History’s Actors


John Tanton

2,219 words

Reece Jones
White Borders: The History of Race and Immigration in the United States from Chinese Exclusion to the Border Wall
Boston: Beacon Press, 2022

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

In 2002, a senior member of the White House staff, most likely Karl Rove, made the statement above [2] to a reporter. Unfortunately for Rove and the Dubya White House, they didn’t create their own reality. By 2004, Iraq had become a big problem. The Bush regime was acted upon by “history.”

While the Bush regime was getting well in over its head with self-inflicted problems, history’s actors — real ones, not Semitic neoconservative fools — were changing America’s politics for the better behind the scenes. This is documented by Reece Jones in his book White Borders (2022).

Point and Sputter — with Small Errors

White Borders is a “point and sputter” book, meaning that the author points out what white advocates are doing and declares such acts to be bad without providing any justification for such moral judgement. Jones is a politically correct “anti-racist” who argues that America’s immigration laws have been designed to protect America’s white population, and that this is negative. Protecting white civilization is bad, according to Jones, because these immigration laws clash with Thomas Jefferson’s “all men are created equal” ideology – which, as pointed out by Jones in the book and emphasized again in this review, Jefferson himself did not live by and probably didn’t believe himself.

White Borders contains small factual errors and typos throughout. It’s springfield, Illinois on page 75, for example. Jones also insists that Hitler blamed “Jews and immigrants” for Germany’s problems during the Weimar Republic. He bases this idea on the fact that Hitler endorsed America’s immigration restrictions at the time as a form of good government in general. This is a misreading of Hitler’s ideology; immigrants weren’t a major problem in Germany during the Weimar Republic. Additionally, on page 101 Jones claims that Nixon won in a landslide during the 1968 election. That election was not a landslide [3]; Nixon barely won the popular vote.

These small errors made me wonder about everything else in the book. It is likely that its main facts are correct (i.e., Nixon won in 1968), but that some of the minor interpretations are off. Probably anti-racist whites go along with their own genocide because they have a few misperceptions regarding the facts. This is an important thing to remember for white advocates going forward. We need to persuade well-meaning people who otherwise disagree with us with facts, logic, kindness, and all-around professional and social excellence.

Free White Persons of Good Moral Character

The Seventh Grievance in the Declaration of Independence states that “[King George III] has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.”

On the surface this appears to be a universalist pro-immigrant declaration straight out of the quill and inkwell of America’s founding virtue-signaler, Thomas Jefferson himself. The Seventh Grievance was a generalization of a specific policy clash, however. New Englanders wanted Protestant European settlers to fill the back country. The British were dragging their feet on subsidizing the emigration of such settlers.


You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here [5]

The Founding Fathers created the first naturalization law after independence, which stated that future citizens had to be free white persons of good moral character. But that law cast too wide a net.

Immigration of white ethnic groups into the Anglo-American mainstream turned out to be difficult. Anglo-Americans assimilated Danes, Dutch, Huguenots, British, Norwegians, Germans, and Germanophile Slavs such as Croatians easy enough, but there was considerable trouble with the Irish. Immigration from the Emerald Isle could have made North America a continent spanning Northern Ireland; fortunately, this did not happen.

Nonetheless, (white) immigrant disruption in the form of riots, anarchist terrorism, assassinations, and the like bubbled under the surface from the 1840s until the 1920s. For example, Finns were supporters of far-Left political parties until the election of 2010 [6]. Additionally, many of the white immigrant groups were economic immigrants. Italians and Greeks often sent young men to work to get enough money to set up a household of their own and then returned. Swedish immigration to the United States in the late nineteenth century followed roughly the same pattern as the Greeks and Italians.

Jews never assimilated. Today they exist as a highly influential and alienated caste at the top of society. Every social pathology, from the ghastly transsexual movement to refugee resettlement to pro-crime jurisprudence, has a Jew behind it.

California and the Chinese

Prior to the American conquest of Alta California [7] there were no immigration restrictions. When gold was found in California, it was easier for the Chinese to board British steamships and cross the Pacific than for Americans to cross the continent to get to the West Coast.

The Chinese arrived in enough numbers that they became a large portion of the California workforce. Additionally, there was a treaty between the United States and China that allowed for unlimited immigration between the two nations. This created a native [8] white [9] reaction [10] which can be summed up as state-level laws restricting the Chinese, and an immigration ban which came into effect several decades after the problem first materialized. Pro-immigration forces fought the Chinese restrictions tooth and claw the entire time, however. The immigration ban came into effect because California was a swing state, and a liberal East Coast establishment politician named James G. Blaine [11] backed the measure. The Chinese immigration ban set the precedent for all immigration restrictions thereafter.

The Chinese immigration ban worked: The Chinese community shrank. For a time at least, the presence of the Chinese in California was a thing for the history books, a memory of a barbarous past. Immigration restrictions continued to be enacted, but not without considerable pushback from various pro-immigration forces.

Hawaii and Citizenship

Hawaii should never have been made a state [12]. It has a deeply hostile population of native Hawaiians [13] who openly endorse killing whites alongside a clever population of Japanese and other Asians. Hawaii [14] has become a launching pad for anti-white actions since the 1890s. Jones tells the story of how the Japanese sought citizenship there. Additionally, many Japanese went to Hawaii to bypass immigration restrictions created by the “Gentleman’s Agreement” that had limited immigration from Japan.

Japanese immigration prior to the Second World War was a problem. The Japanese government was expanding across the Pacific and capturing large parts of China, such as Manchuria. The overseas Japanese were supportive of Japan throughout this time, including those living in the United States. Had the Japanese won the Second World War, Hawaii would be a Japanese outpost, and there might be fewer racial problems there than now — since the Japanese might have ethnically cleansed the population of all non-Japanese.

