Remembering Lothrop Stoddard: June 29, 1883–May 1, 1950


Lothrop Stoddard in 1926.

409 words

Theodore Lothrop Stoddard was born on this day in 1883. Stoddard was a historian, political theorist, and white advocate. Born in Brookline, Massachusetts, Stoddard attended Harvard College, graduating magna cum laude in 1905. He then studied law at Boston University. Stoddard received his Ph.D. in history from Harvard University in 1914. Stoddard was the author of eighteen books, the best known of which is The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy (1920), which proved prophetic. As a white preservationist, Stoddard campaigned for immigration reform,  anti-miscegenation laws, and eugenics. Along with Margaret Sanger, Stoddard was a founding member of Planned Parenthood. He was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Stoddard’s work was consigned to oblivion after the Second World War, but subsequent history proved him right.

To learn more about Stoddard’s life and work, please see the following works on Counter-Currents:

Also see articles tagged Lothrop Stoddard [9].

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