Note: We had only a few entries for this prize, so to encourage more writing, we have extended the deadline to March 15, 2022.
“The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The Great Replacement is a fact. It is the product of political policies. It is celebrated by establishment voices. But if you don’t celebrate the Great Replacement, you are accused of trafficking in a discredited Right-wing conspiracy theory. However, despite attempts to marginalize the idea of the Great Replacement, it is becoming increasingly mainstream. For instance, American commentator Tucker Carlson recently endorsed the idea, followed by Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk.
Counter-Currents wishes to encourage wider discussion of the idea of the Great Replacement. Thus we are pleased to announce the Great Replacement Prize.
- We will award prizes in two categories: essays discussing the Great Replacement and images illustrating it. More than $1,000 in prize money has been pledged so far.
- Essays can be on any aspect of the Great Replacement, including Renaud Camus’ books Le Grande Remplacement and You Will Not Replace Us; the Great Replacement in political strategy, international law, economics, and demographic transition theory; individuals and organizations promoting the Great Replacement and their reasons; establishment disinformation about the Great Replacement; and, finally, white identitarian responses to the Great Replacement.
- Essays can range from short opinion pieces (1,500 to 2,000 words) to more developed analyses (2,000 to 5,000 words).
- The best essay will receive a prize of $500. Five runners up will receive $100 each. Other entries chosen for publication will receive honoraria of $50.
- Images can be original photographs, info-graphics, memes, or artworks, including cartoons, that illustrate or satirize the Great Replacement.
- The best image will win $100. Others chosen for publication will receive honoraria of $25.
- All essays and images should be original works that have not been previously published.
- Submission means granting Counter-Currents right of first publication.
- Essays and images can be submitted under your real name or a pen name.
- The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2022. Email them to [email protected].
- Donors who wish to increase the prize money available should contact [email protected].
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I look forward to the submissions. I moved to a lovely beach in north Florida 27 years ago, a quiet, residential, family place. Fast forward to today and the amount of 4 foot tall Mexicans eating lunch at the Gate station looks like a bizarre-o field trip of brown children. No, it’s men in their 30’s, at least. And they look at my daughter without fear. My daughter, by the way, at age 15, has very few friends because we don’t allow her to wear slutty clothes and act like an idiot. And her big brother makes sure everyone knows they share a last name and he would enjoy a reason to hurt someone.
I don’t know what the future hold for my kids, but I know the rules that held me a few years ago no longer exist.
This doesn’t surprise me. The idea is very good, and the subject vital, but it either requires an all-out commitment by CC’s usual stable of writers (certainly, I think they should all be eligible – everyone except the actual contest judges; I would enjoy seeing essays by a large number of them on this, or any other common topic), with notifications (perhaps already issued) in other prowhite venues like AR, or it (or future calls for submissions on other topics) requires a much longer time frame; say, from the start to the end of a calendar year. I was contemplating pursuing an analysis attempting to situate TGR as a concrete manifestation of the latest iteration of Western utopianism, but even just starting to read my essay’s massive ‘foundational’ work – Manuel and Manuel, Utopian Thought in the Western World (Cambridge, MA: HUP/Belknap, 1979) – I realized that, on my time-limited schedule, this would prove to be a considerable undertaking: at least a half-year’s worth of the majority of my Sundays, an amount of time far exceeding the allotted period. Thus, I’ve removed myself from the challenge (although I’m still, slowly, delving into the subject, and continue to aspire to write something on it someday).
If there is a single news story that can win the prize it would be the 2017 item about the Somali guy who 20 years after arriving in Canada, brought in the 150th member of his family. This milestone coincided with Canada’s 150th birthday.
As I probably may not provide a link here, a browser search for ‘Somali 150 Canada 2017’ should do the trick.
Will you consider fantasy allegories in your art awarding? For example, using dark skinned orcs as standins for immigrants – being let into a castle of white humans? Or does the art have to be more literal?
Sure why not?
When will the results of this Great Replacement contest be announced?
April 1
When will the results of this Great Replacement contest be announced?
Is there a revised time frame on this?
May 1
Is there a new and revised date on which you are going to finallly announce the winners of The Great Replacement Contest?
May 15. Thanks for your patience.
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