Who Is Not Going to Save the Nation?


Attorney General Merrick Garland enjoying walkies.

3,207 words

At our recent conference in the subterranean stronghold supplied by our Vril-ya comrades, there was an evocative item that came up for discussion. Specifically, it invoked the proverbial image of a drowning man grasping at straws. I’m not at liberty to quote directly, but a brief paraphrase shouldn’t be a problem.

Suppose an inexperienced swimmer overconfidently dives into the deep end of a pool. Soon he founders. One of his friends advises him to breathe deeply and slowly. Another briefly explains how to tread water. Instead, the swimmer, flailing away in the pool, grabs a twig that happens to be floating by, confident that it alone will save him. He doesn’t even want to hear any other advice.

This is an extended metaphor, of course. The nation is in deep trouble. Mainstream conservatives have their ideas of what’s going to pull us out of this mess, but they’re missing the mark. The Alt Lite is notorious for half-measures, as well as flaky ideas and sometimes cringey stuff [2]. Even those on the Dissident Right can sometimes get side-tracked by ineffective strategies, although when it happens it is hopefully a temporary condition. The thing to remember is that White Nationalism is the answer. There is no substitute, and nothing else is going to get the nation out of the mess it’s presently in. For us, this is Job Number One.

I’ll list some of the most common distractions that good people have put their hopes into, only with little to nothing in the way of practical results to show for it. Are any of you grasping at straws, or is someone you know doing so?

Our cherished institutions and traditions

There are many among the public who hold out hope that a hallowed institution, or perhaps a venerated feature of our political system, will pull us back from the brink when push comes to shove. This hoped-for savior might take the form of the police [3], the military [4], or perhaps even some Three Letter Agency within the government. The British might regard their monarchy [5] as an institution that safeguards the people. For the religious, their church might be considered the sturdy fortress. Trust might also be placed in long-hallowed concepts such as democracy, due process, rule of law, justice, and so forth.

Granted, there are lots of good policemen, soldiers, and even glowies. Their mission is to protect the public, which is a very good thing, as well as any government’s main job. Still, all of them work within a command structure that is very much susceptible to political pressure. If they’re told to kneel to Black Lives Matter and antifa while the city burns down, orders are orders. If they’re told that protecting the likes of you isn’t their priority, then you’re on your own. It could get a lot worse, of course, and hopefully it doesn’t.


You can buy Beau Albrecht’s Space Vixen Trek here [7].

Institutions may exist for the noblest of purposes, but they’re nevertheless made up of fallible humans, with everything that this entails. If the people within them become corrupt, or have to answer to corrupt leaders, obviously it degrades the institutions themselves. (Even a religious establishment, founded for a divine purpose, can get diverted into wrongheaded or even destructive secular politics.) If it gets to that point, then degraded institutions should no longer enjoy the unquestioned support they once had. Many of us love to grasp at these straws, but we need to face the harsh reality here!

There’s much that can be said in favor of democracy, but managed democracy is an entirely different thing. It’s great to believe in law and order, though that’s become a sad joke with that little bitch Merrick Garland as Attorney General. Constitutions are usually wisely-crafted documents, but they stop working whenever whoever is in power stops honoring its tenets when they become inconvenient. Other than that, we have to remember that the eternal price of liberty is vigilance.

Can our cherished institutions and traditions save the nation? It’s possible, but only if the people maintaining them are up for it. Unfortunately, that’s pretty iffy at this point.

QAnon [8]

To make a long story short, QAnon is the handle of someone purporting to be a highly-placed Washington insider. I’ll have to paint with broad brushstrokes here, as I never took this business seriously. In fact, my only exposure to it was seeing one long-winded communiqué, promising tens of thousands of warrants would be served on the District of Columbia’s corrupt swamp critters. I figured that if this were the real deal, it would come to pass and I’d have reason to pay attention. Nothing came of it. Still, there were some who took the QAnon phenomenon a lot more seriously than I ever did.

