A strong sense of victimhood might not come naturally to the majority of whites in the West, but if they wish to compete politically with non-whites as the demographic winds keep blowing against them, it had better start coming naturally — and soon. Victimhood, however, should never be mistaken for victim status. The former is the perfectly moral and rational understanding that at any given point in history one’s people could be attacked, subjugated, decimated, or even destroyed by outgroup members. (more…)
Tag: Tulsa
3,103 words
Black Homeless Man in Tulsa Charged with Hate Crime for Shooting Two White Men in the Back of the Head
Stop the presses, batten down the hatches, and hold the fort: Police in Tulsa, Oklahoma — which is one of the bleakest, grimiest, and nastiest towns I’ve ever whisked through — are charging a homeless black man with Oklahoma’s equivalent of a “hate crime” in connection with a pair of shootings on April 18 in which he walked up behind two separate white men and shot them dead with bullets to the head. (more…)
This week marks the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race riot. It’s no longer called a “riot,” but a massacre or pogrom in mainstream discourse. America’s history is filled with race riots; we just experienced a rash of them last year. However, the only one we’re supposed to remember is Tulsa. (more…)