Tag: Form-Capital
January 4, 2023 Alain de Benoist
The Populist Moment, Chapter 9, Part 1:
“Conservatives of the Left” & the Critique of Value, Part 1Introduction here, Chapter 8 here, Chapter 9 Part 2 here
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
The ecologist Fabrice Nicolino, a member of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial board (he was seriously wounded in the Kouachi brothers’ attack in January 2015), declares:
I am nostalgic for a time when people had a place, when men and women were strongly bound. I am nostalgic for a time when rural civilization was not the garbage it is today, a monstrosity that stuffs people with pesticides. (more…)
6,046 words
Introduction here, Chapter 5 Part 1 here, Chapter 6 here
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
No doubt we should have expected this. The views developed by Jean-Claude Michéa were not slow to earn him many critiques, mostly directed at two of his books, Orpheus’s Complex and Mysteries of the Left. (more…)