It ought to be mighty difficult to make a bad production — be it documentary, fictionalized, semi-fictionalized — out of the career of master spy Kim Philby. Yet, somehow the makers of the six-part mini-series A Spy Among Friends have succeeded in that grim task. (First broadcast a year ago in England on ITVX; in America it’s streaming on MGM+.) This is not from lack of talent or production values. Rather, the problem appears to be poor knowledge of the subject and lack of respect for the available material, most notably the wonderful Ben Macintyre book of the same title, which inspired the TV series but did not inform it to any great extent — alas! (more…)
Tag: MI5
Dr. Roger Pearson — a pioneering scholar and publisher across a wide range of anthropological studies, and a brave champion of racial reality in a world which increasingly denies scientific truth — has died aged 95. Born in England but spending most of his adult life in the United States, Dr. Pearson was a good friend of many racial realists such as Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Paul Fromm, Tom Sunic, and Heritage & Destiny editor Mark Cotterill, whose obituary tribute is online here. One of his last public activities was his speech at a tribute last June organized by Counter-Currents and the Free Expression Foundation: click here for details. (more…)
October 7, 2022 Margot Metroland
Kdo zabil George Orwella? Byl to „Bába“ Gow?
1.871 slov
English original here
Jistá pověst tradovaná o smrti George Orwella se už posledních více než 20 let usilovně snaží prodrat na povrch hlavního proudu. Pokud vím, nebyla zatím nikde otištěna, což je poněkud zvláštní, protože všechny její hlavní součásti jsou už dlouho veřejně dostupné a známé: v životopisech, memoárech i novinových titulcích. Kdokoliv, tedy skoro kdokoliv, koho celá věc zajímá, si dávno mohl dát dvě a dvě dohromady. (more…)