qadaffi/Gaddafy/Gaddafi/Kadhaffi (etc.) or Phyllis Eisenstein or William Goldman or Phyllis Gotlieb or Jack C. Haldeman or Gene Rodenberry or Russell Hoban or Cyril M. Kornbluth or Barry Malzberg or Judith Merril or Joanna Russ or Joan D. Vinge or Robert Sheckley or Judith Katz or Frank Herbert or Michael Moorcock or Guy Gavriel Kay or Marvin Kaye or Theodore Gottlieb or Jerzy Kozinski or Martin H. Greenberg or Baron Woolf or Patricia Richardson or Gerry Gable or Sir James Goldsmith or Victor Gollancz or Emma Lazarus or Isaac Blank / “Ted Grant” or Mark Knopfler or Lennie Bernstein or George Michael or Theodor Adorno or Golda Meir or Max Horkheimer or Herbert Marcuse or Walter Benjamin or Erich Fromm or Paul Goodman or Al Goldstein or Randy ‘Andy Abrams’ West or Barbara ‘Stacy Mitnick’ Dare or Seymour Butts or Nina Hartley or Seth Warshavsky or Jonathan Silverstein or Ron Levi or Peter Asher or Steven Hirsch or David James or Danni Ashe or Dr Ruth Westheimer or Richard Berman or Hirsz Moische Wonskolaser or Stephan Rechnitz / “Steve Jay Ross” or Theodore Assofsky / “Ted Ashley” or Jerome Segalovich or Joseph Shuster or Bobby Kahn or Billy Finger or Stephen Cohen or Dr Jules Masserman or Ron Jeremy or Peter Bergson / Hillel Kook or Marc Rich or Heidi Fleiss or Dr Paul Fleiss or Zac Efron or Reuben Sturman or Itzhak Lennie Wonskolaser or Xaviera Hollander or Shia La Bouef or Mark Ronson or Chris Blackwell or Karol Sobelsohn or Trevor Horn or Malcolm McLaren or Andrew Loog Oldham or Benny Goodman or Phil Silver or Arthur Miller or Sidney Hillman or David Sarnoff or Lorne Lipowitz / “Lorne ‘SNL’ Michaels” or Weingartner and Shuster / “Wayne and Shuster” or Dick Ebersol or Charlie Sheen / Carlos Estevez or Mae West or Sean Penn or Norman Lear or Shelley Berman or Leonard Schneider/”Lenny Bruce” or Don Rickles or Isaac “Sid” Caesar or Max Liebman or Larry Gelbart or David Goodman or Gilbert Gottfried or Joseph Heller or Milton Berle or Steven Waldman or Emanuel Goldenberg / “Edward G. Robinson” or Milton Berle or Andy Kaufman or Mort Sahl or Gilda Radner or Jason Alexander or Bernie Rhodes or Roseanne Barr or Lev L. Spiro or Benjamin Kubelsky / “Jack Benny” or Milton Berle or Jack Black or Lewis Black or Nathan Birnbaum or Billy Crystal or Enon Gershеvich Ieguda or Andy Kaufman or Danny Kaye or Avrum Aaron Wonskolaser or Jerry Seinfeld or Szmul Lepke Wonskolaser or Seth Rogen or Adam Sandler or Garry Shandling or Aaron Spelling or Howard Stern or Ben Stiller or Mark Rudd or Saul Alinsky or Judith Sheindlin / “Judge Judy” or Paula Abdul or Elvis Presley or Gerald Levin or Dennis Dammerman, or Peter Chernin or Samuel “Si” Newhouse or David Lee Roth or Paul Simon or Art Garfunkel or Herbert Khaury / “Tiny Tim” or Michael Bolton or Sammy Davis Jr. or Neil Diamond or Leonard Cohen or Eliot Adnopoz / “Ramblin’ Jack Elliott” or Arlo Guthrie or Billy Joel or Barry Manilow or Bette Midler or Phil Ochs or “Country Joe McDonald” or Barry “The Fish” Melton or Max Weinberg or Saul Hudson / Slash or Stanley Eisen / Paul Stanley or Marc Feld/”Bolen” or Phil Spector or Herbert Jansch or Donovan Leitch (Jr, at least) or Harold Arlen or Bob Saget or Artie Arshawsky/Shaw or Jerome Kern or Vincent Youmans or Stan Getz or Alan Freed or Mortimer Adler or Murray Kaufman / “Murray the K” or Syd Nathan or Allen Klein or Israel Young or Fred Weintraub or Manny Roth or Peter Yarrow or Moe Asch or Laura Negro/”Nyro” or Janis Ian or Albert Grossman or Boruch Winogradsky / Bernard Delfont or Joe Collins or Joan Collins or George Wein or Maynard Solomon or The Beastie Boys or Randy Newman or Carly Simon or Helen Reddy or Lesley Gore or Donald Fagen or Marty Friedman or Martyn Buchwald / “Marty Balin” or Chaim Whitz / “Gene Simmons” or Perry Bernstein / “Perry Farrell” or Kevin Dubrow or Gar Weinrib / “Geddy Lee” or Eric Bloom or Gavin Rossdale or Jay Blatt or Phranc or Howard Kaylan or Mark Volman or Cyndi Lauper or Dee Snider or Yaran Cohen / “Dana International” or Jann Wenner or Georges, Armand, Paul, and Maurice Marciano or Joel Siegel or Brian Epstein or Sid Bernstein or Reginald Leon Isaac Vapnick / “Dick James” or Joe, Ralph, and Avi Nakash or Lev Winogradsky / “Baron Lew Grade” or Laszlo Winogradsky or Archibald Alexander Leach / “Cary Grant” or Robin Leach or Joel Rosenman or John Roberts or Artie Kornfeld or Michael Lang or Max Yasgur or Elliot Tiber or Stanley Goldstein or Melvin Bernard Lachs / “Mel Laurence” or Charles Revson or Richard Esther “Dynasty” Shapiro or Löb/Levi Strauss or Bert Cohen or Jeffrey Sachs or Lawrence Summers or Alexander Hamilton (Talmudic education) or Henry Morgenthaler or Rene Levine or Mark Cuban or Ralph J. Roberts or Julian A. Brodsky or Daniel Aaron or Richard Meier or Imre Kertesz or Nadine Gordimer or Joseph Brodsky or Elias Canetti or Samuel Agnon or Nelly Sachs or Boris Pasternak or Henri Bergeson or Frida Kahlo or Roy Lichtenstein or Jacques Lipschitz or Paul Heyse or Paul Samuelson or David Ricardo or Eugene Meyer or Arthur Burns or Jeff Wayne or Alex Jaffee or Sonia Rykel or Abbie Hoffman or John Scher or Jeffrey Hyman / “Joey Ramone” or Michael Oren or Baat Ye’or Emil Maurice or Führer Joseph Cohen / “Joseph Collin” / “Frank Joseph” or Howie Klein or Donna Faske/”Karan” or Joseph “NWA” Heller or Anna Paquin or Ira Selsky or Lyor Cohen or Al Teller or Laszlo Moholy-Nagy or Man Ray or Mark Rothko or Steve Ralbovsky or Lewis Black or Matt Stone or Rick Rubin or Jacob Arabo or Isaac Mizrahi or Calvin Klein or Ralph Rueben Lifshitz/”Lauren” or Herman Bergdorf or Richard Avedon or Harold Wallace Rosenthal or Robert Haas or Gene Siskel or Marc Jacobs