2025 - 242 pages
Trevor Lynch
The Best of Trevor Lynch
“Trevor Lynch is a master of using philosophy to illuminate films and films to illuminate philosophy: Plato, Hegel, and Kojève to interpret Pulp Fiction; Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Traditionalism to understand The Dark Knight Trilogy; Carl Schmitt and René Girard to make sense of Lawrence of Arabia, and so forth, one tour de force after another. This volume demonstrates why Trevor Lynch has inspired a whole school of New Right cultural criticism. I give it four stars.”—Derek Hawthorne, author of Being and “The Birds” or: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Heidegger (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock)
2024 - 224 pages
Greg Johnson
Novel Takes: Essays on Literature
There’s a lot of truth in fiction. In Novel Takes, Greg Johnson explores racial, ethnic, and political themes in such works as Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints, Frank Herbert’s Dune series, Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, H. P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth, John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces, Michel Houellebecq’s Submission and Annihilation, Tito Perdue’s Morning Crafts, The Node, and Reuben, Chuck Palahniuk’s Adjustment Day, and others.
2024 - 198 pages
András László
Solum Ipsum: Metaphysical Aphorisms
András László (1941–2024) was born in Budapest. A revered teacher and prolific author, András László held a doctorate in Buddhist studies and was a leading exponent of the Hungarian Traditionalist school. Solum Ipsum is a collection of metaphysical aphorisms drawn from András László’s oral teachings by one of his students, Ferenc Buji, who also provides an interpretive essay on László’s life, thought, and place in the broader Traditionalist movement. Solum Ipsum is András László’s first book in English translation and a valuable window into the large and vibrant Hungarian Traditionalist school.
2024 - 236 pages
Spencer J. Quinn
Critical Daze: The No College Club, Book 2
Three white high school seniors enter a prestigious scholarship competition. The topic? Critical race theory. One is a true believer, one is doing it for the money, and one is doing it for his secret crush. But as they learn more about the doctrine’s insidious anti-white agenda, their friendship gets tested in unexpected ways. They are not supposed to challenge critical race theory, yet they do. This forces them to make difficult, life-altering decisions which could jeopardize their families, their futures, and their very identity as white Americans.
2024 - 320 pages
Alain de Benoist
Against Liberalism: Society Is Not a Market
In Against Liberalism: Society Is Not a Market, Alain de Benoist shows the inadequacy of liberalism’s philosophical premises: individualism, self-interest, progressivism, human rights, capitalism, market values, and “economic man.” He shows that liberalism in practice is incompatible with genuine diversity and with democratic, communitarian, and conservative values. He suggests that society can have a market without being a market. It turns out that the best society is one in which not everything is up for sale.
2024 - 346 pages
Jason Kessler
Charlottesville & the Death of Free Speech
Available now from Dissident Press, for the first time anywhere, Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech recounts the full, true story of what happened at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, from the pen of Jason Kessler, the man who organized it.
2024 - 688 pages
Francis Parker Yockey
Imperium: The Philosophy of History & Politics
In a blaze of inspiration, Francis Parker Yockey wrote Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics in Brittas Bay, Ireland. Drawing upon the ideas of Oswald Spengler and Carl Schmitt, Imperium offers a philosophy of history, culture, and politics, as well as a synoptic overview of the Second World War and the post-war world. Yockey argues that the destiny of Western Civilization will be realized only by the creation of a pan-European imperial order.
Derek Hawthorne
Being & The Birds or: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Heidegger (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock)
Philosopher and film critic Derek Hawthorne draws on the thought of Martin Heidegger to illuminate Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 classic The Birds, about a series of savage and …
2024 - 279 pages
Greg Johnson
Nowej Prawicy przeciw Starej Prawicy
Dr Greg Johnson, bazując na ideach europejskiej Nowej Prawicy, proponuje nowe podejście do białego nacjonalizmu w Ameryce Północnej. Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy jest zbiorem 32 esejów, w których dr Johnson przedstawia swoją wizję „metapolityki” białego nacjonalizmu i odgranicza ten nurt od faszyzmu oraz narodowego socjalizmu („Starej Prawicy”), a także od konserwatyzmu i klasycznego liberalizmu („Fałszywej Prawicy”).
2024 - 264 pages
Greg Johnson
Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha
El Dr. Greg Johnson se inspira en las ideas de la Nueva Derecha europea para promover un nuevo enfoque de la política Nacionalista Blanca en Norteamérica. Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha recoge 32 ensayos en los que el Dr. Johnson expone su visión de la “metapolítica” Nacionalista Blanca y la distingue del fascismo y el Nacional Socialismo (la “Vieja Derecha”), así como del conservadurismo y el liberalismo clásico (la “Falsa Derecha”).
2023 - 216 pages
Greg Johnson
Against Imperialism
Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism collects thirty of his best pieces of political commentary written primarily in 2022 and 2023 on such topics as imperialism vs. ethnonationalism, the Ukraine War, sovereignty, international relations, abortion, and the Gaza conflict—as well as such figures as Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Christopher Rufo, Kanye West, Dave Chappelle, Elon Musk, and Richard Hanania—all from a pro-white point of view. These essays display all of Greg Johnson’s trademarks: careful argumentation, moral clarity, political idealism, and a willingness to take unequivocal stands on controversial issues.
2023 - 232 pages
Tito Perdue
The New Austerities
First published in 1994, Tito Perdue’s The New Austerities returns from Standard American Publishing.
2023 - 244 pages
Jonathan Bowden
The Cultured Thug
“Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron’s ideal: the cultured thug.”—Jonathan Bowden
2023 - 204 pages
Tito Perdue
Opportunities in Alabama Agriculture
First published in 1994, Tito Perdue’s Opportunities in Alabama Agriculture returns from Standard American Publishing.
2023 - 190 pages
Greg Johnson
Toward a New Nationalism (Second Edition)
Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism is a companion volume to his The White Nationalist Manifesto. Toward a New Nationalism offers a White Nationalist analysis of race realism, white identity, the problems with conservatism and libertarianism, “hate,” “white privilege,” American ethnic identity and nationalism, technological utopianism, freedom of speech, metapolitics, the Jewish question, the rise and fall of the Alt Right, and the ethos of idealism, duty, and self-sacrifice that white advocates need to cultivate if they are to change the world. The Second Edition of Toward a New Nationalism is based upon the French edition. It keeps all the essays of perennial importance, but it omits three essays on the “Deep State” and a number of dated, journalistic essays on the Alt Right and adds the classic essay “It’s Okay to Be White.” The result is a slimmer, easier-to-read, and more impactful volume.
