Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “The Difference Between a Man and a Douchebag,” on the fundamental differences that distinguish a man from a douchebag, even though a male may be both at different times in his life. See below. (more…)
Tag: mating
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
It’s a statistical fact that men die younger than women do, and not simply because we want to. The odds are so stacked against us these days that even though black women are supposed to be doubly oppressed, they outlive white men. (more…)
One of the main tenets of pick-up artistry (PUA) is that women are attracted to psychopathic traits and that men should therefore cultivate such traits in order to attract women. There is a kernel of truth to this claim. However, White Nationalist men looking for the future mother of their children should note that mindlessly emulating psychopaths is not an advisable strategy. High-quality white women do not find anti-social behavior appealing. (more…)