Tag: Julien Rochedy
January 20, 2016 Julien Rochedy
Το κράτος – ζόμπι και πώς να το αντιμετωπίσεις
907 words
Translated by Guillaume Durocher; Croatian translation here
One month ago, a little German girl of 7 was raped in Chemnitz (Saxony) by a migrant. Her mother had left her to play in a park dedicated to the memory of the victims of fascism, of which there are many in Germany.
The news was not widely reported and it is only a month later that I have learned of it. (more…)
1,465 words
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note:
Julien Rochedy is the former director of the Front National’s youth organization (FNJ). He wrote this article after he left the FNJ’s leadership, remaining on good terms with the party, which he felt allowed him to speak more freely and critique the FN’s official assimilationist stance. (more…)