2023 - 238 pages
Greg Johnson
The Trial of Socrates
The trial of Socrates is a pivotal event in world history. Before Socrates, philosophy had put society on trial. Now society was striking back. The Trial of Socrates first presents the case for the prosecution based on Aristophanes’ comedy Clouds, which mocks Socrates as a preacher of atheism and moral corruption. The case for the defense is drawn from five of Plato’s dialogues, which explore the permanent tensions between intellectual freedom and social order, as well as how they might be harmonized.
2023 - 218 pages
Tito Perdue
Fields of Asphodel
First published in 2007, Tito Perdue’s Fields of Asphodel returns from Standard American Publishing.
2022 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
El Manifiesto Nacionalista Blanco
Un fantasma recorre el mundo: el fantasma del Nacionalismo Blanco. Trump, el Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: la política identitaria blanca está en auge. A pesar de que todo el establishment político ―de izquierdas y de derechas― está comprometido con el globalismo, el nacionalismo populista está barriendo Europa y ha puesto a Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca. En El Manifiesto Nacionalista Blanco, Greg Johnson defiende la forma más radical de política identitaria blanca: el Nacionalismo Blanco, que defiende el derecho de todos los pueblos blancos a la autodeterminación.
2022 - 196 pages
Charles Krafft
An Artist of the Right
About An Artist of the Right Charles Wing Krafft, “the dark angel of Seattle art,” was an American painter and ceramicist, as well as a poet and essayist. Straddling the worlds of fine art and “lowbrow” art, Krafft began as a painter of the Northwest School but in the 1990s became famous for his dark and ironic Delft-style ceramics depicting weapons, disasters, and dictators. In the last fifteen years of his life, Krafft became an outspoken Holocaust revisionist and white advocate. An Artist of the Right collects transcripts of some of Krafft’s interviews and talks about his artistic, intellectual, and political journeys.
2022 - 184 pages
Alain de Benoist
Ernst Jünger: Between the Gods & the Titans
Alain de Benoist has written an ideal introduction to Jünger’s long life and vast body of work. Benoist illuminates the central figures in Jünger’s works: the Soldier, the Worker, the Rebel, and the Anarch. Benoist devotes special attention to The Worker, as well as Jünger’s debts to Nietzsche and Spengler, his relationship to the German Conservative Revolutionary movement, and his dialogues with Heidegger, Drieu la Rochelle, and his brother Friedrich Georg Jünger.
2022 - 170 pages
Tito Perdue
Under the tutelage of Lee Pefley, Reuben learned what must be done. And when the time came, he left Alabama and took up the task of conquering the world, or at least the Occidental share of it. This novel chronicles Reuben’s necessary, great, and terrible deeds.
2022 - 246 pages
Fenek Solère
The Partisan
The Spirit of Charlemagne and Charles Martel lives again: a young resistance movement has emerged, determined to overthrow France’s Eurabian conquerors. It has come to this . . . It’s kill or be killed. Their most feared weapon is Sabine D’Orlac, aka La Pétroleuse, who leads a violent paramilitary cell. Utterly ruthless, she will stop at nothing. But neither will the enemy . . . At stake is the future of Europe.
2022 - 220 pages
Trevor Lynch
Trevor Lynch’s Classics of Right-Wing Cinema
Trevor Lynch views cinema and television from the Right. Trevor Lynch’s Classics of Right-Wing Cinema is his fifth anthology. Lynch looks at Right-wing themes—anti-liberalism, anti-Communism, masculinism, vigilantism—in such films as Taxi Driver, American History X, Dirty Harry and its sequels, Conan the Barbarian, The Bostonians, The Incredibles, The Last Emperor, Withnail & I, and John Ford’s The Searchers and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Lynch also gives Rightist takes on David Lean’s The Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia, and Doctor Zhivago; Michael Powell’s Black Narcissus, The Life & Death of Colonel Blimp, and The Red Shoes; David Lynch’s The Elephant Man, Twin Peaks, and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me; and Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny & Alexander.
2022 - 320 pages
Francis Parker Yockey
The Enemy of Europe
Powerful people tried to stop you from reading this book. Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe narrowly escaped total destruction. Published in 1953 in West Germany, The Enemy of Europe argued that Europeans should regard the United States, not the Soviet Union, as their greater enemy in the Cold War. West Germany’s liberal democratic regime banned the book and destroyed every copy that came into its hands. Only a few copies of Yockey’s German translation survived.
2022 - 200 pages
Jonathan Bowden
Reactionary Modernism
“Let us return to tradition to go forwards with modernity in a different direction.”
Since the Second World War, “modernism” in the arts has been overwhelmingly associated with the cultural and political Left. But before the War, there was vigorous debate between modernists of the Right and the Left. -
2022 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
Manifesto del Nazionalismo Bianco
Uno spettro si aggira per il mondo, lo spettro del Nazionalismo Bianco. Trump, la Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: l’identitarismo bianco è in crescita. Sebbene l’interno spettro politico, a destra così come a sinistra, abbia abbracciato la globalizzazione, il nazionalismo populista sta attraversando l’Europa e ha portato Donald Trump nella Casa Bianca. Nel Manifesto del Nazionalismo Bianco Greg Johnson difende la forma più radicale di identitarismo bianco: il Nazionalismo Bianco, che sostiene il diritto di ogni popolo bianco all’autodeterminazione.
2022 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
O Manifesto Nacionalista Branco
Um espectro está a assombrar o mundo, o espectro do Nacionalismo Branco. Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: a política de identidade branca está em ascensão. Embora todo o establishment político, tanto esquerda como direita, esteja comprometido com o globalismo, o nacionalismo populista está a varrer a Europa, e levou Donald Trump à Casa Branca. No livro O Manifesto Nacionalista, Greg Johnson defende a forma mais radical de política de identidade branca: o nacionalismo branco, que apoia o direito de todos os povos brancos à sua autodeterminação.
2021 - 106 pages
Tito Perdue
Vade Mecum
Really, how can human beings ever hope for transcendence while still attached to physical bodies, unsightly paraphernalia hindered by illnesses, old age, economic requirements and the rest. How much better if the best of us, you and me, were transposed into everlasting equipment able to separate the spiritual from the chaff!
2018 - 350 pages
Jim Goad
Whiteness: The Original Sin
In 50 short, sharp, incisive essays, Jim Goad examines why the idea of being white has become the modern version of the unpardonable sin.