or Al Neiman and Herbert Marcus or Walter A. Haas Jr. or Daniel Kahneman or Warren Hirsch or Alfred Slaner or Diane Halfin / “Countess Diane von Fürstenberg” or William “MAD” Gaines or Maurice Zylberberg / Maurice Bidermann or Joseph and Lyman Bloomingdale or Daniel Libeskind or Barney Pressman or Alan “Ace” Greenberg or Armand Hammer or Michael Zelnick or Velerie Jarrett or David Plouffe or Carl Rosen or Henry & Richard Bloch/Block or Walter Annenberg or Michael Ovitz or Sam Rubenstein or Hannah Golofski / “Ann Klein” or Andrew “5th Ave” Saks or the Gimbel Brothers or Tommy Hilfiger or Michael Budman or Jeffrey Brotman or Jerome Chazen or Art Ortenberg or Leonard Boxer or Davre and Harold Davidson or Sidney “Max” Factor or Don Green or Bruce J. Klatsky or Henry, Manny and Mayer Lehman or George Macy or Stanley Marcus or William S. Paley or Irving Rabb or Samuel Rosen or David Yunich or Arthur Goldberg or Sam Massell or Newton Minow or Richard Newberger or Abraham Ribicoff or Nathan Freudenthal Leopold and Richard Albert Loeb or Marty Glickman or or Albert Einstein or Robert Zelnick or Alan Cohn or Robert Kraft or Kenneth Cohen/”Cole” or Harvey Falk or Jay Margolis or Daria Retain or Ellin Saltzman or James Fowler or Mary Talbot or Jackie Presser or Morton Bahr or Kaye von Bergen or Lois Ziegler or Sue Bicksler or Bernie Ozer or Barbara Weiser or Barbara Warner or Lynne Manulis or Joan Weinstein or Ron Glaser or Mitch Kapor or Kal Ruttenstein or Sal Ruggerio or Severin Wunderman or Alain Dominique Perrin or Lanny Davis or Kenneth Jay Lane or Nudie Cohen or Joyce Brothers or Nathan Turk or Bernard “Rodeo Ben” Lichtenstein or Manuel Ruben Abimael Guzman or Sidney Toledano or the Pierre and Paul Wertheimer or Jean-Pierre Meyer or Stanley Kohlenberg or Joel Elias Spingarn or Henry Moscowitz or Arthur Spring or Kivie Kaplan or Helena Rubenstein or Josephine Esther Menzer / “Estee Lauder” or Adrien Arpel or Winona LaDuke or Lorie Berneson or Puello Torres or Vidal Sassoon or Jack Rosen or John Frankenheimer or Karel Reisz or Tomáš Straussler / “Tom Stoppard” or Ruth Prawer Jhabvala or Anthony Shaffer or Sir Jonathan Miller or Peter C. Newman or Josef Körbel or Elinor Kaplan or Irwin Cotler or David Matas or Baron Ackner or Baroness Trumpington or Isaiah Berlin or Theodore Bikel or Jack Cohen or Leonard Feather or Lucian Freud or Stephen Fry or Neil Gaiman or Charlotte Gainsbourg or Baron Gavron or Martin Gilbert or Victor Gollancz or Baron Haden-Guest or Baroness Higgins or Baron Jacobson or Mick Jones or Baron Kahn or Harold Laski or Baron Levene or Baron Lever or Baron Levy or Viscount Burnham or Baron Marks or Baron Melchett or Baron Mishcon or Baron Swaythling or Baron Nathan or Baron Neuberger or Baroness Neuberger or Anthony Newley or Michael Nyman or Baroness Oppenheim-Barnes or Baron d’Aguilar or Baroness Plummer or Stephen Poliakoff or the Marchioness of Reading or the Marquess of Reading or the Countess of Rosebery or the Duchess of Roxburghe or Viscount Samuel or Viscount Bearsted or Alexei Sayle or Baron Shinwell or Baron Israel Sieff or Baron Marcus Sieff or Baroness Stern or Rachel Weisz or Amy Winehouse or Baron Wolfson or Baron Woolf or Baron Pirbright or Maggie Gyllenhaal or Alyson Hannigan or Gwyneth Paltrow or Joaquin Phoenix or River Phoenix or Leah Remini or Eli Roth or Maya Rudolph or Andy Samberg or Fred Savage or Alicia Silverstone or Hank Azaria or Yasmine Bleeth or Lisa Bonet or Matthew Broderick or David Duchovny or Jon Favreau or Lisa Kudrow or Jennifer Morrow / “Jennifer Jason Leigh” or Courtney Love or Julianna Margulies or Marlee Matlin or Debra Messing or Sarah Jessica Parker or Jeremy Piven or Rain Pryor or Paul Rudd or Rob Schneider or David Schwimmer or Kyra Sedgwick or Ally Sheedy or Pauly Shore or Tom Arnold or Katie Couric or Jamie Lee Curtis or Daniel Day-Lewis or Fran Drescher or Ben Elton or Harvey Fierstein or Kathie Lee Gifford or Julie Kavner or John Landis or Jon Lovitz or Rick Moranis or Bebe Neuwirth or Mandy Patinkin or Kevin Pollak or Paul Reubens / “Peewee Herman” or Steven Seagal or Jane Seymour or Richard Belzer or Peter Coyote or Richard Dreyfuss or Harrison Ford or Victor Garber or Paul Michael Glaser or Gabe Kaplan or Sherry Lansing or Bette Midler or Olivia Newton-John or Frank Oz or Rhea Perlman or Saul Rubinek or Brent Spiner or Jeffrey Tambor or Dyan Cannon or Marty Feldman or Judd Hirsch or Dustin Hoffman or Harvey Keitel or Yaphet Kotto or Martin Landau or Louise Lasser or Piper Laurie or Jackie Mason or Jerry Orbach or Joan Rivers or Elizabeth Taylor or Al Waxman or Ed Asner or Sid Caesar or Bernie Schwartz / “Tony Curtis” or Buddy Hackett or Alan King or Jack Klugman or Harvey Korman or Walter Matthau or Marilyn Monroe or Chesty Morgan or Tony Randall or Peter Sellers or Simone Signoret or Mel Tormé or Abe Vigoda or Martin Balsam or Red Buttons or Eva Gabor or Zsa Zsa Gabor or Paulette Goddard or Sid James or Zero Mostel or Eli Wallach or Sam Wanamaker or Stella Adler or Melvyn Douglas or John Houseman or Peter Lorre or Fanny Brice or Solomon Mikhoels or Paul Muni or Broncho Billy or Douglas Fairbanks or Al Jolson or Erich von Stroheim or Sarah Bernhardt or Shirley Polykoff or Marvin Winkler or Kurt Eisner or Joe Slovo or Samuel Schwartzbard or Jay Schottenstein or Maurice Stein or Richard Selzer / “Dick Ellis” / “Mr Blackwell” or Trevor Spero or Edwin Goodman or S. Daniel Abraham or Bernard Schwartz or David Gilo or Chaim Saban or Brett Goldberg or Eve Berenblum or Sidney Kimmel or Bela Cohen/Kun or Norman Siegal or Menachem Begin or Alan Rosskamm or Bob Sockolow or Bill Rosenszweig or Mel and