Meme war is nothing new or original in human history, but the battlefields we wage it on have completely transformed. (more…)
Author: Pseudo-Laurentius
By now you’ve seen Steve King’s tweet about how babies have to be ours for our civilization to continue. He’s the same Representative from Iowa who once said Whites made more contributions to Western civilization than any other “subgroup.” (more…)
Imagine for a moment that you’re living in 2070-2090 or so, and liberal multiculturalism has completely triumphed in North America and Western Europe. There isn’t a young person alive who remembers white-majority societies (more…)
It happened. Against all odds, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. The Great Meme War of 2016 was brought to a successful conclusion, and the enemies of (civic) nationalism found themselves dispossessed, frightened, and angry. (more…)