2021 - 228 pages
Beau Albrecht
Space Vixen Trek Episode 17: Tomorrow the Stars
In 1978, a professor and two wacky Midwestern teens witness a remarkable finding. A worldwide computer network delivers an image from their new space telescope, and they discover proof that aliens once visited our solar system. Soon, they’re in more trouble than a gopher at a rattlesnake convention. Little did they know that these sneaky extraterrestrials are back again. Their Open Mankind Foundation Governance is plotting to prepare the world for the “New Galactic Arrangement”. Worse, they’re not the only spacefaring schemers out to subvert our unsuspecting planet.
2021 - 220 pages
Greg Johnson
The Year America Died
In 2020, America was hit by three waves of catastrophe: the Covid-19 pandemic, widespread racial violence, and a stolen presidential election, leading to economic devastation, explosions of black crime and white flight in diverse cities, and a government crippled by deep polarization and the stench of illegitimacy.
2021 - 248 pages
James J. O’Meara
Passing the Buck:
Coleman Francis & Other Cinematic MetaphysiciansWelcome to Metaphysical Science Theater 3000. This collection is the first comprehensive attempt to place Traditionalism within a major field of modern popular culture-cinema, good and bad – and to recognize how each can clarify and illuminate the other.
2020 - 351 pages
James J. O’Meara
Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, & Other Populist Gurus
A new kind of spiritual teacher or “guru” has emerged in the 20th century, one more interested in methods, techniques and results than in dogmas, institutions, or – especially – followers. James O’Meara examines these “populist gurus” from a wide variety of perspectives, including substantial chapters on well-known figures such as William Burroughs, Aleister Crowley, Colin Wilson, Alan Watts, Neville Goddard, and Julius Evola, as well as such fringe phenomena as Chaos Magick and even the origins of the Internet’s ‘meme magic.’
2021 - 320 pages
Savitri Devi
Gold in the Furnace:
Experiences in Post-War GermanyGold in the Furnace is an ardent National Socialist’s vivid and moving account of life in occupied Germany in the aftermath of World War II, based on extensive travels and interviews conducted in 1948 and 1949. Savitri Devi is scathing in her description of Allied brutality and hypocrisy: millions of German civilians died in Allied firebombing; millions more perished after the war, driven from their homes by Russians, Czechs, and Poles; more than a million prisoners of war perished from planned starvation or outright murder in Allied concentration camps; untold thousands more disappeared into slave labor camps from the Congo to Siberia.
2021 - 416 pages
Savitri Devi
The Prison Memoirs of Savitri DeviDefiance is Savitri Devi’s vivid and impassioned memoir of her arrest, trial, and imprisonment on the charge of distributing National Socialist propaganda in Occupied Germany in 1949. On 7 September 1948, Savitri Devi entered Germany with eleven thousand propaganda posters and leaflets condemning the Allies, proclaiming that Adolf Hitler was still alive (which she believed to be true at the time), and urging Germans to resist the occupation and to hope and wait for his return.
2021 - 128 pages
Savitri Devi
Forever & Ever:
Devotional PoemsForever and Ever is a collection of devotional poems—hymns of praise and somber elegies—written in 1952 and 1953 and dedicated to Adolf Hitler. The volume also includes an additional poem, “In Memory of May 1st, 1945,” written in 1946 by Clara Sharland, which is probably a pen name of Savitri Devi.
2021 - 112 pages
Collin Cleary
Wagner’s Ring & the Germanic Tradition
In this remarkable book, Collin Cleary defends Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen against the claim that it “distorts” Germanic mythology. Wagner was a serious student of the myths and sagas of Northern Europe, and the Ring is surprisingly faithful to them. Wagner retells the traditional stories, revealing new layers of meaning. Indeed, of all the works that have preserved Germanic mythology, Wagner’s Ring is the most beautiful and the most profound. Cleary includes a detailed account of the composer’s use of the traditional sources. In addition, he offers a complete interpretation of the Ring, demonstrating Wagner’s synthesis of German myth and German philosophy.
Fenek Solère
Resistance is the story of one man’s awakening to the dangers of the absolutist creed of multiculturalism and the ethnic cleansing of a continent. Tracing Peter Janssen’s metamorphosis from social justice warrior to hardened political soldier, his violent confrontation with a tyrannous European dictatorship becomes inevitable in a last-ditch battle to save Western civilization.
2020 - 184 pages
Tito Perdue
Materials for All Future Historians
He had a telescope in fixed position, a half-dozen semi-domesticated pet raccoons, and a trove of alcoholic beverages. Had other things, including the normal pots and pans, drinking vessels, a .357 magnum 8-shot Smith and Wesson revolver and, at great expense, a battery driven water purification distillery fed from the nearby creek. Had nine dark suits of various weights and shades of blue. He also owned a supply of mysterious-looking ties ordered from the Duchamp Company in London, England. Dressed thus, no one bothered him or suspected the sort of person that he was.
2020 - 132 pages
Tito Perdue
Love Song of the Australopiths
When an individual or a whole race becomes aware of its impending doom, atavistic things happen. This is the story of a cartel of some two score of resolute but highly idiosyncratic men resolved to reset post-modern American society. Septuagenarians and older, unafraid of death and even hungering for it, they have pooled their talents and funds to change the course of history. Then they squander it all in a single act of suicidal violence. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
2020 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
White Identity Politics
White identity politics is the wave of the future. Since 2015, Western elites have been in full panic at the rising tide of nationalism, populism, and white identity politics. To beat back this tide, the parties of the center-Right and center-Left have formed a united front, along with the media, academia, and big business. They have resorted to campaigns of vilification, censorship, and outright electoral fraud.
2020 - 230 pages
Greg Johnson
Here’s the Thing: Selected Interviews, vol. 2
In his interviews, Greg Johnson is known for expressing radical and sometimes shocking ideas in a calm, rational, unapologetic manner. Here’s the Thing collects ten of his best interviews from 2014 to 2018. The interviews with Darryl Cooper, Tara McCarthy, and Lana Lokteff offer a basic introduction to White Nationalism and the New Right. The first of two conversations with Hugh MacDonald focuses on the treacherous charge of “racism” and different ways to handle it. The conversation with Millennial Woes answers the centrist, civic nationalist objections of video commentator Sargon of Akkad. The discussion with J.M. answers common questions and objections from “normies.”
