I spend each New Year’s Day reviewing my resolutions for the previous year and drafting resolutions for the New Year.
Of the public resolutions I made last year, I kept seven. But I broke three: First, I could not bring myself to write a movie review every week. I wrote 12 during 2011, two as Greg Johnson, ten as Trevor Lynch. Second, I did not write The White Nationalist Manifesto, although I worked on it. It is an important project, but creatively I am stymied. Third, I did not join Toastmasters, although I did practice my speaking and interviewing skills through sheer repetition.
Looking back at 2011, I see a number of areas where I am basically operating at full capacity. But in other areas, there is room for growth in the New Year.
In 2011, Counter-Currents published 857 posts, all of which I edited, and over 4,000 comments, most of which I approved. (From December 20–30, Mike Polignano took over the comment moderation.) In 2012, we will hold the quantities constant and work to improve the quality.
In 2011, Counter-Currents was visited 890,039 times. In 2012, we hope to break one million.
In 2011, I wrote 36 articles, 11 book reviews, 12 movie reviews, 26 commemorations, 12 newsletters, and 76 short pieces and announcements. I also translated 23 articles from French. In addition, 21 of my articles and reviews were translated into German, French, Czech, and Portuguese. I would find it hard to exceed these numbers in 2012.
In 2011, we published five books (up from three in 2010). (I was hoping to get three more to press before the end of the year, including the first volume of North American New Right, but that proved to be an organizational trainwreck.) In 2012, I hope to publish at least ten books.
In 2011, we talked about beginning monthly podcasts. We are still working on this, although I am skeptical that we can integrate them into our workflow.
In 2011, we held a retreat for select writers, donors, and friends of Counter-Currents. In 2012, we will hold two retreats.
In 2011, we did our first fundraising drive, during which we raised more than $25,000. All told, in 2011, we raised more than $40,000. In 2012, we are creating a tax exempt, 501(c)3 foundation. We will then do two fundraisers, one in the Spring, the other in the Fall. Our goal is to raise $100,000.
The primary goal of our bookselling and fundraising activities is to make it possible for Mike Polignano and me to be full-time, professional whites. There are legions of professional Jews, blacks, and other non-whites working full-time to strip our race to the bone. Yet there are only a handful of professional whites. That has to change if our people are to survive. In a few years, we hope that Counter-Currents will have an annual budget of half a million dollars and a small staff of full-time, professional white advocates.
All told, I am looking forward to 2012 with enormous optimism.
I want to thank our writers, donors, designer, proofreader, translators, and managing editor for all their creativity and hard work. I specifically want to draw attention to one of our most versatile and talented writers, Andrew Hamilton, who since March 25 has been writing at least one article for Counter-Currents every week. Such a marriage of talent and idealism to discipline and rock-solid reliability is exemplary and absolutely necessary for our cause.
Last but not least, I want to thank you, dear reader, for your loyalty and support.
Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd.
& North American New Right
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The Counter-Currents 9/11 Symposium
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 604:
Remembering Arthur Jensen
Can Elon Musk Save Trump’s Campaign?
Can White Nationalists Tank Trump?
Remembering H. P. Lovecraft (August 20, 1890–March 15, 1937)
Trump’s Great Betrayal on Immigration
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 602: Red Pill Report
You are doing a great job with this site. I hope you will continue like this and that you we achieve your goals.
Thanks. I feel like we have gone from lather to rinse and now we are at repeat.
I agree with the above comment: you and the crew have been doing an excellent job at this site. It brings perspectives simply not seen elsewhere in one place. It well complements some of the best sites going, too.
And to think that you do so much on a shoestring budget. I look forward to your future growth and importance. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for being part of it.
Y’all are indefatigable. I am amazed at the sheer volume of quality articles published here *daily*.
This place is White Nationalist University.
My resolution? To purchase more books, and begin regular donations. 2012 is the year WN breaks into the mainstream!
Thanks. Glad to have you on our side.
Greg wrote:
First, I could not bring myself to write a movie review every week. I wrote 12 during 2012,…
What? Greg wrote 12 movie reviews already as of today?
Thanks. I corrected. That. I will be writing 2011 on checks well into February.
You and your fellow contributors are doing an honorable service in keeping the flame alive, even when there seems to be no hope.
I need to write up an article addressing the idea that there is no hope. Because there is plenty of reason for hope.
Not only White percentage of the American population has gone down, there is significant percentage of the remaining Whites who have mental disorders and also suffer from chemical dependencies (alcohol, drugs, etc.). I hope Greg takes that into account when addressing hope.
Congrats on your prolificness, Gregory!