Patricia Ziegler or Donald George Fisher or Eddie Bauer or Darren Star or Jeffrey Swartz or Leslie Wexner or Linda Wachner or Howard Gross or Donald Fisher or Millard Drexler or Arnold Rothstein or Daniel Boorstein or Steven Jay Gould or Nathan Glazer or Claude Lanzmann or Mike Lieberman/”Leigh” or Jodi Picoult or David Helfgott or Wolf Biermann or Alfred Redl or Alfred Dreyfus or László Rajk or Hannah Rabinsohn / Ana Pauker or Polina Zhemchuzhina/Molotova or Mátyás Rosenfeld/”Rákosi” or Aleksander Ford or Henryk Goldszmit / “Janusz Korczak” or Władysław Szpilman or Stanisław Lem or Walther Rathenau or Rudolf Slánský or Robert Hullot-Kentor or Samuel Ginsberg / “Walter G. Krivitsky” or George Behar / “George Blake” or Henri Curiel or Kurt Eisner or Arkady Kots or Lev Rosenfeld/”Kamenev” or Yakov Sverdlov or Moisey Uritskiy or Adolf Yoffe or Karol Sobelsohn / “Karl Radek” or Girsh Yankelevich Brilliant / “Grigory Yakovlevich Sokolnikov” or Yuri Nekhamkes/”Steklov” or Émile Durkheim or Olga Benário Prestes or Paul Levi or Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider / “Tania the Guerrilla” or Lionel Begleiter/”Bart” or Juval Aviv / Avner Kaufman or Zack Snyder or Mikhail Gruzenberg / “Borodin” / “鲍罗廷” or Edward Gottlieb or David Riesman or Jacques Derridaor or Louis Brandeis or Franz Boas or Boris Berezovsky or Vladimir Gusinsky or Alexander Smolensky or Mikhail Khodorkovsky or Yury Luzhkov or Jacques Levy or Roman Abromovich or Anatoly Chubais or Jonathon Ollard or Julius and Ethel Rosenberg or Klaus Fuchs or Harry Gold or David Greenglass or Theodore Hall or Morton Sobell or Elizabeth Bentley or William Purl or J. Robert Oppenheimer or Jason Nidorf “Max” Mutchnick or Alfred Adler or Erik Erikson or Bruno Bettelheim or Amy Sherman-Palladino or Stephen G. Breyer or Freida Fromm-Reichmann or Paul Reiser or Jenji Kohan or Michael Grade or David Rapaport or Abraham Maslow or Anne Frank or Richard Rogers or Oscar Hammerstein or Ben & Jerry or Leonard Goldenson or Katherine Meyer Graham or Frederick August Otto (FAO) Schwarz or Donald Graham or Pauline Kael or Alfred A. Knopf or Salomon Brothers or Lazard Freres or Arthur Rock or Alan Patricof or Sidney Lumet or Gene Kleiner or Ben Rosen or Bernard Baruch or Louis and Jacob Blaustein or Ludwig Wittenstein or Henri Bergson or Michael Dell or Sergey Brin or Steve Ballmer or Michael Medved or Michael Berk or Douglas Schwartz or Lawrence Ellison or Michael Marks or Andrew Grove or Terry Semel or Jeff Skoll or Barry Diller or Irwin Jacobs or Bessie Abramowitz or Ben Kingsley or Jennifer Connelly or Vadim Perelman or Sidney Hillman or David Dubinsky or Jerry Rubin or Sheldon Leonard or Donald “Mossad NCIS” Bellisario or Richard Levinson or William Link or Haim Saban or Fred Silverman or Markus Wolf or David Susskind or Brandon Tartikoff or Martin Ransohoff or James Burrows or Ed Weinberger or Tom Werner or Ethel Winant or David Kohan or David Wolper or Bud Yorkin or the Guggenheims or Meyer Guggenheim or David Guggenheim or Harry and Max Hart or Fred Hirschhorn or William Paley or Joseph Cullman or Julius Kessler or Adolph Zukor or Maurice Greenberg or Ivan Seidenberg or Robert Benmosche or Seymour Sternberg or Brian Roberts or Sanford I. Weill or David H. Komansky or Laurence A. Tisch or Mare Winningham or Anthony Brandenburg / Tony Cadena or James Caan or Dan Hedaya or Barbara Hershey or Madeline Kahn or Robert Klein or David Proval or Peter Riegert or Zoë Wanamaker or Barbara Ann Berman / “Barbara Barrie” or Samille Friesen / “Dyan Cannon” or Charles Grodin or Gene Wilder or Hedwig Kiesler / “Hedy Lamarr” or Zero Mostel or Jack Albertson or Moses Horwitz / Moe Howard or Samuel Horwitz / Shemp Howard or Jerome Horwitz / Curly Howard or Andrew Feinberg / “Larry Fine” or Mickey Katz or Alan King or BJ Novak or “The Reverend” Bob Levy or Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Zeppo, and Gummo Marx or Rita Rudner or Paul Rudd or Mort Sahl or Robert Schimmel or Steven Wright or Mike Palm or Greg Graffin or Lucky Lehrer or Joel Adelberg / “Jeff Barry” or Leonard Borisoff / “Len Barry” or Adam Yauch or Michael Lookofsky / “Michael Brown” or Randy Wolfe/”California” or Eric Carmen or The Cars or The Angry Samoans or Asleep at the Wheel or NOFX or Hüsker Dü or Sparks or The Tokens or Suicide or The Knack or Teenage Jesus and the Jerks or Auntie-Christ or The Jesus Lizard or Sha Na Na or The Shangri-las or The Yiddish Hitlerjugend or Jefferson Airplane or The Electric Prunes or The 13th Floor Elevators or The Beastie Boys or The Manhattan Transfer or Phish or Blue Öyster Cult or Ric Ocasek or Elliot Steinberg / “Elliot Easton” or Bad Religion or Black Flag or The Circle Jerks or Sleater-Kinney or The Dictators or Harry Chapin or Johnette Napolitano or James Mankey or Annette Kleinbard or Chris Cornell or Dick Dale or Glenn Danzig or Roky Erickson or Tamas Erdelyi / Tommy Ramone or Percy Faith or Michael Gira or Efrim Menuck or Thierry Amar or Aidan Girt or Thea Pratt or Bob Mould or Grant Hart or Erick Lee Purkhiser / “Lux Interior” or Scott Ian or Paul Kantner or Jack Casady or David Yow or Götz Ksinski / Gershon Kingsley or Michael Eisenstein or Tony Levin or Lydia Koch/”Lunch” or Catharina “Nina” Hagen or James Siegfried/”Chance” or Melissa Manchester or Johnny “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” Marks or Richard Marx or Dave Mustaine or Marty Friedman or Randy Meisner or James Mercer or Judith Kay Cohen / Juice Newton or Lenny Kaye or Richard Sohl or Samuel Ram / Buck “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” Ram or Jaime Robert Klegerman / Robbie Robertson or Melanie