2020 - 228 pages
Trevor Lynch
Trevor Lynch: Part Four of the Trilogy
Since 2001, Trevor Lynch has developed a fervent following with his insightful and sometimes vicious dissections of philosophical, political, racial, and sexual themes in a wide variety of films and television shows. Trevor Lynch: Part Four of the Trilogy is his fourth anthology, covering thirty-three films, including two documentaries, plus two TV shows.
2020 - 220 pages
Greg Johnson
Graduate School with Heidegger
Greg Johnson’s Graduate School with Heidegger is unique in the vast literature on Heidegger. Written by a self-proclaimed “failed academic” for intelligent laymen, these essays and lectures serve as a non-systematic, non-technical introduction to the twentieth century’s most influential and difficult philosopher.
2020 - 226 pages
Greg Johnson
It’s Okay to Be White: The Best of Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents is getting out of publishing, but Greg Johnson is still publishing books. His latest book is It’s Okay to Be White, coming soon from Ministry of Truth and available here for preorder and (eventually) at better bookstores around the world.
2020 - 510 pages
Francis Parker Yockey
The World in Flames:
The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker YockeyThe World in Flames collects all of Francis Parker Yockey’s surviving essays and correspondence, including recent and never-before-published archival discoveries. The volume is edited with an Introduction and annotations by Kerry Bolton, the foremost expert on Yockey’s life and thought. The World in Flames is an indispensable volume for understandi
2019 - 150 pages
Greg Johnson
The White Nationalist Manifesto
A specter is haunting the world, the specter of White Nationalism. Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, Orbán, Salvini: white identity politics is on the rise. Even though the entire political establishment, Left and Right, is committed to globalism, populist nationalism is sweeping Europe and put Donald Trump in the White House. In The White Nationalist Manif
2019 - 220 pages
Greg Johnson
From Plato to Postmodernism
Greg Johnson’s From Plato to Postmodernism collects essays and lectures on philosophical, political, and cultural themes in Plato, Aristotle, Vico, Rousseau, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Yeats, Husserl, Heidegger, Jünger, Cassirer, Camus, and Kojève. Written in a lucid and lively style and illustrated with examples from ordinary life and popular
2019 - 156 pages
Tito Perdue
The Gizmo
“One of the drollest and most inspired creations of Tito Perdue’s imagination is the ‘escrubilator,’ a piece of technology whose multifarious features and functions make it as impossible for the reader to visualize as Gogol’s nose that abandoned its owner and left town disguised as a civil servant. Tito Perdue’s nineteenth novel, The Gizmo, tells t
2019 - 232 pages
Trevor Lynch
Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch’s CENSORED Guide to the Movies
Since 2001, Trevor Lynch’s essays and reviews have developed a wide following. He offers penetrating and often hilarious dissections of racial, sexual, political, and philosophical themes in a wide variety of films and television shows. Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch’s CENSORED Guide to the Movies is his third anthology, covering 39 feature film
2019 - 238 pages
Greg Johnson
Toward a New Nationalism
Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism is a companion volume to his The White Nationalist Manifesto. Toward a New Nationalism collects 35 essays, speeches, reviews, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics, including race realism, white identity, the problems with conservatism and libertarianism, White Nationalism, technological utopianism, fr
2020 - 204 pages
Tito Perdue
The Smut Book
“Chances are, there’s more smut in the mind of the average reader than in the pages Tito Perdue’s The Smut Book. This is a gently wry novel about a pre-teen boy’s awakening interest in the opposite sex, set in 1950 in a small Alabama town. It is a world in which healthy youngsters grow up fast, barely contained by close families, hovering teachers,
2018 - 320 pages
Multiple authors
The Alternative Right
During the 2016 US presidential election, the “Alt” or Alternative Right went from the margins to the mainstream of political debate when Hillary Clinton gave a speech trying to tar Donald Trump by tying him to White Nationalists, conspiracy theorists, and cartoon frogs. Suddenly, “normies” were asking where the Alt Right came from, who its leading
2018 - 178 pages
Buttercup Dew
My Nationalist Pony
“My Nationalist Pony, Buttercup Dew’s Tumblr blog on the iconic children’s cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, is a masterpiece of culture-jamming. Buttercup analyzes My Little Pony from a White Nationalist, New Rightist, Traditionalist, and neo-pagan perspective. He pinpoints the show’s debts to European culture. He reads the stories as allegories teaching perennial truths about race, heredity, caste, sexual differences, self-actualization, virtue, and the divine. And he does it all without a hint of irony. Because if friendship is magic, ironic detachment is decadence. By collecting the best of the My Nationalist Pony blog and related texts, this volume once again demonstrates the New Right’s power to disclose hidden depths in popular culture.”
2018 - 222 pages
Multiple authors
Dark Right: Batman Viewed From the Right
Why is Batman a staple of Right-wing discussions and memes? The entire superhero genre is inherently anti-liberal, for even though superheroes generally fight for liberal humanist values, they do so outside the law. They are vigilantes, and vigilantism only becomes necessary when the liberal system breaks down. But the character of Batman, particularly after being rebooted in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns and developed in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, is not just anti-liberal, but decidedly Right-wing. The essays in Dark Right show us why, focusing on Traditionalist, masculinist, and New Right themes in Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, but also exploring other films, comics, and graphic novels.
2017 - 100 pages
Tito Perdue
The Philatelist
Tito Perdue’s The Philatelist is a novella about the joys of stamp collecting as a refuge from an unhappy life. The Philatelist is paired with the short story “Good Things in Tiny Places,” read on the occasion of the author receiving the 2015 H. P. Lovecraft Prize for Literature.
2018 - 368 pages
Anthony M. Ludovici
The Confessions of an Anti-Feminist: The Autobiography of Anthony M. Ludovici
Anthony Mario Ludovici (1882–1971) was one of Britain’s most celebrated intellectuals in the first decades of the twentieth century. One of the earliest and most accomplished translators of Nietzsche into English and a leading exponent of Nietzsche’s thought, Ludovici was also an original philosopher in his own right. In nearly forty books, including eight novels, plus countless essays and reviews, Ludovici set forth his views on metaphysics, religion, ethics, politics, economics, the sexes, health, eugenics, art, modern culture, and current events with a clarity, wit, and fearless honesty that made him famous.
