Collin Cleary’s ground-breaking Summoning the Gods: Essays on Paganism in a God-Forsaken World (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2011) has been published in French translation by Editions du Lore, a leading French Rightist and neo-pagan publisher, under the title L’appel aux dieux: Essais sur le paganisme dans un monde oublié de dieu. Please support this worthy project by ordering a copy today.
Tag: Summoning the Gods
2,654 words
French translation here
Collin Cleary—the enigmatic sage of Sandpoint, Idaho—burst onto the intellectual scene almost ten years ago, with the publication of the first volume of the journal TYR: Myth—Culture—Tradition. Along with Joshua Buckley and Michael Moynihan, Cleary was one of the founding editors of TYR, having a hand in all aspects of the first volume and contributing three substantial articles and several reviews. (more…)