Marcus “The Golden One” Follin is a young star of the European New Right (see his previous appearances at Counter-Currents here). He has already published two books, written countless reviews, and is an entrepreneur, managing a line of clothing, nutrition, and other products through Legio Gloria. He is dedicated to the development of his body and spirit. (more…)
Tag: Edred Thorsson
January 27, 2023 Collin Cleary
Edred Thorsson a jeho kniha Historie Runové gildy
English original here
Edred Thorsson
History of the Rune-Gild: The Reawakening of the Gild 1980-2018, North Augusta, S.C.: Arcana Europa, 2019.Pozn. překladatele: Kniha má, snad trochu překvapivě, vztah i k České republice. Obsahuje totiž krom jiného také fotky české pohanky Šárky Sedlákové, která se setkala s Edredem Thorssonem/Stephenem Flowersem osobně, je členkou Runové gildy, a mimo jiné též stála za chaosmagickou edicí KIAton. (more…)
Robert N. Taylor was born in 1945 and grew up in a working-class neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. As a member of both the psychedelic underground as well as the anti-Communist paramilitary organization The Minutemen, Taylor participated directly in the violent social upheavals of the 1960s. In 1969 he started the music group Changes with his cousin, Nicholas Tesluk. After its revival in 1996, the group would go on to become a seminal part of the American apocalyptic folk genre. (more…)
Czech version here
Edred Thorsson
History of the Rune-Gild: The Reawakening of the Gild 1980-2018
North Augusta, S.C.: Arcana Europa, 2019Edred Thorsson is one of a small handful of serious characters I am proud to know. To many, he appears to be an odd combination of “contradictions” (though these are only apparent, as I will explain at the tail end of this essay). First, he is a goði and Runemaster who speaks Old Norse with a Texas twang. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is part four of a four-part essay that first appeared in Tyr: Myth, Culture, Tradition, vol. 4.
Editor’s Note:
This is part one of a four-part essay that first appeared in Tyr: Myth, Culture, Tradition, vol. 4.
This essay is dedicated to Edred Thorsson.
Edred Thorsson has stated that Odinism[1] is not the path of one who worships Odin, but who strives to become him: (more…)
December 13, 2011 Collin Cleary
L’appel aux dieux:
la phénoménologie de la presence divine1. Introduction
Le problème avec nos païens occidentaux modernes, c’est qu’ils ne croient pas vraiment en leurs dieux, ils croient seulement croire en eux.
Mes ancêtres croyaient, mais je ne sais pas de quelle manière ils croyaient. Je confesse que je ne sais pas à quoi cela ressemble de vivre dans un monde où il y a des dieux. (more…)