This Saturday! Join the Counter-Currents Book Club to Discuss Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism


You can buy Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism here [2].

304 words

There are some debates among those White Nationalists who wish to build a political movement that are best left until after our race is saved from the brink of extinction, such as:

Ethnonationalism versus imperialism is not one of them, however. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Wilmot Robertson makes the case for ethnonationalism in his book The Ethnostate, whereas Francis Parker Yockey presents the case for imperialism in Imperium [3]. Other advocates of imperialism include Sir Oswald Mosley, Jean Thiriart, and Guillaume Faye.

Join the Counter-Currents Book Club for its fourth meeting. This time the discussion will be led by author and host Greg Johnson, Angelo Plume [4] (aka Pox Populi [5]), and Matt Parrott [6], and will be held this Saturday, April 6 at noon PST/3 PM EST/9 PM CET. The topic is our new release, Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism [2], which is currently on sale at a 20% discount through April 6.

In our meeting, we’ll discuss:

Against Imperialism was inspired by a lively debate that was held between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood [7] at our Spring Retreat [8] last year. Audience participation made it a lot of fun and intellectually stimulating for everyone there, so we can’t wait to hear your thoughts during the upcoming discussion! You can send in questions via Entropy here [9] or live during the stream on Odysee [10] and DLive [11].

We look forward to having you in the discussion!