2018 - 198 pages
Julius Evola
East & West: Comparative Studies in Pursuit of Tradition
East & West collects eighteen essays and reviews in East-West comparative philosophy and religion written by Julius Evola for the journal East & West. Evola covers an astonishing array of traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Tantrism, Yoga, Vedanta, Taoism, Stoicism, and Existentialism; such thinkers as René Guénon, Ernst Jünger, Mircea Eliade, Sri Aurobindo, Meister Eckhart, F. W. J. Schelling, Martin Heidegger, Carl Jaspers, and C. G. Jung; and such topics as suicide, psychology, sexual magic, and the Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead. Evola’s goal is not simply to identify superficial doctrinal parallels between Eastern and Western traditions, but to use these comparisons to uncover their common root, the one Tradition that underlies the many traditions, which is the central focus of his work.
2017 - 104 pages
Tito Perdue
Though We Be Dead, Yet Our Day Will Come
Tito Perdue’s Though We Be Dead, Yet Our Day Will Come is a novella about the advancement of American civilization as revealed by the sixtieth high school reunion of the Class of 1956 from a small Alabama town. The narrator sardonically catalogs the “progress” of his classmates in terms of divorces, abortions, addictions, suicides, arrests, and sex change operations, which progressive thinkers tend to regard as negligible epiphenomena of long-overdue revolutionary advances in social justice and self-actualization. This is a book for those who are not quite ready to celebrate the end of history just yet.
2017 - 454 pages
Spencer J. Quinn
White Like You
It’s the mid-21st century. Despite facing tremendous anti-white discrimination and hostility, Ben Cameron has found success in the standardized testing industry. He knows about racial differences and keeps quiet about it to protect his career. But the appearance of his estranged brother, who speaks of forbidden topics such as white identity and liberation, draws him into a life-and-death struggle for the future of America. White Nationalists have gone underground and are plotting to take their country back from the radical Leftists and Muslims who have taken over Washington. Ben must now prepare for a secret war as well as contend with fanaticism and treachery within the movement which threaten to destroy the rebellion before it can even begin.
2017 - 220 pages
Christopher Pankhurst
Numinous Machines
Rudolf Otto coined the term numinous to refer to the primal experience of the holy. When captured and articulated, the numinous is the basis of religion and culture. But in our age of religious unbelief and cultural decline, where do we find the numinous sources of spiritual and cultural renewal? According to Christopher Pankhurst’s Numinous Machines, the answer is all around us — along the margins and even in the dregs of modern culture — if only we have eyes to see.
2017 - 228 pages
J. A. Nicholl
Venus & Her Thugs: Fifteen Weird Tales
Venus & Her Thugs is a collection of fifteen weird, allegorical, and horrific stories about life in the Current Year. Nubile bodies are worshipped or desecrated by bestial cults; brusque strangers appear, demanding ego and consciousness as the price of bare existence; both old and young rot where they lie while abominations issue forth en masse. What’s not to love?
2016 - 190 pages
Tito Perdue
Cynosura is a feverish love story between a non-ordinary Tennessee farm girl of supernal physical beauty and an estranged youth possessed of exceptional intellectual ambition. The girl, a gifted and hard-working cellist, is a natural-born elitist, contemptuous, or anyway indifferent, to ordinary people. Her self-selected life’s mission is to identify the man to whom she will want to consecrate her life. She is sexual, intelligent, melancholy, efficient, and intuits that her life will be short.
400 pages
Multiple authors
North American New Right, vol. 2
North American New Right is the journal of a new intellectual movement, the North American New Right. This movement seeks to understand the causes of the ongoing demographic, political, and cultural decline of European peoples in North America and around the globe — and to lay the metapolitical foundations for halting and reversing these trends. The North American New Right seeks to apply the ideas of the European New Right and allied intellectual and political movements in the North American context. Thus North American New Right publishes translations by leading European thinkers as well as interviews, articles, and reviews about their works.
2017 - 256 pages
Greg Johnson
You Asked for It: Selected Interviews, vol. 1
You Asked for It collects twelve of Greg Johnson’s best interviews from 2011 to 2017 with Mike Enoch, Tomislav Sunić, Robert Stark, Dennis Fetcho, Matt Parrott, Laura Raim, Georges Feltin-Tracol, Francesco Boco, and Ruuben Kaalep. Topics include White Nationalism, the New Right, the Alternative Right, the perils of multiculturalism, the Jewish question, eco-fascism, the boomerang generation, populism, elitism, economic policy, the case for paternalism, the case against marijuana, the Donald Trump phenomenon, and such thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Heidegger, and Savitri Devi. These interviews offer a self-contained, accessible, and compelling case for White Nationalism.
2017 - 188 pages
Kerry Bolton
More Artists of the Right
It is a perennial embarrassment to the Left that some of the greatest creative minds of the 19th and 20th centuries were men of the Right, and not just conservatives, but men of the far Right, such as fascists and National Socialists—or their precursors and fellow travelers. K. R. Bolton’s More Artists of the Right offers political profiles of seven immensely accomplished artists and critics who made significant contributions to Right-wing political thought: Richard Wagner, Aleister Crowley, T. S. Eliot, P. R. Stephensen, A. R. D. Fairburn, Count Potocki of Montalk, and Yukio Mishima.
2017 - 220 pages
Jonathan Bowden
Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics
Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics collects transcripts of nine of Jonathan Bowden’s most compelling orations: on Thomas Carlyle, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Charles Maurras, Martin Heidegger, Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Yukio Mishima, and Maurice Cowling, as well as his speech “Vanguardism: Hope for the Future.” These speeches do not just explore the lives and thoughts of creative and exemplary individuals, they also illustrate three cardinal principles that Bowden repeatedly emphasized: First, political change depends upon metapolitical conditions. Second, cultural and political innovations take place on the extremes. Third, metapolitical extremists must think of themselves as vanguardists who lead the public mind to truth, not cater to illusions and folly.
2017 - 250 pages
James J. O’Meara
The Homo & The Negro
James O’Meara’s The Homo and the Negro brings a “queer eye” to the overwhelmingly “homophobic” Far Right. In his title essay, O’Meara argues that the Far Right cannot effectively defend Western civilization unless it checks its premises about homosexuality and non-sexual forms of male bonding, which are undermined not just by liberals and feminists, but also by Judeo-Christian “family values” advocates. O’Meara also uses his theory to explain the stigmatization of Western high culture as “gay” and the worship of uncultured oafs as masculine ideals.
