This fall, Counter-Currents will publish an anthology of original essays called The Alternative Right. The goal is twofold. First, the book will explore all aspects of the Alternative Right. Second, it will also serve as a manifesto of sorts, much like the anthology I’ll Take My Stand served the Southern Agrarian movement. Topics include:
- The origins of the Alternative Right
- The Alternative Right webzine
- The Alt Right and the conservative movement
- The Alt Right and paleoconservatism
- The Alt Right and White Nationalism
- The Alt Right and the New Right
- The Alt Right and post-libertarianism
- The Alt Right and the European Right
- The Alt Right and the manosphere
- The Alt Right and Traditionalism
- The Alt Right and religion
- The Alt Right and race realism
- The Alt Right and Jews
- Rolling back political correctness/SJWs
- Memes, image boards, and troll armies
- 1488
- Blogs, podcasts, and YouTube
- The Alt Right and Donald Trump
- The Alt Right in the real world
- The future of the Alt Right
If you wish to propose an article on these or other topics, please contact me at [email protected]. There will be an honorarium of $100 for each accepted article. Articles should be no longer than 3,000 words. The deadline is September 1st, 2016.
Greg Johnson
Call for PapersThe Alternative Right
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Imna’ buy this already. Mo excitin’ tha muh Oprah books.
The Alternative Right and women.
The Alternative Right and feminism.
I can’t wait to see someone try to explain topic number 15.
‘AltRight’s hierarchy of (moral) values’ would make for an interesting subject.
The Alt Right and Civil War
I am preparing to submit a hybrid of #10 and 11. The Alt Right and Philosophy. I won’t let the cat out of the bag yet.
I think this work would require an introductory essay defining what the alternative right is and what it encompasses. The term is effectively a holding pen for what the French might call mal-pensants and nonconformistes.
I think that Luther P. Gerlach’s discussion of movements and networks would be useful for discussing many aspects of the alternative right. A good introduction to Gerlach’s ideas can be found here:
I think the alternative right would qualify as “segmentary, polycentric, and integrated network” as Gerlach defines these terms:
“Segmentary: Composed of many diverse groups, which grow and die, divide and fuse, proliferate and contract.
“Polycentric: Having multiple, often temporary, and sometimes competing leaders or centers of influence.
“Networked: Forming a loose, reticulate, integrated network with multiple linkages through travelers, overlapping membership, joint activities, common reading matter, and shared ideals and opponents.”
These characteristics should be kept in mind when addressing practically all of the topics listed above.
Perhaps the list of topics above could benefit from a short discussion of overarching or common themes, subjects, and issues. A statement of editorial policy might also be useful. If I understand things correctly, the objective of the work is to provide a synoptic overview of the alternative right. Essays should be as objective, non-partisan, and as balanced as reasonably possible.
The topic “Divisions, Controversies, and Feuds in the Alt Right” could make for an interesting essay, but it may be invidious to devote an essay on this, and these things may be adequately addressed in other essays. But given the heterogeneous composition, ideas, and practices of the alternative right, these things are inevitably a pronounced feature of the alternative right, and therefore may deserve discussion in their own right.
May I quote from your Posts?
I suggest you ask your contributors to rigorously define “the Alt Right,” with examples specifying who and what ideas are in and out. If they can’t do that, it might indicate a problem. Also, I suggest each writer examine the practical implications and consequences of his topic and which specfic policies the Alt Right ought to commit to.
Three issues that might be problematic when writing about the alternative right are the following:
1. Issues of definition. The alternative right is a loosely organized and ideologically heterogeneous subculture. I don’t think this subculture has organizations or media that can be properly said to exercise hegemony over the alternative right as a whole, as distinct from particular divisions of it.
Perhaps the work should use more than one level of definition, in the way that Linnaean taxonomy distinguishes between the genus and the species. The work could use a fairly broad and general definition of the alternative right, as well as narrower and more specific definitions of particular sections of the alternative right. Some definitions should perhaps use the formula “meets at least [specific number] of the following criteria.”
2. Subjectivity and partisanship on the part of writers. Writers will tend to engage with and identify with particular sections and doctrines of the alternative right much more than others, and this will color their views and definitions.
3. The media of the alternative right is mostly internet-based. It can be hard to access and examine older websites and blogs, as some are no longer around and weren’t properly archived (this has happened even with significant websites like the original Alternative Right and the Voice of Reason websites), and it’s harder to go through large numbers of webpages than large numbers of printed pages. It’s harder to compare and contrast internet content in a chronologically parallel manner (e.g., what did A, B, and C say during periods X, Y, and Z?) than it is with print content.