This site has way more material than my pea brain can handle, but I thank you for your attempt to educate (re-educate?) the masses. It is nice to have someone writing from our own perspective.
I am eagerly awaiting the next Twilight review.
@anon don’t be so damn hopeless. It’s a war, and only one side has shown up. Once we do, it’s over. We’re better. And if we lose, they are still them. Isn’t that a loss onto itself? I’d rather be the last white woman on this planet than some powerful Yenta. I mean, just the hair maintenance alone….
Thanks you. I eagerly await the next movie.
Impressive numbers. Keep up the hard work.
Thanks Jack. Your writings are part of our success.
Yes, Jack Donovan, you’re one of the best minds on the Alt-Right. Keep up the good work.
” . . . make it possible for Mike Polignano and me to be full-time, professional whites.”
That’s a great line! May we all become full-time, professional whites in 2012. You and your team are doing a great job, Greg.
I bought your book of essays which I’m enjoying greatly – particularly the essay West Coast White Nationalism. Are there any groups that take this approach yet – or is it mostly just individuals at this point? I find most White Nationalism too Conservative in the negative sense – I’m from the East Coast. Also I read that the creator of the PLE concept lives in San Francisco – what do you think of his Manifesto?
So far, that essay describes mostly individual and isolated people. But more and more, they are meeting up and finding they have things in common. So a subculture is coming into being.
RE the PLE guy: That is news to me! I am unfamiliar with his work and have not met him.
But just the other day I learned that in the 1970s, there was a Rudolf Hess Bookstore in San Francisco.
His name is Michael Barrett and the concept is called Pioneer Little Europe. I’m not sure if he still lives in San Francisco but he did at one point and was very impressed with how the Gays took over lare part of the city and how the Chinese now do the same. Stormfront usually has a link or two up about it and April Gaede has been very influenced by it. Here’s the prospectus:
The Left is like a dirty snowball always open to everyone, always getting bigger and bigger. The Far Right is very exclusive, paranoid, (justifiably), always who you know, not open, not friendly etc. We have to adopt some of the methods of the Left. Barrett’s approach may be part of the answer in his “come one, come all” invitation to Whites. It has been said that the People are the sea in which the revolutionary swims. So we need more water, a popular culture that would ultimately support (and hide) more exclusive elements and activities.
Wait, how come I’m the only one who didn’t know Greg Johnson was Trevor Lynch? I love that guy!
Good job and all that. CC is my favorite website.
I want to thank you, Greg, and your organization for introducing me (and others here) to a lot of great writing that has been neglected (suppressed?), in particular Wyndham Lewis and Celine. Also, it’s nice to know that there were not just a few strong, clear minded White men in the 20th Century who were thinking about the issues that we face today on a deeper cultural level.
The current writers that appear here are also good at helping crystallize the real issues that effect us today. I’ve learned a lot.
You are on the right side of history, so if you keep doing this, it will work out real well. I’m not much of a defeatist.
You have done a fantastic job with this website Greg. It is nice to read a White Nationalist website that is completely outside the sphere of the mainstream conservative movement, which is unfortunately not the case at a few otherwise excellent sites. It is also a relief to read the comments section without being bombarded with Nordicist sentiment, which may or may not have something to do with your Italian-descended webmaster.
Greg, how would you approach something like toastmasters? I’d like to get involved as well but I wouldn’t be able to help myself–if I stood up to speak it would be to run my mouth about the state of things and WN ideas.
Your Confessions, by the way, have been a huge “Eureka!” hit as Christmas gifts to conservative friends.
Thanks for spreading Confessions around.
RE Toastmasters, it is actually possible to create a closed Toastmasters group if you have enough un-PC friends interested in it. Creating such a group is something I would like to try here in the Bay Area.
Good idea.
Wait, how come I’m the only one who didn’t know Greg Johnson was Trevor Lynch? I love that guy!
Make that two of us. Best movie reviewer going.
I especially enjoyed the David Lynch reviews. I’d love to read one for “INLAND EMPIRE” if you can Greg/Trevor.
I’ve watched that movie so many times now, quite often when drunk and can’t sleep, that it’s gone into my subconscious. I think there are White themes throughout, and you’d be the best man to identify them and bring them out.
Great site too. Excellent writers, vast range of subjects, love it.
If I were smart I’d spend more time reading CC. The archives are becoming overwhelming however. Catching up is increasingly becoming hopeless and futile. I’ll continue to drop by from time to time. That’s a promise.
Thanks. That’s why people come every day. You can catch up on the archives on the weekend.
We like you up in Canada also, keep up the great work!
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