Morgoth (Substack, Odysee) was Greg Johnson‘s special guest on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they discussed Denis Villeneuve’s new film Dune: Part Two and of course answered listener questions. In the second hour, they were joined by Endeavour (Substack). (See Trevor Lynch’s reviews of Dune and Dune: Part Two for Counter-Currents; also see our Frank Herbert commemoration for links to all our resources on Dune and Frank Herbert.) (more…)
Tag: Western civilization
When you understand that history is cyclical, not something linear and always moving towards “progress”; that civilizations rise, fall, and reform into something new in a never-ending cycle, you may perhaps feel better about your place in that cycle. (more…)
1,397 words
1998: What struck me
In 1998 it struck me that our civilization was dying. Moreover, it was dying by its own hand. Our institutions seemed to be bent on doing everything they could to destroy white society and culture, nor was any deception beneath them in their attempts to put a gloss on what they were doing. This degree of racial masochism would not reverse itself, I thought, nor would it be stopped by anything else. We were going to destroy our civilization come what may. (more…)
3,828 words
John Alan Coey
A Martyr Speaks
CPA Book Publishers, 1994White racialism is demonized in Western countries today, but this was not always so, and will not always be so. Our race consists not only of the millions of white people alive today, but also includes our ancestors and descendants, who live today in us, for their blood flows through our veins. They are relying on us to do the hard work of building a better future for our people. (more…)
5,627 words
Part 6 of 7 (Part 1 here, Part 5 here, Part 7 here)
The “Grand Liberal Narrative” of the Twentieth Century
Despite a wide variety of historical schools, a centrist liberal historiography committed to the ideals of rationalism, meritocracy, and the global spread of human rights dominated the writing of history until about the 1980s — while subsequently integrating within its fold the more progressive schools of New Left, feminist, multicultural, and postmodernist historians via a “new liberalism” determined to ensure equal rights for everyone against the continuing racism, sexism, and ignorance of old liberals. (more…)
October 28, 2022 Morris van de Camp
Poslední velká válka starověku
English original here
James Howard-Johnston
The Last Great War of Antiquity
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021První světová válka je konflikt v mnoha ohledech podivný. Znepřátelené strany se modlily k témuž Bohu, jejich královské rodiny byly blízkými příbuznými a národy byly dosti svobodné a blahobytné. Skrze své kolonie ovládaly většinu světa. Stačilo, aby postupovaly společně a zlatý věk, v němž žily, mohl vydržet dlouhá léta – katastrofálně v této situaci ovšem neuspěly. (more…)
October 3, 2022 Francis Parker Yockey
The Political Enemy of Europe
2,749 words
The following is a chapter from Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe, which is now available in a new translation from Counter-Currents.
“Today some people are prepared to transfer broad economic areas less amenable to speculation, such as the mining and railroad industries, to the care of a pseudo-state. But, of course, they intend to retain the behind-the-scenes prerogative of making this ‘state’ an executive organ of their own business interests through the democratic forms of parliamentarism, i.e., by paying for election campaigns and newspapers and thus controlling the opinions of voters and readers. (more…)
Czech version here
James Howard-Johnston
The Last Great War of Antiquity
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021The First World War is a curious conflict. The belligerents prayed to the same God, their royal families were closely related, and their nations were free and prosperous. They ruled most of the Earth through their empires. They only needed to cooperate, and the golden world in which they lived could have lasted for a long time — but they failed to do so. (more…)
August 3, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 472 Hwitgeard on The Writers’ Bloc
The Writers’ Bloc had their good friend Hwitegeard over for a friendly, low-intensity chinwag with host Nick Jeelvy, where they also answered listener questions, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:07:00 How does one speak Anglo-Saxon and what does it sound like? (more…)
2,455 words
Christopher Pankhurst
Numinous Machines
San Francisco, Calif.: Counter-Currents Publishing, 2017Whenever I read a book with the intention of writing a review, I like to underline certain passages as well as jot notes in the margins. This quickly became an untenable approach for Christopher Pankhurst’s Numinous Machines, as there was simply too much to pull from the text. The book is a collection of essays that seeks out the numinous spirit in arts and culture in an era that is devoid of almost anything vital whatsoever. (more…)
What is it to live as a European,[1] in this new world which has replaced the one our parents knew? Everything is ugly. A wrecking-crew has moved among the institutions of the West and replaced them with the flimsiest of stage sets. A limitless flow of aliens crosses our borders. Our cities are filled with strangers. (more…)
Samuel P. Huntington
The Clash of Civilizations & the Remaking of World Order
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996From 1994 to 1996, the Russians waged war against the Chechens. In 1999 the war resumed, ending in 2000 with the Russians firmly in control of the ruins of Chechen cities. In 2008, the Russians attacked Georgia and set up the independent state of Ossetia. Other than the warmongers and anti-Russians in the United States government, nobody in America or Western Europe really cared. (more…)
1,171 words
A friend recently sent me a video on the history of Western, and specifically Anglo-American, cultural attitudes towards pigeons. The specificity of the subject titillated my thoroughly postmodern fancy, so I gave it a watch. You should as well. (more…)