Metapolitics would definitely be an overarching theme of the work. Addressing metapolitics would entail addressing particular media enterprises (e.g., the Alternative Right website), particular media (e.g., webzines, podcasts, YouTube videos), and particular messages, styles, and strategies. The work should definitely mention the “cuckservative” meme.
I suppose that if someone were to discuss the comments sections on alternative right websites and blogs, a good title for such a section would be, to quote Lewis Carroll out of context, “Just the Place for a Snark!”
Given the scope of the work, the above prospectus is effectively appealing to a large pool of potential contributors, not just regular contributors to Counter-Currents. This might make a more detailed statement of editorial policy appropriate. If I were to write something for this volume, I’d want to know a bit more about the work’s objectives and what is expected from writers.
There definitely needs to be an Alt-Right article on economics
That’s a good suggestion.
Couple more topics to add to the list…
The Alt Right and “Normality” (or to be click bait provocative, The Alt Right and Autism Spectrum Disorder),
and …
The Alt Right and The Fear of Success (what happens when the Alt Right becomes mainstream, and no longer the intellectual hangout of edgy “shit lords”?)
Ten Thousand Warlords
Having been in The [Bowel] Movement — my name for our “little thang” as opposed to the new-fangled ‘Alt-Right’ or the ‘Racial Right’ or ‘White Nationalism’ — since forming two militia groups in SouthWest Missouri after Waco a year or two before the Internuts 1.0 becum popular, I’ve learned that most of the Bowel Movement is either ZOGbots if suckcessfool and retards when not.
The Christian Identity, i.e. See-Eye Dentist portion is even worse. Most of it is nothing but jews like Baal Finck, a Jersey City pig who murdered a Puerto Rican sneak thief in the Jersey City jail getting 15 years in prison and then cummin’ out of prison a “Greek Scholar” who is given a New Talmud Translation of the New Testament which advances post-millennial “papist-preterism” and instead of being Two/Dual Seedline preaches “No Devil” Sheldon Emryism instead of Orthodox Comparetian Dual-Seedline Christian Identity. Then there are the Ashkenazi melungeon Dan Johns (since 1999) brought in by Wick-The-Dick Wickstrom (ZOGbot), the Chicago Sephardic jew Joseph Stalin November (formerly Kutz/Putz) brought in by Dan Johns, and then Baal Finck brought in by Captn’ Senility the Sicilian Sephardic jew Anti-Comparetian Clifton Emahiser (snuck in in 1997). This doesn’t include the mass of petty criminals brought in under the Aryan Nations brand of Auggie Kreis, Ray Redfearin (died of a heart attack brought on by a cocaine overdose in 2003), the convicted crackhead Mo Gulett (who I foolishly associated with until MoGulett threw me under the bus for a plea-‘bargain’) and all the rest of the petty criminals now claiming to be Aryan Nations. Then there is the ANUSS-MC, which is a coalition of mamzer criminal CreaTards playing Aryan Nations, which is at war with Kommandork Jeff Schoep over which ZOGtard organization can have the highest fuktard membership. In short, there is precious little doctrinal Christian Identity to be found in this mass of mongrel criminals and no understanding of even the basics, much less the finer points of DSCI theology.
Pierce’s National Alliance — formed by $400,000 in Order Loot — is nothing more than factions squabbling over what remains of what Pierce built selling trinkets, books and garage-band muzak. The Order gave TraitorGlenn Miller $250,000 and TraitorGlenn Miller enabled a Virtual Colostomy Bag of a forum run by one sick recycled jew in which a full one-third of the ZOGbots don’t post on Yom Kippur. And $permFart sucks off much of the geezer-gelt and whiggaz-mites which circulates in the bowel Movement. What are left is blogs, a few declining forums, and a few tards going to rallies and feeding in banquet rooms. The Internuts and their Tard Corrals — that is your ‘Alt-Right’/Bowel Movement today. ZOGbots & Fuktards, nothing much more.
