New $1,000 Matching Grant for First-Time Donors

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Counter-Currents is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every month. But most of them just consume free “content.” Only a small percentage comment on articles. An even tinier sliver donate to the website. They all assume that “someone else” will donate to keep Counter-Currents alive. But if too many make that assumption, Counter-Currents won’t be here.

This year, it seems that a lot more people have been betting that someone else will keep Counter-Currents going, since our fundraising is way down. Our annual goal is $300,000. By the beginning of October, we just crossed the $100,000 mark. The last quarter is when half of all donations take place. Given that, we will be lucky if we pass the $200,000 mark, which means we will have to dramatically curtail our activities.

To encourage more new donors, a generous supporter has offered a $1,000 matching grant for first-time donors. So this is the perfect time to go from a free-rider to a supporter. The longest journey begins with a single step. Now your first step will go twice as far.

I thank you for your readership, and I’d also like to thank you for your support.

Greg Johnson

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Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.