Tag: white dispossession
March 28, 2024 Greg Johnson
Le Nationalisme Blanc est inévitable
English original here, see also French, Polish
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 17 aquí, Capítulo 19 aquí
“Ya es hora de dejar de hablar falsariamente.
Se está haciendo tarde.” — Bob Dylan, “All Along the Watchtower”La mejor manera de conseguir que la gente tome píldoras amargas es recubrirlas con algo dulce. (more…)
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Does it really matter? Is it even worth it? When it comes to redressing the official World War Two narrative — what I call the Steven Spielberg version of history — these are questions we have all asked ourselves at some point or another. For my part, I wholeheartedly wish we could just move on from WWII. I wish it were treated as any other war from history and that we needn’t waste so much time and energy dismantling that Steven Spielberg recounting of events. (more…)
Say “Hi” to Gen Alpha, America’s First Majority Non-White Generation
In his 1920 book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, Lothrop Stoddard warned that unless an immediate moratorium was placed on non-white immigration into white-majority countries, white dominance over geopolitical affairs would be lost amid a “tide” of non-white fecundity. Wikipedia’s page on the book categorizes it under “White genocide conspiracy theory.” (more…)
January 16, 2023 Anonymous
Před a po Táboru Svatých:
k další tvorbě Jeana Raspaila3.767 slov
English original here
Zoufalé snahy kliky lidí z National Review Williama Buckleyho zkrotit torye, a tak si získat uznání a přízeň establishmentu jako „zodpovědní“ konzervativci, si zasluhují rovným dílem výsměch i opovržení. Redaktoři ve svém pochvalném hodnocení návrhu George Balla (mylně označeného za George Willa) „vyslat flotilu záchranných plavidel“ pro uprchlíky z jihovýchodní Asie citují Ballova slova: (more…)
October 13, 2022 Robert Hampton
Až moc bělochů v ledním hokeji
1.373 slov
English original here
Kanadsko-americká Národní hokejová liga (National Hockey League, NHL) je z drtivé většiny bělošská. V roce 2011 to bylo 93 % hráčů a dnes není toto číslo o mnoho nižší. Hraje v ní asi padesátka černochů, což je podle všeho skandálně málo. Liga potřebuje podstatně zapracovat na své rozmanitosti, alespoň tedy podle údajně pravicového listu Wall Street Journal.
Představitelé NHL s ním bohužel nadšeně souhlasí. (more…)
August 1, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 470
Greg Johnson Interviews Bubba Kate ParisHost Greg Johnson welcomed the British activist Kate Fanning, a.k.a. Bubba Kate Paris, on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio for an interview and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
February 16, 2022 Robert Hampton
Woodrow Wilson — proč ho nikdo nemá rád?
As longtime readers of this august publication will know, I’ve been haunted by the process of my ageing in this past year. During this time, I’ve thought again and again of a phrase in Cat Stevens’ “Father and Son,” spoken by the father to the son: “You’ll still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.”
The romantic is always prepared to die for the cause, and he is therefore always punished more harshly, to live a long life after his cause has been shattered, to live as a man among the ruins. Having recently debated the viability of our struggle to save the white race with a skeptical friend, my thoughts turn to the fate which faces those who fight for lost causes. (more…)
Barbara F. Walter
How Civil Wars Start: and How to Stop Them
New York: Random House, 2022Barbara F. Walter is a Professor of Political Science at the School of Global Policy and Strategy as well as an Adjunct Professor at UC San Diego. She is also an expert in civil wars and how they start. In her recently-published book, How Civil Wars Start, she makes the case that the United States is headed towards civil war. (more…)
January 13, 2022 Greg Johnson
Politique identitaire blanche : inévitable, nécessaire, morale, Partie 1
You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.
You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.
3,164 words
Partie 1 sur 3 (Partie 2)
English original here
Qu’est-ce que la politique identitaire blanche ?
La politique identitaire blanche est ce qui arrive quand les Blancs dans une société multiraciale commencent à se penser comme un groupe. Les Blancs sont distincts des autres groupes raciaux, ce qui signifie qu’au moins certaines de nos valeurs, intérêts, coutumes et goûts seront différents de ceux des autres groupes. Là où existent des différences de groupes dans le même espace géographique, les conflits de groupe ne sont pas loin. Là où il y a des conflits de groupe, il y a de la politique. (more…)
As my mama always used to tell me, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, Jimmy, maybe that’s because there’s nothing nice to say.”
I’ve been sitting at the keyboard for hours trying to think of something nice to say about 2021, and the only good thing I can say is that it’s almost over. (more…)
Part 2 here
I wish to give a crash course in basic game theory as I understand it, and then discuss its practical applications. This first article will introduce game theory, and then discuss race relations in America from a game theory perspective. A second article will explore the ongoing border crisis between Poland and Belarus, and how it fits into a broader geopolitical game. (more…)