Whenever some tard does listen to the “Alt-Right” and then proceeds to do some “direct action Lone Tardism” — and I’m specifically mentioning Dylann Storm Roof as one such “Lone Tard” — pretty much all of the Bowel Movement, er, Alt-Right, pisses down theyz’ legs and runs for the tall grass, telling everyone in and outside the Bowel Movement even thinking of hunching over to pinch off a loaf of Lone-Tardism that “Nooooooooo!!! We don’t mean a dang thang of our own bullshit. We’s good ZOGling whigger & mamzer ass-clowns, who wouldn’t harm a pubic hair of the hi-yaller pinkish-grey gummed Muslim-yid faggot Head Nigga In Charge’s nappy haid, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!”
That said, I like the Alt-Right memes and sundry bullshit posted on Andre ‘the nigger’ Anglin’s Daily $permer and other like places. Far funnier than the “We’s all doomed by Janet Reno cummin’ to Wacoize us Militia-Mattoids” from the mid-90s. But other than the lulz, what is accomplished?
I made peace with Harold Covington’s Northwest Front back in March 2009. I maintain the peace by not interacting with Harold’s bunch. Piss between bowel Movement leaders is only possible when they don’t cumpete for the same slop for their troughs. There can be no piss between Bowel Movement Ober-shiessen-kopfen-feeben-fatten-fuktard-fuerhers cumpeting for the same slop in theys’ trough.
Yet the Rise of the God-Emperor /Wrecking Ball Donald Trump has unleashed all manner of Tard, especially in the bowel Movement and particularly that particular species of feces calling itzself the “Alt-Right.” There is no shortage of lulz.
The Mighty Evil Empire of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final isn’t doing too well. The ‘minorities’ are killing each other and ZOG’s piglice as well. So rather than as the current Bowel Movement “thinking” of whining and begging ZOG for one racial ethnostate — in some cases like the LOSers and CofCC and Hunter Wallace wants right in the middle of 90% niggerstans — how about simply getting Ten-Thousand racial ethnostates dominated by Ten Thousand Warlords in which what with the collapse of ZOG/Babylon leaves only 20-30 million ex-whiggers. Wouldn’t a racial ethnostate or 9,999 be possible or even likely given the complete collapse of ZOG/Babylon and liquidation of its [d]ruling class of addlepated corrupt whiggers run by jews?
Now I don’t expect the Bowel Movement or Alt-Right of ZOGbots & ZOGtards to change even based upon reality when it kicks the Revolutionary door in. But those who cannot perceive dire Reality shall soon enough die.
We get along, Dr. Greg, like Jack Sprat and his wife because we don’t compete for the same followers holding the same beliefs. You have no designs on Granby Missouri; I have no designs on Sans Fagscrisco. We both get along with Harold Covington. Totally different slop in totally different troughs. Where there is competition for tard attention there is conflict, like me with the jew & mongrel See-Eye Dentists, you with the Matt-oids.
So with the inevitable collapse of ZOG, what is inevitable is Bowel Movement de-centralization. “Unity” is of the jews since Nimrod. YHWH destroyed the “unity” of the First Babylon by confounding the common tongue used by those descended from the Beasts of the Field through the Garments of Power made of such Beasts — including the two-legged ones — given to Adam and Eve inherited by Noah and stolen by Ham for Nimrod. The True Sons of Adam have never needed or wanted an Empire in which they are the slaves of the muds.
Anyone who knows trucking or railroads or agriculture knows how fragile the current System is. And that System is likely to collapse given financial distress far worse than in 2008. So when the trucks stop how long will it take for the unfed animals to go looking to kill whiggers for food? Ninety-six hours from Revolution. The Revolution inevitable shall not produce a Washington or a Cromwell or Napoleon or even a Hitler or Stalin, but given the mongrel population more of a Mao or Pol Pot.
So the challenge of the Bowel Movement and itz Alt-Right propagandists shall change from metapolyticks of begging ZOG/Babylon for one, just one white ethnostate to try to make a tenuous living like Pine Ridge Souix, but rather Ten-Thousand Warlords ruling absolutely over a population of white survivors of a few thousands but in which the land — and our People are purified, without a jew idea or gene to be found whatsoever from the Atlantic to the Pacific and if jews or muds are allowed to exist at all it will be none but a few thousands in their own reservation(s) in which they are isolated absolutely.
Yes, I have a Dream — A Stainless Steel Dream — of The Ten Thousand Warlords in which there is a place for every White to live according to their own Notions as long as they can convince their local Warlord. A place where my friend David Lane — I refused to become one of his Woden-Priests — said, “We must ensure the Existence of our People and a Future for White Children.”
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
The Alt Right and the Arts.
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