Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 372
Greg Johnson, Jim Goad, & Thomas Steuben on America’s Decline


Norm MacDonald

89 words / 2:01:47

Saturday’s episode of Counter-Currents Radio, in which Greg Johnson was joined by Jim Goad [2] and Thomas Steuben [3] to discuss current events, including the decline of the US military, Mark Milley’s treason, the California recall, and the late, great Norm MacDonald [4], is now available for download and online listening.

Topics discussed include:

00:02:30 America and China
00:22:00 No fault divorce
00:36:00 Unite the Right and Patriot Front
00:44:00 Nicki Minaj
00:57:00 Gatekeepers
01:10:00 Comedians
01:22:00 Mark Milley
01:46:00 9/11 Commemoration

To listen in a player, click here [5]. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.” [5]

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