Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 581: Fourth Meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club — Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism


You can buy Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism here [2].

372 words / 1:58:28

Angelo Plume [3] (Telegram [4]YouTube [5]) and Matt Parrott [6] (Telegram [7], Substack [8]) were Greg Johnson‘s special guests on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, which was the fourth meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club: a discussion of Dr. Johnson’s latest book, Against Imperialism [2]. It is now available for download and online listening.

There are some debates among those White Nationalists who wish to build a political movement that are best left until after our race is saved from the brink of extinction, such as:

Ethnonationalism versus imperialism is not one of them, however. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Wilmot Robertson makes the case for ethnonationalism in his book The Ethnostate, whereas Francis Parker Yockey presents the case for imperialism in Imperium [9]. Other advocates of imperialism include Sir Oswald Mosley, Jean Thiriart, and Guillaume Faye. Against Imperialism was inspired by a lively debate that was held between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood [10] at our Spring Retreat [11] last year. This stream was a further discussion on these crucial themes.

Topics discussed include:

00:01:41 Introducing the guests
00:02:47 What inspired the book?
00:11:38 On social media metapolitics
00:13:21 Was the Traditional Worker Party pro-Russian?
00:15:08 On “Western” Orthodox Christianity
00:16:01 On Alexander Dugin [12]
00:17:23 Angelo loves diversity
00:24:06 The book’s fundamental themes
00:35:16 Imperialism is unnecessary
00:39:10 Imperialism is unsustainable
00:43:35 The trajectory of history is away from imperialism
00:47:10 Statism is good
00:50:02 On secession
00:50:57 Why would Americans favor imperialism?
00:52:57 Is imperialism cooler?
00:59:19 The US used to have a good reputation with the Chinese
01:02:11 Will America save the West?
01:03:39 What if America had annexed Canada?
01:05:08 On Nordicism
01:05:37 Listener comments
01:06:33 Political differences between the waves of American immigrants
01:11:29 Ideology matters more now
01:12:55 How ideology forges races
01:18:11 Listener comments
01:19:15 What would the world look like if the United States wasn’t dominant?
01:33:41 Academic Agent’s criticisms of Americans
01:38:26 Tweaking the critiques of “America”
01:40:37 A contradiction in Francis Parker Yockey [13]
01:40:56 On the positive correlation between wealth and openness
01:44:20 VDare is being shut down
01:45:50 Critiques of Against Imperialism
01:49:08 What if a people obtain independence and then destroy themselves?

To listen in a player, click here [14] or below. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.” [14]