Evolution is the political correctness of science, the one scientific theory that cannot be questioned. Biologists can lose their jobs for doubting it. Droning nature shows on television inculcate from our birth its certainty. We are assured that only snake-handling primitive Christians disbelieve, and that all scientists affirm it, which they don’t. (more…)
Tag: Intelligent Design
“Why . . . so . . . serious?” — The Joker[1]
“It’s all a joke.” — The Comedian[2]
“All humane people should admit that they are jokers; that they are playing games and playing tricks. That I am doing it on you—I am most ready to admit this. I hoaxed you all into coming here to tell you . . . what?” [laughs loudly, crowd laughs] — Alan Watts[3] (more…)
Alan Watts–Here and Now: Contributions to Psychology, Philosophy, and Religion
Ed. Peter J. Columbus and Donadrian L. Rice
Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2012“It is the peculiar nature of my adolescent explorings of the Devon countryside . . . that made me what I am—and in many other ways besides writing. . . . I have never gained any taste for what lies beyond the experience of solitary discovery. . . . (more…)
December 13, 2010 Andrew Hamilton
Makroevolution, Mikroevolution & Rasse
October 18, 2010 Andrew Hamilton
Macroevolution, Microevolution, & Race
Ordinarily the study of human evolution focuses on the species as a whole and its supposed descent from prehominid species. But race is preeminently a subspecies phenomenon. Race (as opposed to species) formation and destruction can occur with great rapidity on the microevolutionary as opposed to the macroevolutionary time scale.