Tag: Horia Sima
December 8, 2015 Greg Johnson
Codreanove väzenské poznámky
August 22, 2015 Greg Johnson
Las Notas de Prisión de Codreanu
1,350 words
English original here
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
The Prison Notes
With Julius Evola’s writings on The Iron Guard
Trans. anonymous
Logik Forlag, 2015Este delgado volumen (128 páginas, incluyendo muchas con fascinantes fotografías) es una lectura obligatoria no sólo para admiradores de Corneliu Codreanu, sino también para admiradores de Julius Evola, porque también incluye todos los escritos sobre Codreanu y la Guardia de Hierro. (more…)
August 21, 2015 Christopher Thorpe
Легионерската доктрина
English original here
Легионерската доктрина (наричана също легионерство) обхваща философията и убежденията, изразявани от Легиона на Архангел Михаил (известен също, като Желязната гвардия), румънската християнско-националистическа организация, основана от Корнелиу Зелеа Кодряну, който е ключовата фигура в създаването на нейната доктрина. (more…)
1,245 words
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
The Prison Notes
With Julius Evola’s writings on The Iron Guard
Trans. anonymous
Logik Forlag, 2015This slender volume (128 pages, including many pages of fascinating photographs) is obligatory reading not only for admirers of Corneliu Codreanu, but also for admirers of Julius Evola, for it also includes all of Evola’s writings on Codreanu and the Iron Guard.
The Legionary Movement of Romania, also popularly known as the Iron Guard, is for many people today a difficult matter to discuss straightforwardly because of all untruths, deceptions, distortions, and misconceptions surrounding its history. The movement has a great legacy and there is much to learn from it, (more…)
The Legionary Doctrine (also called Legionarism) refers to the philosophy and beliefs presented by the Legion of Michael the Archangel (also commonly known as the Iron Guard), the Romanian Christian Nationalist organization founded by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, who is the key figure in the creation of its doctrine. (more…)
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was the Romanian Christian nationalist who founded the Legionary Movement, often referred to as the Iron Guard among English speakers. It is surprising that very little attention is given to him among those in the Anglophone world, and when it is given, it is only to heap insults and lies upon his memory. (more…)
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
The Prison Notes
Trans. anonymous
Reconquista Press, 2011This slender volume (128 pages, including many pages of fascinating photographs) is obligatory reading not only for admirers of Corneliu Codreanu, but also for admirers of Julius Evola, for it also includes all of Evola’s writings on Codreanu and the Iron Guard.