Anne Safka-Schekeryk or Mark Sandman or Chuck “Father of Death Metal” Schuldiner or Genyusha Zelkowitz / Genya Ravan or the Sherman Brothers or Mort Shuman or Ron and Russell Mael or Steve Schneider/Stevens or Alan Vega or Tom Miller/”Verlaine” or Richard Lloyd or John Segall / “Jay Jay French” or Catherine “Scat Goddess” Ringer or Diane Warren or Carnie Wilson or George David Weiss or Steve Wynn or Brian Setzer or Ira Kaplan or Lou Adler or Moses Asch or Michael Cohl or Bob Ezrin or Jimmy Iovine or Steven Miller or Bob Rafelson or Paul A. Rothchild or Seymour Stein or Bob Balaban or David Cronenberg or Victor Fleming or David Blaine or Teller or Samuel Z. Arkoff or George Axelrod or Akiva Goldsman or Marta Kauffmaner or Sam Simon or Florenz Ziegfeld or Laura Ziskin or David Zuckerman or Chuck Barris or Jim Cramer or Ira Glass or Mary Hart or Suze Orman or Maury Povich or Morley Safer or Carl Sagan or Daniel Schorr or Jerry Springer or Herb Stempel or David Belasco or Victor Borge or Joseph Chaikin or Peter Feldman or Ben Hecht or Mitch Miller or Joe Papp or Billy Rose or Morrie Ryskind or Sonia Kalish / “Sophie Tucker” or Nora Louise Kuzma / “Traci Lords” or Joanna Angel or Ariana Jollee or Naomi or Bernard Natan or Richard Pacheco or Tera Patrick or Harry Reems or Daphne Rosen or Scott Schwartz or Ona Zee or Isla “Ayalia” Fisher or Henry “Goodfellas” Hill or Felicity Kendal or Elaine Richardson / Jamaica Kincaid or Allen Shawn or William Shawn or Jean-Pierre Grunbach/Melville or Hanne Bayer / “Anna Karina” or Anatole Dauman or Abel Flamant/Gance or Raymond Kienzle / “Nicholas Ray” or Maurice Henri Joseph Schérer / “Jean-Marie Maurice Schérer” / “Erich Rohmer” or Edgar Nahoum/”Morin” or Natalia Tcherniak / “Nathalie Sarraute” or Harvey Kurtzman or Marty Feldman or Samy Rosenstock / “S. Samyro” / “Tristan Tzara” or Diego Rivera or Norma Shearer or Jackie “Reet Petite” Wilson or Michael Silverstein or Roman Jakobson or Claude Lévi-Strauss or Horace Kallen or Abba Eban or Abe “Harlem Globetrotter” Saperstein or Neil Bogatz/Bogart or Eric Mensinger/Singer or Sylvain Mizrahi/Sylvain or Michael Diamond / “Ad-Mike D” or Adam Horowitz / “Ad-Rock” or Adam Duritz or Al Waxman or Alan Dershowitz or Alan Menken or Albert Hammond or Alberto Moravia or Alexei Sayle or Alfred Schnittke or Alfred Uhry or Alice B. Toklas or Allen Funt or Amedeo Modigliani or Amitai Etzioni or Amy Heckerling or Andre Weil or Andrew “Dice” Clay or Ani DiFranco or Anouk Aimee or Antal Dorati or Ari Fleischer or Arie Eldad or Ron Eldad or Art Spiegelman or Arthur Hiller or Arthur Koestler or Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. or Arthur Sulzberger, Sr. or Balthus or Barbara Bach or Barbara Ehrenreich or Barbara Tuchman or Barney Kessel or Bea Arthur or Bela Fleck or Ben Folds or Ben Hecht or Beverly Sills or Bill Nye or Billy Joel or Bob Weinstein or Bob Woodward or Boris Karloff Harvey Freed / “Brian Lane” or Mark Tinker or David Milch or John Masius or Pam Dawber or Mark Harmon or Gloria Reuben or Dave Grusin or Barry Josephson or Carl Icahn or Gustave Levy or Michael “Hedge Fund” Steinhardt or Samuel Klagsbann or Dennis Levine or Martin Lipton or li Black or Leon Black or Edwin Black or Eli Jacobs or Seymour Cohen / “Fred Carr” or Eli Pinkas or Thomas Spiegel or Isaac Zafrani or Martin Wolfe or Barry Minkow or Ben Friedman or Reed Slatkin or Mel Weinberg or David Gravier or Abe Goldberg or Katy Rochelle Boskowitz or Jerome P. Jacobson or Alex Liberman or Stanley Friedman or Marvin Kaplan or Michael Lazar or Lester Shafran or Shelley Chevlowe or Victor Botnick or Jay Turoff or Melvin Lebetkin or Geoffrey Lindenauer or Charles Berg or Bernard Sandow or Donald Manes or Ehud Olmert or Rafael Pinchasi or Avigdor Kahalani or Ya’acov Ne’eman or Yair Levy or Binyamin Ben-Eliezer or Avner Shaki or Simcha Dinitz or Nahum Manbar or Dudu Topaz or Ofer Nimrodi or Rafi Pridan or Rami Dotan or Yehuda Gil or Jim “Kidney” Cohan Rabbi Bernard Bergman or Eugene Hollander or Albert Schwartzberg or Monroe Freedman or David Begelman or Michael Hellerman or Walter Orlinsky or Marvin Mandel or Joe Waldholtz or Ronald Stern or Donald Warshaw or Al Gutman or Bernie Cornfeld or Edward Mezvinsky or Edward Shils or Jonathan Yarowsky or Gerald Wolpe or Stanley Goldblum or Stanley Korman or Leona Helmsley or Dr Max Jacobson or Albert Abrams or Dr Robert Feder or Dr Melvyn Rosenstein or Herman Melnitzer or Peter Munk or David Walsh or Michael de Guzman or John Felderhof or Arnie Zaler or Barry Trupin or Samuel Sheinbein or Larry Douglas or Schlomo Sheinbein or William Nakash or Arkadi Gaydamak/Gaidamek or Boguslaw Bagsik or Andrzej Gasiorowski or Solomon Morel or Nahman Dushanski or Simion Borkov or David Bogatin or Yefim Zvyagilsky or Arkady Angelevich or Vladimir Gusinsky or Mikhail Mirilashvili or Vadim Rabinovich or Jezda Yasiljevic or Gordon Wolfson or David Mordechai or Eddie Antar / David Cohen or Dov and Ayala Engel or Michael Vishedsky and Shlomo Wishedsky or Michael Schiff or Richard Minns or Ezra Murad or Samuel Dagan or Yosef Lisch or Ronald Carmon or Nahum Vaskevitch or Ilan Mayan or Daniel Weiz or Natchum Gal or Billy King or Dror Haim Goldberg or Jeffrey Ashkenazi or Paul Stern. Stern or Kenyon Schulman or Sholam Weiss or Harold and Alan Lieberman or Martin Bramson or Alexander Ross / Alexander Cohen / “William Cohen” or Jeffrey Gottlieb or Hal Kaplan or Charles Ray Lonberger or Eduardo Rabiea or Jonathan Kern or Patrick White or Stanley Cherry / Stefanos Coreey or “Duke” Wolff or David and Karen Missman or John Perry or Lester Kaplan or Rabbi Jonathan Maltzman or Rabbi Jacob Lustig or Gerel