Satyel Larson, an Assistant Professor at Princeton University, is offering a course that depicts blacks as disabled. Could she be on to something?
1,805 words
Everywhere there are large numbers of blacks and other non-whites, chaos ensues. That is not news to Counter-Currents readers, of course, but I think it is important to reiterate this fact ad nauseam until some of the pea-brained automatons that do our globalist-liberal overlords’ bidding have a come-to-Wotan moment. Although it may seem like beating a dead horse, I like to think of it instead as a means to wake up some of our sleepy brethren who still believe in utopian, multicultural claptrap.
I would hope that even some of the most oblivious white people, such as those who live right next door to us, may have done a bit too much noticing this summer. (more…)