Greg Johnson will be joining Fróði Midjord on Guide to Kulchur for the first installment of a new series, First Principles, to discuss Carl Schmitt’s classic work The Concept of the Political. They will be going live at 11:00 AM PDT / 2:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CET on the official Guide to Kulchur YouTube and DLive channels, to be archived later on BitChute.
First Principles is a series dedicated to the discussion of the books that are central to understanding a Right-wing worldview.
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 621: Morgoth and Millennial Woes on Britain’s Rape Gang Scandal
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 618
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast 617
Review of Critical Daze: The No College Club, Book 2
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 616 Part 3
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 616 Part 1
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 615 Part 2
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 615
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Right now they’re mainly banning books from Amazon’s CreateSpace self-publishing service, but its not difficult to imagine private publishing houses, like the one CC uses, being pressured by the ADL, SPLC, and various NGOs to stop carrying them at some future point.
If Biden wins, this will likely begin in January of 2020. Although, even if Trump wins, we’re not out of the proverbial hot water by a long shot.
That sounds like a good idea, but when I click on titles at the right I’m getting a 404 message.
404 Not Found
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We are shuffling the website around a bit and some things are consequently going to be offline or wonky. Sorry about that. You can find most of our books under the “Our Titles” tab. If something you are looking for is missing there, then feel free to let us know. In the meantime, here is Plato.
Regarding the concept of hating another more than loving ones own self, the great jewish historian Josephus, who was a general during the siege of Jerusalem, in his book TheJewish war, says that in fact, the Jews had enough grain supplies to withstand the Roman siege. They could’ve won the war. But the various subsects within the city hated one another so much that they burned each other’s grain supplies by running and throwing torches in an escalating pattern of retribution. It makes one think there is something like that in the primordial psyche. To me, it sounds like something antifa or the never trumpers would do!
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