2017 - 178 pages
Fenek Solère
Rising tells the story of a quite near, quite possible future, set in a post-Putin Russia weakened by corruption and vice and beset with globalist subversion, Muslim insurrection, and Chinese colonization. Dr. Tom Hunter, an English professor with nationalist sympathies, arrives in St. Petersburg to address a conference of nationalists from across the white world. Russia’s globalist masters, however, will stop at nothing to smother every spark of Russian pride and self-determination. Hunter’s theories and comfortable life in the West prove scarce preparation for a plunge into an utterly alien world in which criminals, terrorists, ideologues, religious fanatics, and self-sacrificing patriots battle ferociously for the future of a nation. Is Hunter just a dilettante and revolutionary tourist, or does he have the strength and commitment to join forces with the rising Russian nation? Based on years of experience in the underworld of the Russian far Right, Fenek Solère’s Rising is a vivid and intoxicating novel of revolutionary ideas and world-shaking action.
2017 - 230 pages
Jef Costello
The Importance of James Bond
The Importance of James Bond collects Jef Costello’s critical writings on movies, television, literature, opera, conceptual and performance art, and even advertising. Costello is at his best in bringing out Traditionalist, New Right, and masculinist themes in such works as the James Bond movies, Fight Club, and Breaking Bad. He offers sensitive readings of the classics of dystopian fiction, explores fascistic themes in spy spoofs from the 1960s and little-known American movies from the Great Depression, and hilariously demolishes pretentiousness, cynicism, and vulgarity wherever he finds them. The Importance of James Bond is a treasury of wit and insight that establishes Jef Costello as one of the leading cultural critics of the New Right.
2017 - 272 pages
Greg Johnson
In Defense of Prejudice
Greg Johnson’s In Defense of Prejudice collects 45 essays, speeches, reviews, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics, including White Nationalism, the Alternative Right, the “Alt Light,” the Donald Trump phenomenon, sexual politics, cosmopolitanism, Freemasonry, the Old Right, and the Jewish question. There are essays on such figures as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Adolf Hitler, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Leo Strauss, William Pierce, Harold Covington, Jonathan Bowden, J. Philippe Rushton, Dominique Venner, Gilad Atzmon, Yoav Shamir, Milo Yiannopolous, and of course Donald Trump. Greg Johnson once again demonstrates his mastery at bringing together theory and practice, connecting topical commentary with eternal truths, always with an eye toward the conditions of white survival and flourishing.
2016 - 268 pages
Greg Johnson
Confessions of a Reluctant Hater
Greg Johnson’s Confessions of a Reluctant Hater collects 52 short essays, reviews, and opinion pieces that chronicle the author’s discovery of a white worldview and a white voice to defend it. The second edition contains 24 new essays plus an index and is 40% longer than the first. Greg Johnson discusses multiculturalism, immigration, economic policy, political correctness, the limits of the Republicans and the Tea Party, the 2008, 2010, and 2012 US elections, and books by Christian Lander, Vox Day, and Malcolm Gladwell.
2016 - 148 pages
Leo Yankevich
The Hypocrisies of Heaven: Poems New & Old
The Hypocrisies of Heaven: Poems New and Old collects 131 poems by leading formalist poet Leo Yankevich, winner of the 2016 H. P. Lovecraft Prize for Literature.
2016 - 180 pages
Gregory Hood
Waking Up from the American Dream
It’s a time of transition for the American Right. The old ideas are failing. The conservative movement is disintegrating. And the European Americans who defined and created the United States are rising in defense of their own identity and interests. Gregory Hood is one of the most eloquent and insightful of the writers defining and promoting this transition. Waking Up from the American Dream, his first book, collects some of his most important work, including the legendary “A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans,” and a new essay, “Trump: The Last American,” on the meaning of Donald Trump’s nationalist-populist insurgency.
2015 - 252 pages
James J. O’Meara
Green Nazis in Space!
World War II has been over for decades, but Nazis are everywhere! From girls boarding schools in Scotland to fashion shows in Peking, from utopian desert islands to New York nightclubs, from intellectually fashionable Paris cafés to campy flats in Chelsea Square. They’re even in the War Room, and—my God!—they’re already in outer space! James J. O’Meara, the New Right’s most provocative writer, uses his “paranoiac-critical” lens to reveal the method of Judaic culture-distortion—such as the youthful “girl-craziness” that conservatives think of as the “good old days” but was manufactured by Hollywood to undermine traditional forms of male friendship and social organizations (and start World War II)—while demonstrating that it just can’t prevent the eternal return of the “Fascist Other” throughout our popular culture.
2015 - 250 pages
Greg Johnson
Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country
Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country collects 39 of Greg Johnson’s best recent essays from the Counter-Currents/North American New Right webzine. They primarily offer metapolitical commentary on political issues and events.
2015 - 144 pages
Jef Costello
Heidegger in Chicago: A Comedy of Errors
What would have happened if the notoriously obscure German philosopher Martin Heidegger had visited America? Jef Costello’s uproarious comedy of errors Heidegger in Chicago offers a plausible answer: he would have been misunderstood. Costello’s Heidegger makes his way through a surreal and blithely anachronistic landscape populated by washed-up TV actresses, Vegas crooners, PC academics, and cult leaders. He encounters such figures as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Savitri Devi, Charles Manson, Yukio Mishima, and J. Edgar Hoover. Along the way, Heidegger is mistaken for a playboy, a Leftist, a Nazi, a nihilist, the “next big thing” in pop, and even a small black child. Heidegger in Chicago offers hilarious sendups of Hollywood, Michael Jackson, Las Vegas, German idealism, political correctness, and Objectivism, with the wickedest Ayn Rand parody ever. You’ll laugh until it hurts—and maybe even learn a little bit about Heidegger.
2015 - 104 pages
James J. O’Meara
End of an Era: Mad Men & the Ordeal of Civility
AMC’s Mad Men (2007–2015) was an instant hit, winning fifteen Golden Globes and four Emmys and “redefining television.” Already a slew of books have appeared to examine its cultural impact. Now comes The End of an Era: Mad Men and the Ordeal of Civility, bringing to the discussion a unique perspective: race realist and Traditionalist. Drawing in equal measure from Kevin MacDonald and René Guénon, and able to marshal a stunning array of pop culture reference points, James J. O’Meara — himself a child of the ’60s and a product of America’s long-dead industrial heartland — examines the hidden agendas and social implications of the Mad Man phenomenon. At its center is a bravura, two-part essay analyzing the disintegration of the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce agency as symbolic reenactment of the archetypal struggle of the Aryan and the Judaic for control of Western civilization. From the culture-creating powers of the three-button suit, to the dissolution of the Aryan Ego in the hot tubs of Esalen, The End of An Era delivers one stunning insight after another. You’ll never watch a rerun of Mad Men the same way you did the first time.
