Légió Hungária’s Sports Camp:
A True Nationalist Fight Club

[1]2,175 words

Salut! Salut! Salut! We had heard enough greetings, so we got out of the car in the village of Dömös and changed into military clothes. We were given sports shirts by Légió Hungária (LH) and quickly fell in with their group.

They set a fast pace walking uphill. We had been looking forward to it all the way in the car, and so, despite the difficulties — I hadn’t slept that night, my friend was coming off a 12-hour night shift, and another friend had been driving for several hours — we set off after them with a strong sense of motivation.

Video: https://videa.hu/videok/sport/v.-nacionalista-sporttabor-legy-resze-Ia6hy7eI4cqllini [2]

Day One: No hot showers until morning!

The problems started during the first warm-up. Immediately after the challenging journey, we had about a hundred push-ups, squats, and lunges, all in sets of ten and counted in Hungarian. We liked the Hungarian counting so much that if we organize a similar camp for Czechs and Slovaks, we will use the Hungarian counting, too. As soon as we heard egy, kettő, három, we knew what to do.


Rám Szakadék

Then we had to hike uphill to the Rám Gorge (Rám Szakadék). There was not much time for sightseeing and thinking, but I will add that Rám Szakadék is a gorge of volcanic origin and one of the nicest Hungarian beauties in the region. In the rock bed of the gorge, water is constantly gurgling, and between the slippery rocks and the flowing stream with waterfalls there are stainless steel railings and various ladders.

In the gorge, hikers have to overcome a height difference of 112 metres. For safety reasons, the Rám Szakadék gorge is one-way from the direction of Dömös, so we took a different route when descending. After a challenging climb, we ascended Dobogókő Mountain with a beautiful view of the bends of the Danube River and then had a snack. All the time, LH took care of us in terms of food, and the food was of good quality.



The whole camp was strictly alcohol- and phone-free, which I’ll get to later. We were tired when we got back to our base, but we were still joking around. Throughout our stay, even when we thought we couldn’t do anything anymore, we still found something to laugh about and made a lot of jokes about ourselves. The Hungarians must have been embarrassed by our jokes at times.

As soon as we got to our room, we knew that there was going to be another demanding program practicing punches, kicks, and running. After that, we had a lecture in Hungarian with a translator. Immediately we came up with our slogans:

Let’s take a quick shower, no hot showers until morning!

Better two lectures in Hungarian without a translator than one training!

We are Czechs, we will never surrender! (slogan of the Czech resistance in the Second World War)

I guess the Hungarians are tougher than us!

The training was led by a professional coach who came especially for this event. He was from the Skins 4 Skins organization, and the martial arts center was his own. I especially appreciated that he was dedicated to helping the newbies, as I have never attended anything like this and I am more of a writer than a warrior.

The training went by rather quickly and we were about to finish the day. There was a lecture by Chad Ferenc, a far-Right participant in several Hungarian reality shows, as well as by the leader of the Betyársereg, an older Hungarian organization focused on sports with which LH will cooperate in the future. The Betyársereg was the first nationalist organization to encourage Hungarian nationalists to take up sports and healthy lifestyles. Béla Incze, the man known for tearing down the BLM statue in Budapest [5] and one of the LH‘s leaders, also had something to say on the subject.


The training

The Betyársereg has been active since the 1990s, which was a period of theft by the Hungarian state as well as total corruption among politicians, as their leader pointed out. He was glad that LH is reaching out to young people, and said that it must be an attractive organization since they are getting stronger every year.

Anyone who works with the Betyársereg movement must have some kind of sport specialization. Their leader said that it would be good to expand the organization into sports other than martial arts, as the latter makes up most of the Betyársereg’s specializations. The most important thing, according to him, is to get young people away from electronic screens. If European whites want to survive, logically, they must have the will to live. He therefore urged everyone present to put their phones in a bowl and enjoy the sports camp offline, without distractions from girls, parents, friends, and the media.

Then Chad Ferenc spoke while smoking a cigar. Ferenc was the first far-Right figure to appear in the mainstream media and on several reality shows, which made him a superstar of the Hungarian far Right. Ferenc told various stories from behind the scenes of Hungarian reality shows, and it is fair to say that he did not mince his words. The networks went wild for him, and when he was on the screen their ratings grew rapidly. Some of Ferenc’s catchphrases have become popular, such as about how a kid came to doubt his father was real after spending a few days without a cell phone.

Ferenc went on to mention that combat sports are very important in an age of immigration, and that weakness leads to the egalitarian Left. According to him, it is important to lead children to genuine interests and sports and to keep them away from television and phones because this leads to nihilism.


You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here. [8]

I myself have a friend who enjoys practically nothing and just hangs out with a bunch of gypsies and smokes weed. She has no goals and no zest for life; she’s a multicultural zombie. The opposite of her are the resilient, strong, and motivated White Nationalists who follow the principles of kaloka gathos.

You can find such nationalists at the LH sports camp. To increase nationalists’ strength and motivation, the three speakers I mentioned have created a Grand Challenge which lasts for four months and should lead to representatives being able to openly present nationalist views in public and in the mainstream media. The Challenge is also intended to lead nationalists to become an elite in their own country. The three speakers are already following this Grand Challenge.