John Tanton, History’s Actor during the Bush Regime

White Borders tells the story of a great white advocate, John Tanton [15]Tanton [16] was born in Detroit [17] in 1934. His family left the city in for rural Michigan in 1945. His family was among the first wave of whites fleeing the great cities of the North due to the arrival of sub-Saharans. Tanton became an optometrist and eventually settled in Petoskey, Michigan, where he kept bees and practiced medicine.

Tanton was an environmentalist. He believed that overpopulation would stretch the resources of the planet to its limit. He was heavily involved in many environmentalist organizations and causes. In 1975 he wrote an article [18] for an essay contest sponsored by oil executive George Mitchell. In this essay, Tanton argued that wealthy countries were managing their population growth properly, but that their populations were expanding because of immigration. The essay was reprinted in several magazines and launched Tanton’s career as an immigration restrictionist.

Tanton received funding from Cordelia Scaife May, an heiress to part of the fortune of the Mellon Family of Pittsburgh. May was an immigration restrictionist as well. With generous funding from a wealthy backer, Tanton went on to found an immigration -restriction network consisting of the Center for Immigration Studies [19] (CIS), the Federation for American Immigration Reform [20] (FAIR), and Numbers USA [21].

These organizations are focused on immigration reform, although they approach the problem from different angles. Many of those involved in them would go on to serve in the Trump administration.

During the dismal years of the Bush regime, the political establishment was desperate to pass an amnesty and get more Third World immigrants into the country. The disasters in the Middle East also created refugees which George W. Bush was more than happy to resettle in America. The Tanton network showed its worth then, as they stopped many of these efforts cold. Jones argues that these networks were not really grassroots resistance. I disagree; given that the grassroots supported ending immigration, having the Tanton network in place allowed them a vehicle for their activism.

One of Trump’s best immigration restrictionists was Stephen Miller [22]. Miller, along with others from the Tanton network, worked tirelessly to reduce legal and illegal immigration during the Trump administration. They successfully reduced the number of refugees allowed, appointed no-nonsense judges to turn away “asylum seekers,” beefed up the Border Patrol, and dismissed all applicants who improperly filled in government forms.

VDare [23]

John Tanton is the sort of person all white advocates should emulate. He was not involved in any duplicitous personal dealings with his family. Rather, he was successful in his career, well-groomed, and well-spoken. He worked tirelessly for his people, and the benefits of his activism continue to manifest.

After 9/11, for example, the CIS swung into action, carefully explaining the need for immigration restrictions to a large swath of the American public. One such example [24] runs as follows:

The terrorist operatives covered in this report are foreign nationals. They all had to travel to the United States in order to conduct their operations here. Few had difficulty getting into the United States. Many successfully obtained immigration benefits while here. Most have committed immigration law violations in addition to terrorist offenses, some of which have resulted in deportation or imprisonment in U.S. jails.

What requires emphasis is the ease with which terrorists have moved through U.S. border security and obtained significant immigration benefits such as naturalization. The security gaps that existed then still, in many instances, exist today. [Janice Kephart’s [25] work] on the 9/11 Commission made it clear that terrorists need travel documents for movement at some point during their journey here as much as they need weapons for operations. Once within U.S. borders, terrorists seek to stay. Doing so with the appearance of legality helps ensure long-term operational stability. At the 9/11 Commission we called this practice embedding, a term also used in this report.

Terrorists have used just about every means possible to enter the United States, from acquiring legitimate passports and visas for entry to stowing away illegally on an Algerian gas tanker. This study reviews 94 individuals closely affiliated with terror organizations, whether through overt terrorist acts, connections to criminal activity in support of terror, or terror financing. Most have been convicted or indicted. It summarizes how these terrorists have successfully sought legal immigration benefits through fraudulent means and the legal action (if any) taken against them. This report only includes the six 9/11 hijackers who abused immigration benefits to stay in the United States.

Which Way Forward?

White Borders shows white advocates successful ways to advance their cause. It also demonstrates that all pro-white activism aimed at reducing immigration in the past was a success, despite the hard slog many of the activists had. California is a demographically troubled state today, for example, but it is not an outpost of China. All the immigration restrictions really turned things around.

The book also shows that whites who are into “civil rights” and endless immigration tend to have personal problems. Valentine Stuart “V. S.” McClatchy [26] worked tirelessly as a newspaper editor to warn of the Japanese Empire’s threat, and of the Japanese immigrants in particular. His brother, Charles Kenny “C. K.” McClatchy, was not as concerned about Asian immigrants — but C. K. was an alcoholic. His career was punctuated by absences due to drinking bouts and stays in recovery clinics.

This is an important thing to understand about whites who are anti-white. Anti-white youth don’t count, as they get indoctrinated as children in the “civil rights” nonsense and eventually come to realize the lies, but such adults tend to have considerable personal problems, such as alcoholism, or they are of low moral character. “Civil rights” supporters John F. Kennedy and Charles Kuralt were adulterers, for example.

John Tanton’s life and career shows us what we need to do to further our race’s interests. One needs to rise as high in one’s vocation as possible and live as moral a life as possible. Additionally, those who support us with great wealth need to help fund institutions to further white well-being. Those working in such institutions can gain the necessary experience to work at a higher level should they get into power.

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[1] [31] In the same year as his conflict with The Godfather, Colombo allied his Italian-American Civil Rights League with Meir Kahane’s Jewish Defense League [JDL] on the grounds that they were both being harassed by the federal government, and he even bailed some JDL members out of prison.