There were some — about 5%, if the official estimate is credible — among the January 6 Capitol protesters who were inspired by QAnon. Unfortunately for them, this half-baked sit-in was practically whipped up into a second Battle of Gettysburg afterwards, thanks to constant shrieking in the mainstream media following the event. (Because of their demonstrated skills in making mountains out of molehills, these hacks should work for the fashion industry designing push-up bras.) Whether or not particular protesters were inspired by QAnon for acts of mopery, the judicial system spared no effort in go ingafter them. In some instances, this included quite clearly putting their opinions on trial [9], and in other instances this treatment included typically third-world prison conditions [10], and even torture. This is the same judicial system, of course, that dropped the ball during months of widespread rioting the prior year.

After a fiasco like this, QAnon’s trustworthiness is pretty much shot. All throughout, the steady drumbeat has been to “trust the plan,” and that President Trump’s skill in 4D chess would be enough to defeat our enemies. By now, it’s pretty obvious that there was no such plan. Worse for the phenomenon’s credibility, QAnon started being compared to Operation Trust [11], an early Soviet counterintelligence operation that acted as controlled opposition. Anyone still grasping at this straw by now needs to get a clue.


Courtesy of Stonetoss [13]

Can QAnon save the nation? Ain’t happening. Whoever this is isn’t the real deal, but only someone who wasted a lot of other people’s time and enthusiasm, and led some others right into The System’s dungeons. As far as anyone knows, QAnon might be a glowie specializing in “FBI foils FBI plot [14]” entrapment operations. Either that, or a couple of college buddies cooked it up, and nobody in their quad figured out why they were spending so much time laughing riotously in their dorm room.

Donald Trump


Courtesy of Stonetoss [13]

Although I wish The Donald well, I have a sneaking suspicion that his chances in 2024 are nil. This will be so even if someone from the Trump Foundation cures cancer next year, Jesus Christ comes down from the clouds to deliver a personal endorsement, Joe Bidet is campaigning from a life support machine and can’t remember his own name, and Commie Harris is caught on a hot mic snickering about how she’ll be dictator soon and put tens of millions of her enemies in “reeducation camps [16].” Why am I so pessimistic? Other than Florida [17], I haven’t heard of anyone even trying to fix the problems that enabled the 2020 electoral fraud [18] to take place. Until that happens, rigged elections will certainly continue [19].

Again, I wish Trump the best, and I have no regrets about voting for him both times. He wasn’t perfect, but he was the best major contender we had. He was certainly better than Cupcake would’ve been [20], to say nothing of the senile Commander-In-Cheat. But even if The Donald were to win in 2024, I’m under no illusion that he’d save the country. There were indeed things he got right, but there’s also a “glass half-empty” case to be made, too. Most of all, he could’ve taken the time to listen to the people who memed him into office. Instead, he was tuned into the usual bubble of lobbyists, high-level bureaucrats, top businessmen, and Washington insiders who always surround presidents. After he fell for the salami-slicing trick and dropped Steve Bannon, he lost his one official connection to the Alt Right.

The administration took a step in the right direction in terms of border control, though much more was needed [21]. For another matter, he paid little attention to freedom of speech online until it was too late. To name merely one result of this missed opportunity, the corporate censors committed the ultimate audacity: banning the President of the United States from social media to prevent him from reaching the public. All told, Trump’s knowledge was at the Purple Pill level, and he wasn’t prepared for the relentless flak he got from the Deep State from day one.

Then he got taken in by the Covid-19 plandemic, among other things not realizing that his highest-paid employee had given funding to the ChiComs to develop it. Instead, it fell upon Senator Rand Paul to publicize this “gain of function” research. It seems that Trump also didn’t figure out that it was being used as a pretext to agitate for a major laundry list [22] of totalitarian globalist agendas, as well as being a way for Big Pharma to rake in tens of billions with dodgy products. Yet another result was to expand mail-in voting, which made it easier to stuff the ballot box in critical swing states. Granted, Trump didn’t have a crystal ball, but a lot of us began realizing early on that something very hinky [23] was afoot.