Payne or Ralph Lipsky or Sam Semet or Barry and Barbara Wilf or Betty Shusterman or Wolfgang Schnur or Rabbi Fred Neulander, or Myron Lewin or Mel Green or Rabbi Steven Jacobs or Rabbi Austin Yoncy Feld or Abner ‘Longie’ Zwillman or Moses Annenberg or Myron Goodman or Mordechai Weissman or Allen Ganz or Manny Friedman or Stephen Lichtman or Jeffrey Resnick or Harry Weiss or Martin Shulman or Simon Fireman or Myron Gottleib or Roy Rosenbaum or Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein or Beverly Hurel or Moishe/Morris Levy or Gerland Zelmanowitz or Roy Cohn or Rabbi Irving Greenberg or Avner Azulay or Rabbi Shlomo Riskin or Avraham Burg or Itamar Rabinovich or Shoshana Cardin or Jerome Cardin or Vadim Rabinovich or Boris Fuchsmann or Jeanette Nelson or Victor Incenty or Phillip Scott Plotka or Patricia Starr or Ellen Bloch or Rabbi Jonathan Sacks or Jean Thorbourn or Rabbi Jacob Bronner or Rabbi Efroim Stein or Morris Lax or Chester and Morris Waxman or Bess Myerson or James S. Tisch or Martin Teicher or Dr Arthur Reider or Dr Lionel Schwartz or Dr Joel Feigon or Dr Jacob Goldberg or Dr Leonard Friedman or Dr Sheldon D. Zigelbaum or Dr Edward M. Daniels or Dr Stanley S. Kanter or Dr Jules Masserman or Dr John N. Rosen or Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach or Michael Exelbart or Rabbi Jerrold M. Levy or Eric Hindin or Eugene Gold or Sol Wachtler or Rabbi Frederick Werbell or Rabbi Pinchas Lew or Philip Stillman or Yehuda Friedlander or Ze’ev Kopolovitch, or Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov or John Douglas Wynn or Tom Lantos or Shlomo Nour or Amnon Tzabari or Dan Weinrich or Shachar Halevi or Charles Hurwitz or David Koch or Samuel Heyman or Bernie Marcus or Earl Krugel or Henry Samueli or Daniel Fischel or Bruce Paltrow or Buck Henry or Bud Abbott or Buddy Rich or Carl Bernstein or Carl Laemmle or Carole Bayer Sager or Chaim Topol or Chandra Levy or Charlie Watts or Mick Jones or Joey Kramer or Trevor Rabinowitz/Rabin or Marty Balin or Jorma Kaukonen or Chris Stein or Claire Bloom or Stephanie Meyer or Clem Snide or Clive Davis or Cloris Leachman or Connie Chung or Conrad Veidt or Daniel Cohn-Bendit or Daniel Pipes or Darius Milhaud or David Beckham or David Brenner or David Rashbaum/Bryan or David Copperfield or David Johansen or David Suchet or David Was or James Manos or David Weiss or Drew Greenberg or Delmore Schwartz or Robert Lieberman or Demi (Harmon) Guynes / “Demi Moore” or Denise Scott Brown or Dennis Franz or Howard K. Stern or Jane Goldman or Aaron Bondaroff or Diane Arbus or Dinah Shore or Don Adams or Dorothy Parker or Douglas Ullmann / Fairbanks or Douglas Feith or Dov Zakheim or Dustin Hoffman or Dylan Klebold or Ed Koch or Ed Rendell or Eddie Fisher or Edgar G. Ulmer or Edith Head or Edward Bernays or Edward Teller or Elisabeth Shue or Elliot Gould or Emile Durkheim or Evan Seinfeld or Aaron Abeyta / “El Hefe” or Michael John Burkett / “Fat Mike” or Eric Melvin or Felix Mendelssohn or Fran Lebowitz or Frank Lautenberg or Franz Oppenheimer or Franz Rosenzweig or Freddie Prinze Jr. or Freddie Prinze Sr. or Derek Jacobi or Fritz Freleng or Fritz Lang or Fyvush Finkel or Gavin Rossdale or George Cukor or George Michaels or George S. Kaufman or George Segal or George Steiner or Gerry Goffin or Gil Kane or Gilbert Gottfried or Gloria Allred or Graham Gouldman or Gustav Mahler or Jacob/Jacques Offenbach or Richard Blum / “Handsome Dick Manitoba” or Hannah Arendt or George Jonas or Harry Connick Jr. or Harry Oppenheimer or Harry Shearer or Harvey Korman or Harvey Pekar or Harvey Weinstein or Helmut Neustädter/”Newton” or Henri Bergson or Herschel Grynszpan or Hillel Slovak or Howard Cosell or Howie Mandel or Ilya Ehrenburg or Immanuel Velikovsky or Ira Kaplan or Irving Layton or Isaac Deutscher or Isaac Emanuilovich Babel or Italo Svevo or Jac Holzman or Jack Abramoff or Jacob Sverdlov or Jacqueline Susann or Jacques Halevy or Jane Bowles or Janis Ian or David Blatt / Jay Black or Jill Clayburgh or Jill Oppenheim / Jill St John or David Margulois/”Merrick” or Jim Croce or Jim Jarmusch or Joey Bishop or Johann Strauss or John Frankenheimer or Jacques Haussmann / John Houseman or John M. Deutch or John Schlesinger or John Zorn or Johnny Clegg or Jon Fishman or Jon Lovitz or Jon Moss or Jonathan Pollard or Jonathan Richman or Josef Von Sternberg or Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Politzer József / Joseph Pulitzer or Joseph Trumpeldor or Josh Groban or Joshua Redman or Judd Hirsch or Judge Wapner or Jules Dassin or Julian Schnabel or June Allyson or K.D. Lang or Karl Popper or Katharine “Kitty” Dukakis or Keith Reid or Ken Mehlman or Kevin Godley or Kevin Kline or Kristen Nygaard or Leon Blum or Lawrence Kasdan or Lee J. Cobb or Lee Konitz or Paul Desmond or Lee Strasberg or Leo Frank or Leo Rosten or Leo Strauss or Leo Szilard or Leonard Maltin or Lesley Gore or Leslie Weinstein/West or Lillian Hellman or Linda McCartney or Lion Feuchtwanger or Lol Creme or Lorne Greene or Louis “Kid” Kaplan or Louise Post or Reuben Gosfield / “Lucky Oceans” or Ludwig von Mises or Luke Ford or Richard Salkovitz / “Magic Dick” or Maimonides or Malcolm Rifkind or Marc Chagall or Marc Shaiman or Marcel Proust or Marcia Clark or Marek Borowski or Margaret Bourke-White or Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco or Mark Rothko or Martin Buber or Marv Albert or Maxim Litvinov or Mel Blanc or Meredith Monk or Mezz Mezzrow or Michael Brecker or Michael Kinsley or Michael Milken or Michael Tilson-Thomas or Mickey Hart or Milton Babbitt or Mina Loy or Moe Dalitz or Monty Hall or Mort Sahl