The last of the European pagan traditions died out in the Middle Ages. People no longer believe that thunder is the result of Thor banging his hammer or that the Sun is the wheel of a cosmic chariot travelling across the daytime sky. But there is one pagan belief that has remained widespread to this day: the belief that the Full Moon makes people go crazy. (more…)
Tag: the Moon
Sepoys on the dark side of the Moon
India may not seem to lie within the remit of this column, but bear with me. Britain’s ex-colony — which seems to be a description that fits a lot of nations now outpacing the old country — has just landed a spacecraft on the Moon, although it has not been confirmed whether, in line with Indian trains, there were dozens of people hanging off its hull. (more…)
It’s true that the government is quite capable of lying like hell. That doesn’t, however, mean everything they say is a lie. This is so even for the Nixon administration, despite the bad reputation they gave themselves on the way out. If Resident Bidet’s junta would rise to Richard Nixon’s standard of integrity and truthfulness, imperfect as it was, it still would be a vast improvement. (more…)
The editors of Counter-Currents have recently shared their findings that, among other interesting facts, females make up about one-third of the readership here. There are apparently quite a few Dissident-Right women who swim in our waters, and therefore a need exists for some un-feminist, but “woman-positive” readings that mine our traditional canon and seek to shape the future of femininity.
I don’t usually write about “female things,” and that’s not really on purpose. I find history, war, and a mostly male cast of authors interesting, and I always have. (more…)