2015 - 192 pages
F. Roger Devlin
Sexual Utopia in Power
Like many political revolutions, the sexual revolution of the 1960s began with a euphoric feeling of liberation. But when utopian programs clash with dissenters — and with reality itself — the result is chaos, which revolutionaries seek to quash with repression and terror. In Sexual Utopia in Power, F. Roger Devlin explores today’s sexual dystopia, with its loose morals and confused sexual roles; its soaring rates of divorce, celibacy, and childlessness; and the increasingly arbitrary and punitive attempts to regulate and police it. Devlin shows that the breakdown of monogamy results in promiscuity for the few, loneliness for the majority, and unhappiness for all.
2015 - 256 pages
Collin Cleary
What is a Rune? & Other Essays
In these nine remarkable essays, Collin Cleary expands upon the ideas of his path-breaking book Summoning the Gods and ventures into entirely new territory: “What is a Rune?” explores the nature of mytho-poetic thought and the problem of recovering the mysteries of runa. “The Fourfold” uses Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology of “dwelling” as a means of approaching our ancestors’ way of being in the world. “The Ninefold” offers a philosophical interpretation of the nine worlds of Germanic myth.
2015 - 214 pages
Trevor Lynch
Son of Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies
Since 2001, Trevor Lynch’s witty, pugnacious, and profound film essays and reviews have developed a wide following among cinephiles and White Nationalists alike. Lynch deals frankly with the anti-white bias and Jewish agenda of many mainstream films, but he is even more interested in discerning positive racial messages and values, sometimes in the most unlikely places.
2014 - 480 pages
Savitri Devi
The Lightning & the Sun
The Lightning and the Sun is Savitri Devi’s magnum opus and one of the founding texts of post-World War II National Socialism. Written in Europe from 1948 to 1956 and published in India in 1958, The Lightning and the Sun sets forth a unique and stunning synthesis of National Socialism with the cyclical Traditionalist philosophy of history and Hindu mythology.
2014 - 244 pages
James J. O’Meara
The Eldritch Evola . . . & Others: Traditionalist Meditations on Literature, Art, & Culture
“James J. O’Meara is my favorite literary and cultural critic. A virtuoso essayist who can reveal the most startling connections, O’Meara brings Traditionalist spirituality and a New Right sensibility to bear on both high and popular culture, showing that Tradition, like Cthulhu, still lives in the depths and can rise to the surface again, if you know what to look for . . . or if the stars are right.”
2014 - 228 pages
Jonathan Bowden
Western Civilization Bites Back
Western Civilization has suffered an astonishing series of reversals in the last century. On the eve of the Great War, whites controlled virtually the entire globe. Today, whites do not even control their own homelands. A century ago, Western culture as the inspiration and envy of the globe. Today, it is synonymous with hamburgers, pop music, and porn. Oppressed from above by alien and deracinated elites, demographically and culturally swamped from below by alien masses, whites are on the road to racial and cultural extinction.
2013 - 248 pages
Greg Johnson
New Right vs. Old Right
Dr. Greg Johnson draws upon the ideas of the European New Right to promote a new approach to White Nationalist politics in North America. New Right vs. Old Right collects 32 essays in which Dr. Johnson sets out his vision of White Nationalist “metapolitics” and distinguishes it from Fascism and National Socialism (the “Old Right”), as well as conservatism and classical liberalism (the “Phony Right”).
2013 - 178 pages
Leo Yankevich
Journey Late at Night: Poems & Translations
Leo Yankevich is one of the leading poets of our time. Journey Late at Night: Poems and Translations is the largest collection of his works to date. The volume begins with 135 original poems which span four decades of creativity and touch upon existential, metaphysical, historical, and political themes, revealing astonishing versatility and great breadth of mind.
Savitri Devi
The Non-Hindu Indians & Indian Unity
Savitri Devi’s short 1940 book The Non-Hindu Indians and Indian Unity was written before India’s independence and partition into India and Pakistan. It is a sequel to her 1939 book A Warning to the Hindus, which was addressed to Hindus. This volume is addressed in particular to Indian Muslims, although its arguments also apply to Indian Christians and Buddhists.
2013 - 112 pages
Juleigh Howard-Hobson
“I do not belong to the Baader-Meinhof Group” & Other Poems
Juleigh Howard-Hobson’s “I do not belong to the Baader-Meinhof Group” and Other Poems collects 80 formalist poems unified by a strong European, particularly English, ethnic consciousness. Other prominent themes are ecological awareness, European Nordic neo-paganism, and the cycles of time: the cycles of the seasons, of individual lives, of the chain of generations, and of the great arcs of history.
210 pages
Jonathan Bowden
Pulp Fascism:
Right-Wing Themes in Comics, Graphic Novels, & Popular LiteratureJonathan Bowden was a paradox: on the one hand, he was an avowed elitist and aesthetic modernist, yet on the other hand, he relished such forms of popular entertainment as comics, graphic novels, pulps, and even Punch and Judy shows, which not only appeal to the masses but also offer a refuge for pre- and anti-modern aesthetic tastes and tendencies.
2003 - 320 pages
Anthony M. Ludovici
The Lost Philosopher:
The Best of Anthony M. LudoviciAnthony Mario Ludovici (1882-1971) was one of Britain’s most celebrated intellectuals in the first decades of the twentieth century. One of the first and most accomplished translators of Nietzsche into English and a leading exponent of Nietzsche’s thought, Ludovici was also an original philosopher in his own right. Without a graduate degree or university professorship (indeed, without any need of them), Ludovici went over the heads of academia and directly addressed the educated public, supporting himself entirely by his writings.
2012 - 200 pages
Trevor Lynch
Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies
Since 2001, Trevor Lynch’s witty, pugnacious, and profound film essays and reviews have developed a wide following among cinephiles and White Nationalists alike. Lynch deals frankly with the anti-white bias and Jewish agenda of many mainstream films, but he is even more interested in discerning positive racial messages and values, sometimes in the most unlikely places.