or Morton Feldman or the Montefiores or the Sassoons or Moses Mendelssohn or Nan Goldin or Nancy Spungen or Natan Shcharansky or Nathan Weinstein / “Nathanael West” or Nelson Algren or Nina Gordon or Nora Ephron or Alex Cox or Nostradamus or Oliver Stone or Orlando Bloom or Oscar Hammerstein or Oscar Homolka or Otto Klemperer or P.F. Sloan or Paddy Chayefsky or Paul Ehrlich or Paul Wellstone or Paulette Goddard or Mervyn LeRoy or Perry Farrell or Peter Bogdanovich or Peter Wolf or Peter Yarrow or Philip Kaufman or Pierre Salinger or Primo Levi or R.H. Thomson or Rachel Dratch or Rachel Maddow or Richard Alpert / “Baba Ram Dass” or Randi Rhodes or Randy Brecker or Raul Hilberg or Red Rodney or Richard Dreyfuss or Richard Myers / “Richard Hell” or Richard Meltzer or Richard Simmons or Ricki Lake or Rita Rudner or Robbie Krieger or Robbie Robertson or Robert Rauschenberg or Robert Siodmak or Walter Rosenberg / “Rudolf Vrba” or Sam Fuller or Sandy Pearlman or Scott Ian or Scott Engel/Walker or Serge Gainsbourg or Sergei Eisenstein or Seth Justman or Shabtai Tzvi or Shel Silverstein or Shirley Schrift / “Shelley Winters” or Shelly Manne or Sid Caesar or Sidney Pollack or Simon Wiesenthal or Simone Weil or Sir Hermann Gollancz or Sir James Goldsmith or Solomon Mikhoels or Milton Supman / “Soupy Sales” or Spencer Dryden or Stan Freberg or Stanley Donen or Stanley Fish or Vassily Grossman or Stefan Zweig or Stephen Dorff or Stephen Jay Gould or Stephen Sondheim or Steve Lawrence or Steve Weinberg/”Wynn” or Steven Page or Loius “Studs” Terkel or Susan Faludi or Artie Kelm / “Tab Hunter” or Judith Miller or Jimmy Miller or Tom “Dr Who” Baker or Tom Bosley or Tom Lehrer or Tony Kushner or Tony Randall or Tristan Tzara or Tuli Kupferberg or Morris “Two-Gun” Cohen / “二挺拳銃” or Uri Caine or Uri Geller or Vanessa Carlton or Vic Morrow or Viktor Frankl or Vladimir Zhirinovsky or Walter Koenig or Walter Mosley or Walter Winchell or Arthur Fellig / “Weegee” or Wendy Wasserstein or Gen. Wesley Clark or Maxwell Ginzberg / Max “EC” Gaines or William “Mad” Gainesn or William Henry Joseph Bonaparte Bertholoff Smith / “Willie ‘The Lion’ Smith” or Yakov Naumovich Pokhis / “Yakov Smirnoff “or Anthony Perkins or Millard Kaufman or Pinchas Finkelstein / “Yevgeny Primakov” or Yitzhak Rabin or Yitzhak Shamir or Ivo Livi / “Yves Montand” or Zac Posen or Zal Yanovsky or Ze’ev Jabotinsky or Russ Feingold or Steve Bing or Paul Rosenberg or Steve Wozniak or Lesley Ann Warren or Anson Williams or Steven Berkoff or Walter Matthau or Simone-Henriette-Charlotte Kaminker / “Simone Signoret” or Herbert Lom or Sam Wanamaker or Theda Bara or Robert Schwartzman or Leelee Sobieski or Brad Garrett or Mordecai Richler or Evan Solomon or Barbara Frum or Eugene Levy or Peter Falk or Werner Klemperer or Jack Klugman or Suzanne Vega or Harvey Golub or Stephen P. Kaufman or Lewis E. Platt or Harry P. Kamen or Arthur M. Blank or Seymour G. Sternberg or Leon Hess or John B. Hess or Richard Charles Levin or Judith Rodin or Jeffrey Lehman or Henry Bienen or Lawrence S. Bacow, or Jerry Weisner or David Baltimore or Jared L. Cohon or Leon Botstein or Richard Flacks or Al Haber or Robb Ross or Steve Max or Mike Spiegal or Mike Klonsky or Stan Daniels or Leah Remini or Kate Hudson or Scarlett Johannson or Liv Tyler or Sarah Jessica Parker or Lisa Loeb or Ashley Tisdale or Debra Winger or Jamie-Lynn Sigler or Amanda Peet or Timothy Schlattmann or Susanna Hoffs or Adam Brody or Adrian Brody or Helena Bonham Carter or Alyson Hannigan or Amanda Bynes or Gina Gershon or Ione Skye or Brooke Burke or Tony Goldwyn or Mia Kirshner or Carrie Fisher or Elizabeth Banks or Winona Horowitz / Ryder or Selma Bleitner/Blair or Phoebe Katz / “Cates” or Mila Kunis or Sarah Michelle Gellar or Camryn Manheim or Amy Lippman or Goldie Hawn or Jonathan Katz or Eppie Friedmann / Ann Landers or Popo Friedman / “Dear Abby” / “Abigail Van Buren” or Jeanne Phillips / “Dear Abby” II / “Abigail Van Buren” II or Herb Albert or Kenny Gorelick / “Kenny G” or John Lurie or Gary Levitch / Gary “Playboy” Lewis or Al Kooper or Danny Kalb or Happy and Artie Traum or Doc Pomus or Mort Shuman or Jerry Ragovoy or Alfred Döblin or Norman Pearlstine or Peter Chernin or Andrew Lack or Michael Silverman or Jonathan Wolman or József Schwartz / József Pogány / John Pepper or Joshua Elliot or Hannah Strom or Joel Hyatt Zylberberg / Joel Z. Hyatt or Ron Epstein or Tony Kornheiser or Gerry Goffin or Albert Grossman or Jerry Wexler or Lenny Kravitz or Don Kirshner or Jim Steinman or Todd Haynes or Todd Gitlin or Bettina Aptheker or Bella Abzug or Larry Kramer or Roberta Achtenberg or Leslie Fienberg or Arnie Kantrowitz or William Weinberger or Judy Gluckstern or David Huebner or Bahar Soomekh or Lejzor Czyz / Leonard Chess or Fiszel Czyz / Philip Chess or James Burrows or David Amram or Ernest Bloch or Aaron Copland or Hanns Eisler or George Gershwin or Ira Gershwin or Philip Glass or Morton Gould or Jacques Halévy or Fritz Kreisler or György Ligeti or Steve Reich or John Zorn or Harold Arlen or Burt Bacharach or Pat Andrezejewski/Benatar or Laura Prepon or Jason Schwartzman or Michelle Trachtenberg or David Arquette or Elizabeth Berkley or Alex Borstein or Zach Braff or Scott Caan or Dustin Diamond or Corey Feldman or James Franco or Soleil Moon Frye or Missy Gold or Adam Goldberg or Seth Green or Corey Haim or Samantha Harris or Bob Geldof or Mark Feld / Marc Bolan or Rashida Jones or Chris Kattan or Mia Kirshner or Lisa Kushell or David Krumholtz or Adam Levine or Kellie Martin or Seth Meyers or Adam Pascal or Alecia Beth Moore / “Pink” or Betty Joan Perske / “Lauren Bacall” or Josh Radnor or Ellen Barkin or Eric Boucher / “Jello Biafra” or Ermes Effron Borgnino / “Ernest Borgnine” or Ellen Naomi Cohen / “Mama Cass Elliot” or Jerzy Andrezjewski or Ethel Zimmermann / “Merman” or Lew Wasserman or Stevan Bozovic / “Steve Bochco” or Norman Granz or Irving Green or Stanley Gayetsky/Getz or Phil Ochs or Adam Lambert or Tatiana Desirée Prinzessin zu Fürstenberg or Barbara Goldbach/Bach or Eva Green or the Countess Francesca Gregorini di Savignano di Romagna or Al Cohn or Samuel Goldberg / “Buddy Clark” or Reuben/Ruby Braff or Uri Caine or Edith Gormezano / Eydie Gormé or Antal Doráti or Maurice Kaufmann and Honor “Pussy Galore” Blackman or Jack Rosenthal or Jacqueline du Pré or Leslie Hore Belisha or Jill Oppenheim/St.John or Milton Mesirow / Mezz Mezzrow or Lee Konitz or Barney Kessell or Allen Sherman or Ernie Wiseman/Wise or Zoot Sims or Alan Daniel Maman / “The Alchemist” or Belle Miriam Silverman / “Beverly Sills” or Shel Silverstein or Sara Paxton or Keith Morris or Anneliese van der Pol or Cynthia/Cindi Leive or Sheldon/Shelly Manne or Ben Elton or Harry Donenfeld or Jack S. Liebowitz or Hilly Kristal or Andreas Papandreou or George Papandreou Jr or Dave Berg or Jack Levy or Jon Winkelried or Marc Spilker or David Solomon or Milton Berlinski or Richard Friedman or Constantine Simitis or Carl Levin or Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky / “Louis Isadore Kahn” or Frank Gehry or Max Abramovitz or Dankmar Adler or Gregory Ain or Armand Phillip Bartos or Samuel Gottesman or Walter Curt Behrendt or Edward Blum or George Blum or Marcel Breuer or Arnold Brunner or Alan Buchsbaum or Serge Chermayeff or Erich Mendelsohn or Ivan Chermayeff or Richard Dattner or Elizabeth Diller or Sheldon Fox or Bertrand Goldberg or Percival Goodman or Victor Gruen or Herman Jessor or Morris Lapidus or Paul László or Richard Meier or Erich Mendelsohn or Georgette Bennet or Kathy Perutz or Robert H. Lieberman or Rona Elliot or Joshua “St Elsewhere” Brand or Barry Lewis or Peter “Penguin” Mayer or Robert Moses or Barbara A. Nadel or Richard Neutra or Emery Roth or Moshe Safdie or Taal Safdie or Stanley Saitowitz or Lawrence Scarpa or Rudolph Schindler or Raphael Soriano Rhodes or Paul Zucker or John Kerry or Abraham Joshua Heschel or Judith Rodin or Irving Howe or Michael Walzer or Baron Alliance or Jimmy Delshad or Jason Shapiro or Abie Nathan or David Nahai or Shaul Bakhash or Michael Coren or Marty Dolin or Linda Frum or Irving Abella or Isaac Abella or Rosalie Abella or Joseph Ben-Ami or Ralph Benmergui or Ben Blue or Alan Borovoy or Oscar Brand or Charles Bronfman or Edgar Bronfman Sr or Edward Bronfman or Edgar Bronfman Jr or Peter Bronfman or Saidye Rosner Bronfman or Samuel Bronfman or David Caplan or Gerald Caplan or Maury Chaykin or Saul Rubinek or Danny Finkleman or Ken Finkleman or Morris Fish or Howard Galganov or Victor Garber or Jonathan Goldstein or Noam Gonick or Allan Gotlieb or Phyllis Gotlieb or Jerry Grafstein or Jack Granatstein or Herb Gray or Edward Greenspan or Edward Greenspon or Lawrence Greenspon or Sam Katz or Barbara Kay or A.M. Klein or Moe Koffman or Anton Kuerti or Mel Lastman or Irving Layton or Ezra Levant or Norman Levine or Daniel Levy or Avi Lewis or David Lewis or Stephen Lewis or David Matas or David Mirvish or Ed Mirvish or Anita Neville or Dina Rabinovitch or Jack Rabinovitch or Judy Rebick or Heather Reisman or Ivan Reitman or Jacob Richler or Joe Schlesinger or Gerry Schwartz or Paul Shaffer or Norman Spector or Janice Stein or Karen X. Tulchinsky or Ben Weider or Joe Weider or Nikki Yanofsky or Garth Drabinsky or Peter Munk or Robert Lantos or Harold Greenburg or Shawn Levy or Moses Znaimer or Scott Reid or David Cameron or Mira Spivak or Bora Laskin or Bernard Shapiro or Marshall Rothstein or Mavis Gallant or Rick Salutin or Anne Michaels or Steven Cojocaru or Jamie Glazov or Lorrie Goldstein or Paul Gross or Michele Landsberg or Eric Margolis or Rachel Sklar or Larry Zolf or Tom Bosley or Elaine Boosler or Victor Borge or Brother Theodore or Marcia Clark or Alfred Caplin / “Al Capp” or Mindy Cohn or Ahuva Gray or Dustin Diamond or Eddie Fisher or Joely Fisher or Norman Fell or Ariel Levy or Bonnie Franklin or Steve Guttenberg or Milton Snavely Hershey or Leslie Steiner/”Howard” or Amy Irving or Derek Jacobi or David Jannsen or Asa Yoelson / Al Jolson or Madeline Kahn or Bert Lahr or Linda Lavin or Richard Lewis or Shari Lewis or Peggy Lipton or Wolf Garber / “Bill Macy” or Ron Pearlman or Amanda Peet or Artie Rosenberg / “Tony Randall” or Sally Lowenthal / “Sally Jessy Raphael” or Nikki Reed or Carl Reiner or Rob Reiner or Melissa Rivers or Arnold Klein or Debbie Rowe or Michael Jackson Jr or Paris-Michael Jackson or Zelda Rubinstein or Rita Rudner or Robert Schimmel or Julius Rosenwald or Rick Salomon or George Segal or Debbie Schlussel or Robert Shapiro or Harry Shearer or Brandon Tartikoff or Fred Silverman or Bruce Vilanch or William Asher or Elliot Yamin or Jennifer Grey or Joel Grey or Matt Lauer or Vic Morrow or Katey Sagal or Jack Osbourne or Kelly Osbourne or Craig Rivera or Gavin Rossdale or Anthony E. Zuiker or Bob Justman or Herb Solow or Peter Lawford or Lou Adler or Jeff and Mark Bass or Gary Brooker or Vanessa Carlton or Eric Carmen or Jim Croce or Roger Corman or Fiorello La Guardia or Dick Morris or Hedwig Kiesler / Hedy Lamarr or Leslie Wunderman / “Taylor Dayne” or Janis Ian or Scott Rosenfeld / “Scott Ian” or Jason Kay / “Jamiroquai” or Suzy Menkes or Carroll Baker or Eliyahu “Bible Code” Rips or David P. Goldman or Paul Kossoff or David Kossoff or Robbie