Finally, Trump was likely the most philo-Semitic President since FDR — and yet the Zionists nevertheless deeply distrusted him. (It’s odd that they were remarkably more agreeable with Obama, who has unmistakable pro-Muslim sympathies [24] and surely spent eight years in office chafing at the bit. These are some very strange characters.) Being philo-Semitic would’ve had some positive results if Trump could’ve at least deescalated these Zionist loose cannons on deck. It would’ve indeed worked miracles for the United States if he’d convinced them to start rowing with the team instead of rocking the boat as usual. That was not to be. Given their long history of unabated obstreperous behavior, it would’ve made even more sense to start clipping their wings — but that wasn’t done, either. Ultimately, Trump was being tooled by Zionists who he thought were friends. Obviously, his misplaced trust didn’t help. His “friends” could’ve held off the attack dogs if they’d wished, since the Deep State habitually licks Zionist butt like candy.

Can Donald Trump save the nation? Although it’s remotely possible, let’s be realistic [25] here: That ship has already sailed. He had his chance. It would be better to pass the torch to someone who knows the score and thus doesn’t fight blindfolded.

Mainstream Republicans


You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here. [27]

I get it: The Republican Party is proverbially the implicitly white party. Well, “implicitly” isn’t good enough, especially now. The Democrats are hardly so shy; they quite explicitly advocate for their collection of identity groups. Since the Republicans don’t dare espouse white identity politics, it’s like they’re fighting with a hand tied behind their backs. They do so because they’re terrified of being called “racists” by their enemies, as if name-calling were the worst thing in the world. At this point, we don’t have time to play these games with the moldy double standards someone else wants to impose on us.

More to the point, we need results now. Ending population replacement migration is the first agenda item. Once that’s accomplished, reversing the process [28] will be the next step. Of all things, this is what the nation needs the most. The Republicans can either lead the way, or get out of the way. It’s hardly a secret that they’re doing neither.

How has the “implicitly white” thing worked out so far? The US began essentially as a white ethnostate, but the 1965 immigration act hijacked the country and opened the borders to all corners of the world. Since then, vast hordes of non-white immigrants have colonized the country, along with a number of illegal aliens do large it is difficult to estimate it. What have the Republicans been doing about this for the last five decades and change? They repeatedly signal to their voters that they’ll fix the immigration problem, boy howdy — but actual results never come. By now, the non-white arrivals and their descendants are likely numbering close to 100 million, and it’s well known that the majority of them vote for Democrats. There’s a reason why the Republicans are called the Stupid Party.

Are they even fighting to win? After the Steal of 2020, mainstream Republicans let their President twist in the wind. They spent a couple of months licking the windows in the Capitol rotunda while the Democrats ran away with the Presidency. Again, there’s been relatively little done to prevent cheating since then, which is something they could’ve tried to fix over the last two years. By now it should hardly be a surprise that the 2022 midterms ended up with reports of hinky results. It’s also hardly a wonder that the expected red tide came to so little, even though the Bidet junta has badly mismanaged the economy, epically bungled the retreat from Afghanistan [29], and collectively has the charisma of a mentally-defective Brussels sprout.

The only reason this rotten racket persists is because of the two-party system, resulting largely from “winner take all” electoral results and lack of provisions for runoff elections. The GOP might as well say, “So we’ve broken our promises all these years, but who else do you think you’ll vote for — the liberal goofball?” All told, there are a few decent Republican politicians out there, but there are also a lot of weaksauce neocons, RINOs, and Deep State swamp critters. It’s because of the latter that politics is as fake as professional wrestling, and their party is pretty much controlled opposition. Another way of looking at the Evil Party and Stupid Party is as the left and right wings of the globalist uniparty.

