This is a response to Asier Abadroa’s “Is Ethnonationalism Compatible with Genetic Interests in Practice?” His answer is, on balance, no. He argues that ethnonationalism is often connected with romantic ideas about faraway oppressed peoples that are not based on fact, that peoplehood is hard to define, that ethnonationalism is often connected to bad ideas such as chauvinism and Marxism, (more…)
Tag: white solidarity
I think the most disagreeable part I ever had was in The Aryan. It was hard for me to really feel it, being that of a white man, forswearing his race, makes outlaw Mexicans his comrades and allows white women to be attacked by them. It is difficult to put all one’s decent instincts aside and live and think as such a despicable character must have done. But by allowing myself only to think of the terrible wrong that the white race had done me — pure imagery — I settled into it, and I am sure Bessie Love at the time believed I was the typical brute. — William S. Hart (more…)
Atheism and agnosticism are associated with Leftist, anti-white politics, but there is no reason why this must be so. As discussed in my previous Counter-Currents article, “Christian Nationalism Has Made Me Agnostic,” much of the white Western world, including countries such as France, the Czech Republic, and Australia, is becoming irreligious. (more…)
White people face enormous challenges today.
Our living standards are declining due to globalization, immigration, and anti-white discrimination.
Our societies are being destroyed by multiculturalism, anti-whiteness, and the debasement of all standards: of behavior, of education, of taste. (more…)
A severe thunderstorm tore through our city in the spring of 2022.
In our predominantly white suburban neighborhood, several trees were shattered by the vicious wind, including the Norway maple in our front yard. (more…)
Perhaps the greatest challenge facing us is that whites are the only race that isn’t taking its own side. In a very competitive world, decades of this nonsense have led us to the brink of a crisis.
Readers are surely familiar with the unprecedentedly massive propaganda campaign that got this started long ago, the forces behind it, and the social pressures maintaining the march to self-destruction. (more…)
“You know, I wake up to everything I know either getting sold, or wrecked, or being taken over by people that I don’t like. And they don’t like me. And you know what’s left of all that? The Jets.” — Riff
I finally got around to seeing Steven Spielberg’s new remake of West Side Story, or as I like to call it, Race Traitors in Love.
I must say that despite it being explicitly anti-racist — and by extension implicitly anti-white and Jewish — to the core, I have always had something of a soft spot for West Side Story. (more…)