Tag: resilient communities
1,531 words
I happened to see this tidbit by Peter Brimelow from VDARE:
Wendy Gramm, wife of Republican presidential candidate Phil Gramm. During the Iowa caucus race, Mrs. Gramm dismissed complaints about low wages paid by the meatpacking giant IBP, of which she was a director, (more…)
901 words
Recently I was at a supermarket that uses the American flag for its logo. The ladies at the deli were handing out samples of buffalo chicken salad, and I asked if I could buy a pound of it. They said, “No, it only comes in sandwiches that were made at a warehouse in Massachusetts.” We can assume the sandwich assemblers were recent immigrants, possibly illegals. Then the ladies at the deli complained that their hours had been cut. I was infuriated. The process of outsourcing jobs and insourcing illegal and legal immigrants has massively accelerated.