Counter-Currents is a publication I admire because of the leadership of Dr. Greg Johnson and its coterie of dazzling writers. As a black libertarian who appreciates nationalism of any sort, but with no affinity for nationalism, some might think that I am unfit to pen this column, but if you want anything done, you must do it yourself. Although I am not an American, I have been following the dissident Right for years. (more…)
Tag: HBD
On Friday, the Huffington Post exposed Substack writer Richard Hanania, a prominent media personality in mainstream conservative/center-Right circles, as a “white supremacist” who wrote for several dissident Right websites, including Counter-Currents, in the early 2010s under the pseudonym “Richard Hoste.” “Hoste” wrote about race realism and human biodiversity (HBD) and advocated for eugenics and immigration restriction. (more…)
1,966 words
In On Genetic Interests, Salter provides some impressionistic (qualitative) graphs interpreting how different ideologies distribute interests along the continuum of Self-Family-Offspring-Humanity. Putting aside minor quibbles (both offspring and ethny can be more fine-grained categories with different levels of relatedness — offspring can be extended to the entire family, including distinctions such as brother vs. cousin; ethny can have ethnic group vs. race, etc.) this is a quite useful instrument to think about the relationship between memes and genes, and how cultural artifacts and social technologies affect our genetic interests. (more…)
The mainstream blogosphere is beginning to awaken to the sinister threat of the “Neo-Reactionary” movement. One recent blog post among several dedicated to exposing these Neo-Reactionary villains warns its readers about “The Dark Enlightenment: The Creepy Internet Movement You’d Better Take Seriously“!
Wake up, liberals! A new bogeyman is threatening our hegemony . . . (more…)
In our universities today and in the pages of the scientific journals a battle is being waged between scientists concerned with racial matters on the one hand—biologists, psychologists, and anthropologists of professional integrity—and pseudo-scientists concerned with upholding the fundamental liberal dogma of universal human equality on the other hand. Despite the well-entrenched position of the pseudo-scientists and their powerful allies in politics and the communications media, encouraging progress is being made by the scientists. (more…)