Béla then reassured us that we hadn’t been the worst performers on that day, because they had had another guy who told them that his life was a sport — and yet he couldn’t even do five push-ups.

Day Two: Night Initiation

The morning began with a run and a warm-up, then breakfast at the base and a trip to a Slovak village in Hungary as well as a tour of the mountains. We were just a short distance from the Slovak border, so it wasn’t unusual to find Slovak village with a pub called U Janosika. Inside the pub, Béla said, there is a big map of Hungary from before 1920, when Slovakia had been a part of the Hungarian Kingdom. The Hungarian Slovaks here are called Tótok and the younger generation is completely Hungarianized, attending Hungarian schools, no longer speaking Slovak, and accepting Hungary as their own. It is common here. The only thing remaining of their Slovak roots is their surnames, which could be seen on a board listing the names of the local parish priests in front of the rectory. Most of them had a Hungarian name and a Slovak surname.

We then continued to climb the mountains and visited Miklós Horthy’s hut, where he had gone into hiding at the end of the war. Horthy was the leader of Hungary from 1920 until he was deposed by the Germans for attempting to negotiate with Stalin in 1944. He had supposedly built the hut with his son. Béla explained that Miklós Horthy is a controversial figure in Hungarian history and that patriots still claim him today. LH especially appreciates his anti-Communism. He told us the story of how the famous SS officer Otto Skorzeny kidnapped Horthy’s son, rolling him up in a carpet at his villa in Budapest, and threatened to have him executed if Horthy did not step down (which he did). When the war ended, with Hungary occupied by the Soviets, Horthy was forced to emigrate.

The end of the trip was followed by a hearty dinner, a short rest, and more training: carrying water from the Danube, running with a tire, jumping over and moving tires, push-ups for stamina, and kicking a ball into the goal, followed by football. In the evening we heard some more lectures from the organizers of the fighting tournaments: Alex from Kampf der Nibelungen and Tomasz from Pride France. Béla Incze and our own activist from the Czech Republic, Jan Kuřec, of the Nationalists organization also each said something about the topic.


Tomasz discussed bridging the combat sports and White Nationalist scenes, his own tournament, and his own clothing brand. He also works with Alex from Kampf der Nibelungen and Denis from White Rex. He explained that in France it is easy to fight in the streets, but difficult to fight in politics, both at the local and national levels. What bothered him about France was that Generation Identity doesn’t work with skinheads and National Socialists and only call up the older guard when they have a problem with antifa. Tomasz also fights under the King of the Streets brand, even though this brand is multicultural, although he tries to promote White Nationalism within it and with their fighters.

Next, all four discussed the topics of chauvinism, the Russo-Ukrainian War, organizing events, alliances between White Nationalists, and the best nationalist events they had attended.


Tomasz, Alex, Béla, Jan

Then we had one more warm-up and went to sleep. But we didn’t get much sleep, because the night alarm was sounded, so we all got dressed in a few seconds and assembled outside. The stragglers were given a penalty of 20 push-ups, and then it was off to the woods for the night march. It was very challenging after many athletic feats. We did rope climbing, abseiling, wading through a stream, hurdle climbing, quatting, running, carrying logs in the night forest, and a test of confidence. At the end, we hit rock bottom! This was a real journey to the end of the night!

Day 3: Fight Club

We began with a warm-up, breakfast, and then we ran to the sports field for sparring. The Hungarians were very much tougher than us, so we were more likely to get punched than to give punches. Two experienced hooligans from Budapest had come for the sparring. They were professional warriors in every sense. A nice aspect of the whole event was that every day, new guests came to help with the organizing of the event and to support LH’s activities. After the sparring there was an ústavka, as a battle between hooligans is called in Eastern Europe. We split into two teams and it was on. No one spared anyone. Fortunately, nobody got hurt, but there was a nurse ready for that, too. This is how I envision a modern Fight Club for our milieu.

Salut! Salut! Salut! We had heard enough greetings, and it was time to say goodbye. I gave Béla a copy of Reconquista, the magazine I write for. We all received a diploma for completing the sports camp, and then we had a bath and went for a swim in the Danube. On the way back, we visited the former capital of Hungary, Ostrihom, and the Primatial Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Adalbert. We also immortalized in front of it with our graduation diplomas. Then the driver drove us to our home towns.


We are Czechs, we will never surrender!

The entie stay was very challenging, and I would recommend it to those who have a hooligan and/or martial arts background in particular. I have never in my life seen people so determined, strong, and motivated as during my visit to LH. But I suspect that similar individuals can be found in the Ukrainian volunteer battalions and in the Russian hooligan and martial sports environment.

For Westerners, I would describe the organization as a true nationalist Fight Club. LH eats, trains, and marches together, and does it all without alcohol or phones. Compared to a regular Fight Club, they combine it with an interest in their own history, taking challenging trips into the open countryside, and nationalism. If you run a small nationalist organization and want to run an outdoor sports camp for activists, be sure to contact Légió Hungária [12] next year and take part. LH has already organized five such camps, so they have the experience and know how to do it. Their camp was professional in every aspect.

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