From military illiterates in Congress and political generals in the Five-Sided Wind Tunnel of the Potomac we hear noises about an upcoming war with China. This war, it is thought, will be chiefly naval with America’s carrier battle groups doing the heavy lifting. (more…)
Tag: US military
Although we’ve been through worse, 2023 was one of those years I’m happy to see in the rear-view mirror at last. Since the plandemic began, Clown World mutated into Scary as Hell Clown Like John Wayne Gacy World, and it hasn’t improved much. Throughout the past year, my browser’s start page never failed to bring in digital flotsam proving the point. There’s much clowning to be had, but it’s not so funny anymore. (more…)
1,332 words
The United States Army recently overturned the convictions of 110 black soldiers for offenses committed during a 1917 mutiny in Houston, Texas. The supposed reason? Racism, of course. The Army Board for Correction of Military Records recommended this action and, on November 13, Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth gave it her blessing: (more…)
American veteran David Zsutty delivers a special Thanksgiving message in this short video. (more…)
2,411 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
The Environment
Since I’m a tree hugger, this was a rather difficult chapter for me. Still, I’ll give it a fair hearing. Liddy begins by demonstrating that there is still plenty of fossil fuel, and that there will be for a long time. I’ll grant him that point, though it’s somewhat more complicated than that. As easier-to-reach reserves are depleted, there’ll be diminishing returns which will eventually make the price of fossil fuels exorbitant, or even prohibitive. (more…)
Greg Johnson welcomed The Ayatollah (Odysee, Telegram), Morgoth (Substack, Odysee), Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube), Karl Thorburn (Telegram), and David Zsutty on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss Elon Musk’s recent tweetstorm, as well as Candace Owens’ conflict with Ben Shapiro, Con Inc.’s response to Zionism, and of course they answered listener questions. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
In a 180-degree reversal after years of celebrating Bio-Leninist rejects, the US Army recently released a recruitment video featuring white chads jumping out of an airplane. Emma, their previously-lauded girl with two moms from California, is nowhere to be seen — presumably because a real war is brewing. (more…)
1,742 words
Events in the Middle East continue to escalate. As the great powers of the present day continue their mobilization of resources, men, and materiel, war on a global scale is on the horizon. While the world is transfixed by events in Palestine, fighting in Ukraine grinds on, and the specter of China’s ongoing confrontation with Taiwan remains simmering in the background. (more…)
Part 5 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 4 here)
Transcript by Hyacinth Bouquet. The following is a transcript of the fifth and final part of Marian Van Court and Arthur Jensen’s conversation, which can be heard here, or using the player below.
There are a few places where the recording is inaudible, and have been marked as such. If you can figure out what is being said, or if you have other corrections, please offer them in the comments below. (more…)
October 17, 2023 Morris van de Camp
Gerald P. Nye:
American Patriot & Midwestern Isolationist,
Part 23,351 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
North Dakota’s newspaperman
Understanding how Americans were duped into entering the First World War while preventing America entering a second war became the life’s work of a North Dakota isolationist and politician named Gerald Prentice Nye (1892-1971). (more…)
Part 4 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here, Part 5 here)
Transcript by Hyacinth Bouquet. The following is a transcript of the fourth part of Marian Van Court and Arthur Jensen’s conversation, which can be heard here, or using the player below.
There are a few places where the recording is inaudible, and have been marked as such. If you can figure out what is being said, or if you have other corrections, please offer them in the comments below. (more…)
Patrick J. Buchanan
A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America’s Destiny
Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1999See also: “The Collapse of British Power,” “The Audit of War,” “The Lost Victory,” & “The Verdict of Peace”
If ever there was a call which went unheeded, it is former presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan’s admonition that once the Cold War ended, the United States should have reduced its military footprint to a size capable of dealing with its own national interests. (more…)
1,710 words
Southern Nationalist and Identity Dixie founder Padraig Martin, who I interviewed last year, recently published an article which hit close to home for me. (more…)