Can mainstream Republicans save the nation? They could, if they started to actually represent the whites who are backing them. They also have to start playing to win, like the Left does. How to motivate them is a good matter for discussion. My best answer is to make them realize that they’ll become irrelevant and lose their cushy jobs if the US becomes a permanent one-party régime. That is the one thing that might light a fire under their lazy duffs. Also, whites should stop supporting them unconditionally; Republicans need to earn the support of their constituents. But whether or not they will figure this out in time is iffy. Thus, counting on them alone is too risky of a proposition.

The Alt Lite


Courtesy of Stonetoss [13]

Note well: A lot of the people I’m describing have their hearts in the right places. This is being written in the spirit of encouragement rather than rebuke. I generally consider it a good thing when others serve as stepping stones to bring the public at least partially toward enlightenment. The problem is that the hour is growing late.

Some of the Alt Lite do have some good ideas. Occasionally, the ideologies they create are worthy of study for their good parts, as long as one doesn’t buy into the entire program as a cure-all. (Objectivism falls into this category, in my opinion, as do the Neoreactionaries.) Still, the fact is that there are a lot of rather odd notions floating around about what will save the nation. Unfortunately, some people posing as thought leaders are even demonstrably disingenuous [31].

All this adds up to there being a lot of unhelpful distractions out there. Simply put, we don’t have time for spinning our wheels with ideologies that’ll take us nowhere. Again, your guide through this will be that White Nationalism is Job Number One. This doesn’t mean we need to be a single-issue party, or even that there’s only one valid way to implement of our principles. The distinction is that White Nationalism comes first, and any other agenda attempting to push it out of the way — or even put itself in first place — is a distraction.

Can the Alt Lite save the nation? They have a choice. They can either carry on like kids playing in a sandbox, or they can embrace White Nationalism and join the future winning team.


This is going to be a tough one. Normally I tend to be a “Praise the Lord, now pass the ammunition” sort. As much as I’d prefer not to go into this, it’s a matter that needs to be addressed, since blind faith can be a major example of grasping at straws. Can God miracle us out of Clown World? Absolutely! The question, then, is why he hasn’t. Among the present Powers-That-Be are numerous sons of perdition; why are they permitted to keep up their wrecking job rather than receiving justice?

My best answer is that God isn’t the micromanaging type. Humans are endowed with the agency to do right or wrong, and interfering with free will would run contrary to that. Maybe it’s really on us to fix things. There are other possible answers, too; as Napoléon put it, God favors the side with the best artillery.

Should we bet on a literal miracle to lift away our troubles, and do nothing further? My final take on it is that it’s absolutely fine to pray for your nation’s deliverance. However, that doesn’t mean it’s prudent to consider it handled, sit on your duff, and otherwise do nothing to help your people. If you were in financial trouble, would it be a good idea to pray to win the lottery but not put in any job applications? That would be lazy and presumptuous; hardly the sort of attitude that would get one in a divine being’s good graces!

Can God save the nation? Once again, absolutely! But I have a feeling that She is very busy at the moment putting the finishing touches on several splendid new resort planets in a distant galaxy.

So then what will save the nation? [32]

Famous Speeches: Aragorn at the Black GateFamous Speeches: Aragorn at the Black Gate

All the above might seem fairly gloomy, but the message here is not that we’re doomed. Neither do I intend to say that nobody will help us. Actually, any of the above-mentioned potentially could do their part to save the country, with the exception of the silly QAnon nonsense. Of course, the big question is this: Will they? We don’t know, so we can’t count on outside support until it materializes — if it does. However, we can count on ourselves.

Some other serendipitous allies may appear at a later date. (This might be, for example, a group of Old Money businessmen with their heads screwed on straight who want to get off the ESG/DIE/WEF crazy train.) They’ll be looking to team up with people who have answers and can get things done. If we’re in such a position by that time, then we’ll have a way forward. In any event, we’ll need to take whatever opportunities we can get. Until then, the more we can rely on ourselves, the stronger we’ll become and thus be in a better position to attract support.

American Renaissance [33]

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