Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
See also: “Colonel McCormick,” “America First 1939-1941,” “Wind Down the Empire of Nothing,” & “America’s Endless Wars” (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
See also: “Colonel McCormick,” “America First 1939-1941,” “Wind Down the Empire of Nothing,” & “America’s Endless Wars” (more…)
Patrick J. Buchanan
A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America’s Destiny
Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1999
See also: “The Collapse of British Power,” “The Audit of War,” “The Lost Victory,” & “The Verdict of Peace”
If ever there was a call which went unheeded, it is former presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan’s admonition that once the Cold War ended, the United States should have reduced its military footprint to a size capable of dealing with its own national interests. (more…)
“A splendid little war” was how Secretary of State John Hay described the Spanish-American War of 1898. Since Hay had served in Abraham Lincoln’s administration, he had had a lot of experience with more jaundiced wars like the one in the 1860s. The Spanish-American War was little, and its splendor depended upon where you were when it occurred. In DC’s clubrooms and in Congress, it was quite alluring, and was to most of the country. But if you were on the front line taking rounds from Spanish Mausers or suffering agony from malaria or dysentery — which a good part of the army was — it was not so splendid. (more…)
2,542 words
The most important supporter of the 2020 BLM/Antifa terror campaign was the Department of Defense (DoD), led by its treacherous Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley. He supported this terror by being absent. (more…)
Do not believe the poster of this 1952 film. Do not. Wait ‘Till the Sun Shines, Nellie, isn’t the pleasant, bubbly, Technicolor singfest that is promised, although the song with all its nostalgic sentiment is there. Its appearances, however, evoke sadness and regret, much like old family photos tend to.
The action begins in the 1890s aboard a train chugging to Chicago, carrying Ben Harper (David Wayne) and Nellie (Jean Peters). (more…)