When Israel resorts to extreme violence against its neighbors, the fallout is felt throughout the world, especially in the United States and the wider West. Iran, for instance, will activate its terror networks in Europe. (more…)
Tag: the Middle East
- Only 23.1% of all respondents and 30.2% of Republican respondents can think of a concrete example of Israel aiding American interests off the top of their heads.
- 68.4% of respondents oppose direct intervention in the Gaza conflict with airstrikes or boots on the ground.
- 25.7% of respondents aged 18-29 would oppose a draft through peaceful protest, and 16.9% through non-violent civil disobedience.
- 4.4% of respondents aged 18-29 said they would oppose a draft through violence against government property, and 4.4% through violence against government officials.
1,742 words
Events in the Middle East continue to escalate. As the great powers of the present day continue their mobilization of resources, men, and materiel, war on a global scale is on the horizon. While the world is transfixed by events in Palestine, fighting in Ukraine grinds on, and the specter of China’s ongoing confrontation with Taiwan remains simmering in the background. (more…)
I Don’t Have a ZOG in This Fight
I’m already war-weary, and it’s only been a week. I was burned-out on all things Middle Eastern a long time before this latest round of tedium arrived uninvited at my doorstep. I invariably zone out of any discussion about the Middle East, and now it’s going to suck up the news cycle and clog my cerebral arteries for the unforeseen future. (more…)
Tell us about Identity Dixie. How is it similar to other Southern nationalist and identitarian organizations? How is it different?
Thank you for the opportunity to answer this question. Identity Dixie (ID) is a voluntary collective of content producers, primarily — but not exclusively — writers. (more…)
August 9, 2022 Morris van de Camp
صحفي أسترالي وجحر الأرانب الفلسطينية
3,308 words
Arabic version here
John Lyons
Balcony Over Jerusalem: A Middle East Memoir
Sydney: Harpers Collins Publishers, 2017Dateline Jerusalem: Journalism’s Toughest Assignment
Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing, 2021 (more…) -
August 20, 2021 Morris van de Camp
نظرة في الثمانينيات على اللوبي الإسرائيلي
English original here
موريس فان دي كامب
بول فيندلي
إنهم يجرؤون على الحديث: الناس والمؤسسات يواجهون اللوبي الإسرائيلي
ويستبورت، كونيتيكت: لورانس هيل وشركاه، 1985
كان عضو الكونغرس الراحل بول فيندلي (1921-2019) عضواً جمهورياً في الكونغرس من إلينوي. مسقط رأسه كانت جاكسونفيل. مثل العديد من سكان الغرب الأوسط الآخرين، كان أسلافه مزيجاً من اليانكيز وسكان بنسلفانيا الذين أنشأوا حضارة في البرية. (more…) -
Arabic version here
Paul Findley
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby
Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Company, 1985The late Congressman Paul Findley (1921-2019) was a Republican Congressman from Illinois. His hometown was Jacksonville. Like so many other Midwesterners his ancestors were a mix of the Yankees and Pennsylvanians who created a civilization on the wild prairie. (more…)
Philip H. Gordon
Losing the Long Game: The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2020Philip H. Gordon is a Deputy National Security Advisor to the Dementia Regime’s Vice President. Previously, he’d served on the staff of President Obama. (more…)