Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 527 Machiavellianism & More

[1]200 words / 2:15:25

Greg Johnson welcomed Pox Populi (Telegram [2]YouTube [3]) and American Krogan  (Substack [4]Telegram [5]) back to the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they discussed Machiavellianism, populism, and how we can red-pill normies, among other topics, and it is now available for download and online listening. We recommend looking at Greg Johnson’s “The Machiavellian Method [6],” “Neema Parvini’s The Populist Delusion [7],” and “The Moral Factor,” Part 1 [8] before listening.

00:00:00 American Krogan is ethnically cleansing Fallout Four
00:03:34 Enter Pox Populii
00:05:03 On Machiavellianism
00:06:47 Neema Parvini’s The Populist Delusion
00:15:41 Defining Machiavellianism
00:17:28 Does ideology matter?
00:29:58 Machiavellianism and bourgeois self-interest
00:37:54 On the idea that we shouldn’t bother red-pilling normies
00:40:26 On skinheads, wignats, and politics as therapy
00:45:26 Who is Counter-Current‘s readership?
00:53:50 What if we’re not allowed to win?
00:56:55 Why we should present moral arguments
01:04:52 Who is your favorite Irishman of all time?
01:09:47 Should we welcome censorship?
01:12:39 Are creative people more Left-wing?
01:19:35 Isn’t Machiavellianism useful for analysis and management?
01:20:59 On the relationship between high standards and tolerance
01:28:05 Should we have contract workers with no citizenship?
01:38:28 To what degree is Machiavellianism legitimate within the White Nationalist movement?
01:47:58 Should we genetically engineer people to become more attractive?
02:08:19 Leftist “miserabilism”

To listen in a player, click here [9]. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.” [9]

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