2012 - 224 pages
Savitri Devi
And Time Rolls On:
The Savitri Devi Interviews“I embraced Hinduism because it was the only religion in the world that is compatible with National Socialism. And the dream of my life is to integrate Hitlerism into the old Aryan Tradition, to show that it is really a resurgence of the original Tradition. It’s not Indian, not European, but Indo-European. It comes from back to those days when the Aryans were one people near the North Pole. The Hyperborean tradition.” — Savitri Devi
2012 - 210 pages
Kerry Bolton
Artists of the Right: Resisting Decadence
Kerry Bolton’s Artists of the Right: Resisting Decadence is a study of ten leading 20th-century literary artists—including pioneering modernists—who were sympathetic with Fascism and/or National Socialism: D. H. Lawrence
H. P. Lovecraft
Gabriele D’Annunzio
Filippo Marinetti
W. B. Yeats
Knut Hamsun
Ezra Pound
Wyndham Lewis
Henry Williamson
Roy Campbell -
366 pages
Multiple authors
North American New Right, vol.1
North American New Right is the journal of a new intellectual movement, the North American New Right. This movement seeks to understand the causes of the ongoing demographic, political, and cultural decline of European peoples in North America and around the globe — and to lay the metapolitical foundations for halting and reversing these trends.
2012 - 190 pages
Irmin Vinson
Some Thoughts on Hitler & Other Essays
Why are we subjected to more anti-Hitler propaganda today than during World War II? Why are white nations blanketed with Holocaust memorials, even countries where the Holocaust did not take place? Why do most people know how many Jews died during World War II but have no idea how many non-Jews died?
2012 - 100 pages
Leo Yankevich
Tikkun Olam & Other Poems
Leo Yankevich is among the greatest living poets in the English-speaking world, and Tikkum Olam is his most important collection of poems to date. Not only does he give voice to the 90 million martyrs to communism stuffed down the memory hole in the last 100 years, but he provides insight into the machinations taking place today that undermine Western man, and unmasks a sobering portent for the future, although not without offering an epilogue of courage and hope.
2011 - 220 pages
Collin Cleary
Summoning the Gods: Essays on Paganism in a God-Forsaken World
Neo-paganism is the attempt to revive the polytheistic religions of old Europe. But how? Can one just invent or reinvent an authentic, living faith? Or are modern neo-pagans just engaged in elaborate role-playing games? In Summoning the Gods, Collin Cleary argues that the gods have not died or forsaken us so much as we have died to or forsaken them. Modern civilization—including much of modern neo-paganism—springs from a mindset that closes man off to the divine and traps us in a world of our own creations. Drawing upon sources from Taoism to Heidegger, Collin Cleary describes how we can attain an attitude of openness that may allow the gods to return.
2010 - 204 pages
Michael Polignano
Taking Our Own Side
“Today’s college graduates emerge zombie-like, mouthing politically correct platitudes they heard from their brilliant professors, mindlessly looking forward to an impossible future of racial harmony where the White minority adapts seamlessly and joyously to life among their non-White brothers. Michael Polignano somehow managed to overcome all that. And what’s really amazing is that he did it while still a college student. . . . Mike Polignano gets it. This is about racial survival. . . . People like Michael Polignano are a rare and courageous breed. We need a lot more like him. And we have to find ways to sup-port them financially as they continue their careers as effective writers and activists on behalf of the White majority of America.”
2014 - 296 pages
Tito Perdue
Under the tutelage of Lee Pefley, Reuben learned what must be done. And when the time came, he left Alabama and took up the task of conquering the world, or at least the Occidental share of it. This novel is a chronicling of Reuben’s necessary, great, and terrible deeds. “Tito Perdue’s latest novel, Reuben, continues in the tradition of his novel The Node. Reuben is a satirical meditation on the fallen state of white America and how a white vanguard might be organized to turn the world around. Reuben is highly entertaining and thought-provoking, with biting humor and arresting turns of phrase on every page.”—Greg Johnson
2011 - 258 pages
Tito Perdue
The Node
Welcome to the future. The 21st century has come of age, and it seems that everything that could have gone wrong has gone wrong. Propelled beyond the brink by environmental catastrophe, by social degeneration and the foretold collapse of the monetary system, the American landscape has given way to a postmodern picaresque. In such a world, where crime has been normalized, sex has been mechanized, and where ethnic enclaves – equipped with inscrutable bioengineered surveillance gadgetry – vie for the last remnants of power, one hapless pilgrim stands athwart the apocalyptic tide. Emboldened by dim nostalgia and quixotic resolve, this man – our hero, as we may insist – is entrusted to mobilize a fractious retinue of co-ethnic subversives (the maligned “Cauks”) to establish a stronghold, a redoubt, a community, a last ditch . . . a Node. It remains only to be seen whether the seeds of renewal may yet find purchase, or be left to ash.
1994 - 218 pages
Tito Perdue
The New Austerities
“The New Austerities continues Tito Perdue’s saga of his alter ego: librophile, insomniac, and misanthrope Lee Pefley. The book begins with Lee and his wife Judy, now in middle age, living in New York City, where they have had their fill of crime, decadence, and alienation. So with their life’s savings, a pistol, and a large collection of classical music and pilfered books, Lee and Judy depart New York bound for Lee’s ancestral home in Alabama, which promises a more human existence for the trivial price of a few I-told-you-sos. The New Austerities is a surreal, sardonic journey through the cultural wasteland and political chaos of post-modern America, but it proves that with a certain about of luck — and a modicum of ruthlessness and guile — you can go home again. This is a very entertaining and yet deeply moving book.” — Greg Johnson, author of New Right vs. Old Right
2013 - 166 pages
Tito Perdue
Morning Crafts
Thirteen-year-old Leland Pefley was minding his own business, enjoying a day’s fishing near his father’s farm in Tennessee, when the odd, well-dressed and well-spoken man from the city appeared, inviting Lee to accompany him to a more interesting place. Out of curiosity, Lee followed him, and found himself hustled off to a strange, rustic academy in the wilderness with a group of other boys, all of whom had been semi-abducted as he himself had been.
2012 - 216 pages
H. L. Mencken
The Passing of a Profit & Other Forgotten Stories
Before H. L. Mencken became “Mencken” he tried his hand at writing short stories for a wide variety of popular magazines. But ultimately he decided that fiction was not his forte and instead focused his energy on the essays and criticism that made him famous. Mencken’s short stories have been virtually forgotten: omitted from bibliographies, overlooked by scholars, and available only to intrepid readers who hunted down copies of the original magazines. Thus Douglas Olson’s collection of 17 forgotten stories written between 1900 and 1906 will be welcomed by Mencken aficionados.
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