This is the savagery of, that we only remember from the Nazi crimes in the Holocaust. — Benjamin Netanyahu
Some people are larger than life. Hitler is larger than death. — Don DeLillo, White Noise (more…)
This is the savagery of, that we only remember from the Nazi crimes in the Holocaust. — Benjamin Netanyahu
Some people are larger than life. Hitler is larger than death. — Don DeLillo, White Noise (more…)
Now here’s a picture that tells you all you need to know about our current situation.
Biden and Bibi look like they were dressed by the same mother.
Back in the day, the saying on Wall Street was “Think Yiddish, Dress British”: i.e., have some class, or at least some taste. The strivers like Gordon Gekko were a bit “out there” — I remember the colorful suspender fetishism — but still look like Beau Brummel compared to these slobs. (more…)
He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch. — Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Takes one to know one,” as the old saw goes. FDR’s “our son of a bitch” reference, which some say is apocryphal, was to Anastasio Somoza García, the President of Nicaragua from 1937 to 1956. (more…)
Author’s Note: On October 15, I debated Mark Collett on the Ukraine war. My opening statement is here. After our opening statements, the format was to answer questions posed by the host/moderator Joel Davis. These are my answers to the first five questions. I appended my answer to the sixth and final question to my opening statement. (more…)
English original here
Jak jsem uvedl ve svém předchozím článku, kde jsem proběhnuvší maďarské volby zasadil do širšího kontextu, očekávání pravice byla skromná. Průzkumy sice naznačovaly, že Viktor Orbán a jeho strana Fidesz s největší pravděpodobností budou vládnout i čtvrté volební období v řadě (celkově páté), ale průzkumy se často mýlí. Mnozí se obávali, že levicově-liberální opozice, která poprvé vystupovala jako jednotný blok, by ho mohla sesadit, nebo přinejmenším snížit podporu Fideszu a upřít mu nadpoloviční většinu v parlamentu, které se těší nepřetržitě od roku 2010. (more…)
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Czech version here
As I related in my previous article explaining the background to yesterday’s national election in Hungary, expectations on the Right were modest going into it. While the polls indicated that Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party would most likely win a fourth consecutive term in office (his fifth overall), polls are often wrong. Many feared that the Left-liberal opposition, which for the first time was acting as a united bloc, could unseat him, or at the very least reduce Fidesz’s support and deny them a supermajority in Parliament, as they have enjoyed continuously since 2010. (more…)
“There can be no Russian networks in Europe that split the EU from within, those that are trying to help Russia make as much money as possible even now. Everyone knows very well who in the European Union opposes humanity and common sense, and who does nothing at all to help establish peace in Ukraine. (more…)
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In the past few weeks I’ve gone on record stating that I don’t see the current Ukraine/Russia conflict being good for Americans in any conceivable way.
This was before I learned that Vladimir Putin is evil. Now that I know this, I agree that he must be stopped by any means necessary, even if it means genociding the entire human race. (more…)
This latest episode of Counter-Currents Radio features Greg Johnson answering reader questions about any topics and discussing aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian war, and the broadcast is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Greg Johnson discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the first half of his latest broadcast from Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
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There are many reasons why I’m glad to not be living back home in America right now, and one of them is that I no longer have to listen to the American mainstream media — and worse, those normies who parrot their views in everyday conversations. (more…)