Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 330 Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, Fróði Midjord, & Karl Thorburn
Counter-Currents Radio244 words
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This is the first episode of a new format for Counter-Currents Radio, with a roundtable of Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, Fróði Midjord, and Karl Thorburn discussing viewer questions and current events. Future episodes will feature a variety of guests speakers joining the regular panel. Topics discussed include:
- 00:00:00 Intro
- 00:04:00 The paywall
- 00:09:00 Be a secret agent or speak your mind?
- 00:27:00 The role of engineers
- 00:33:00 Winter sports and women in sports
- 00:38:00 White Nationalism in 5 years
- 00:49:00 Books on race
- 00:58:00 Gab
- 00:59:00 Future guest suggestion
- 01:00:00 Financial advice from Karl Thorburn
- 01:21:00 The tipping point
- 01:33:30 Scandinavian thoughts on America
- 01:36:00 Will there be riots this summer?
- 01:46:30 How publicity has affected Fróði
- 01:51:30 Christianity and liberal values
Articles discussed:
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Writing in Europe did not start 2 thousand years ago. We have writing of European philosophers predating Christianity. The sentiments of the form “all men are created equal” can be found before Christianity. They were definitely present and popular in the first Century pagan Rome.
The paywall structure seems very fair – at least from the perspective of someone who can’t afford a membership!
I was a monthly donor for several years, but things are a bit tight at the moment. It is very generous to have paywall content open up to general access after a period, so thank you for designing it this way. I hope it increases the CC revenue.
if there had not been a religion that united the European people culturally and spiritually, today we would not be fighting against diversity because it would have already been imposed by the Muslim invasions of previous centuries. It is easy to speak from the point of view of the countries of the North that Europe has never been exposed to Arab and African invasions as were the countries of the South. What brought the European people together? Christianity.
Historic Christianity, from its post-Constantinian emergence and expansion throughout Europe, for at least 1000 years, was resolutely hierarchical, patriarchal, accepted the natural configuration of people into tribes and nations and allied itself with the ruling classes: throne and altar.
The currently degenerating ideas of equality and tolerance arose in the very anti-Christian Enlightenment, which has, over the last 3 centuries, hollowed out the western churches from inside like a parasitic wasp or a retrovirus, so that now they have become factories for “humanitarian” values that their Christian ancestors would have found either revolting or insane.
It was, after all, Napoleon who emancipated the Jews, not the Pope.
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