Krieger or Steve Lawrence or Manfred Lubowitz/Mann or Sandy Pearlman or Ross Friedman / “Ross the Boss” or Buck Adams or Amber Lynn or Bunny Bleu or Barbara Dare or Bobby Hollejnder or Frank James or Jayme Langford or Ron Hyatt/Jeremy or Collin O’Neal or Gloria Leonard or Tiffany Million or Sharon Mitchell or Herbert Streicher / Harry Reems or James Deen or Evan Seinfeld or Philip Toubus / Paul Thomas or Steve Drake or Sasha Gabor or Hershel Cohen/”Savage” or Marie Hartman / “Nina Hartley” or Alexandra Silk or Andrei Treivas / Michael Lucas or Paul Siederman / Jerry Butler or Robert Charles Kerman / R. Bolla / Richard Bolla or Daphne Rosen or Adam Glasser / “Seymour Butts” or “Sasha” Gabor Sarközi or Whitney Stevens or Britney Stevens or Howie Gordon / Richard Pacheco or William Margold or Marc Goldberg/Wallice or Naomi Russell or Danny Kaminski/Kaye or Ona Zee or Jessica Yellin or Campbell Brown or John King or Dana Schwartz/Bash or Stu Schwartz or Frances Weinman Schwartz or Cameron Kerry or Karen Tintori or or Sara Lee Schupf or Nathan Cummings or Melissa Peroff / “Barbie Bridges” / “Pastor Melissa Scott” or Ashley Youmans / “Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro” / “Ashley Alexandra Dupré” or Warren Zevon or Seymour “Budd” Schulberg or Robert Elias / “Downey” or Calista Flockhart or Katherine Borowitz/Turturro or David Shore or Katie Jacobs or Paulor Aubrey “Drake” Graham or Rob Morrow or Allegra Goodman or Elsa Dorfman or Harvey A. Silverglate or Igal “Saddam” Naor or Emily Stern or Golan Globus or Bill Rubin or Melville Herskovits or Kathy Kacer or Stacey Farber or Jake Epstein or Jerome “Gideon’s Crossing” Groopman or Victor Frankl or Otto Rosenfeld/Rank or Bishop Jean-Baptiste Gourion or Cardinal Aaron Lustiger or Ernest Becker or Wilhelm Reich or Alfred Adler or Solomon Asch or Bruno Bettelheim or Jerome Bruner or Paul Ekman or Albert Ellis or Leon Festinger or Carol Gilligan or Israel Goldiamond or Edith S. Lisansky Gomberg or Jeffrey Guterman or Irving Janis or Arthur “Primal Scream” Janov or Daniel Kahneman or Lawrence Kohlberg or Elizabeth Loftus or Abraham “Recovery” Low or Robert Jay Lifton or Abraham “Needs” Maslow or Walter Mischel or Hugo Munsterberg or Ulric Neisser or Fritz “Gestalt Esalen” Perls or Laura Perls or Steven Pinker or Theodor Reik or David Rosenhan or Peter Salovey or Al Seckel or Martin Seligman or Herbert Simon or Robert Sternberg or David Wechsler or George “Homophobia” Weinberg or Joseph Wolpe or Kurt Lewin or Leon “Cognitive Dissonance” Festinger or Alexander Lowen or Irvin Yalom or Ken Olin or Jon Robin Baitz or Saul “Ron” Rifkin or Eric Reed Boucher or Leo Jaffe or Stanley R Jaffe or Michael Rapaport or Michael Rosenbaum or Tracee Ellis Ross or Keri Russell or Gabe Sandler or Noah Wyle or Steven Adler or Louis Szekely / “Louis C.K.” or Embeth Davidtz or Robert Downey Jr. or Lisa Edelstein or Brad Garrett or Melissa Gilbert or Jennifer Grey or Greg Grunberg or Annabelle Gurwitch or Daryl Hannah or Helen Hunt or Juliet Landau or Julia Louis-Dreyfus or Dina Meyer or Ari Meyers or Liev Schreiber or Scott Schwartz or Jonathan Silverman or Cathy Silvers or Helen Slater or Robert Smigel or Rena Sofer or Michael Vartan or Steven Weber or Robby Benson or Mike Binder or Jerry Butler or Kate Capshaw or Ian Mitchell orEmmanuelle Béart or Jeff Goldblum or Judd Nelson or Laraine Newman or François Truffaut or Katey Sagal or Richard Schiff or Annie Sprinkle or Sam Zimbalist or Sammy Cahn or Cy Coleman or Donald Freed or Mark Lane or Hal David or Norman Gimbel or Marvin Hamlisch or Yip Harburg or Lorenz Hart or James Horner or Jerome Kern or Joseph Kessel or Jerry Leiber or Alan Jay Lerner or Frank Loesser or Johnny Mandel or Brad Grey or Bernie Brillstein or Neil Sedaka or Mike Stoller or Elmer Bernstein or Danny Elfman or Jerry Goldsmith or Bernard Herrmann or Johnny Mandel or Stanley Myers or Alfred Newman or Alex North or Michael Nyman or André Previn or Lalo Schifrin or Howard Shore or Dimitri Tiomkin or Franz Waxman or Charles Fox or Neve Campbell or David Goodstein or Judy Wieder or Yakov Sverdlov or Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel or Dutch Schultz or Louis “Lepke” Buchalter or Gurrah Shapiro or Joel Steinberg or Otto Sanhuber or Yigal Amir or Pincus Green or Bernie Cornfield or Ivan Boesky or Michael Milken or Martin Frankel or Al Taubman or Kevin Mitnik or Vladimir Zhirinovsky or David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz or Jacob Rubinstein / “Jack Ruby” et cetera
And that’s just before lunch!
That was like, six million names. BTW am gonna steal that at some point.
Scrolling casually through your list, I note that you listed the late sci-fi writer Poul Anderson as Jewish.
For the record, native Minnesotan Poul Anderson was just about the Wbitest White man you could ever hope to meet. Not only was he openly proud of his Viking ancestry, he wrote a number of fantasy novels that featured bold Norse explorers and warriors, as well as tales dealing with the subject of human biodiversity. (One such novel, The Winter of the World, imagines the rebirth of civilization following another millenia-long ice age, and imagines in ways that call to mind Rushton’s work how the harsh conditions might affect the evolutionary development of isolated bands of survivors.)
While not a White Nationalist, Anderson exhibited distinct distinctly Paleoconservative tendencies. His Wikipedia entry also notes that he was often critical of Israeli policies.
To call your inclusion of Anderson’s name in the above roster an error would be charitable.
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