English original here
Konečně se mi povedlo dostat se do města s kinem a zhlédnout třetí a závěrečnou část Nolanovy epické batmanovské trilogie Temný rytíř povstal. (more…)
English original here
Konečně se mi povedlo dostat se do města s kinem a zhlédnout třetí a závěrečnou část Nolanovy epické batmanovské trilogie Temný rytíř povstal. (more…)
Conservatism’s League of Stupidity
The egalitarian Left isn’t just evil — it’s boring. Unfortunately, the conservative “Right” doesn’t have anything better to offer. (more…)
Conservatism’s League of Stupidity
The egalitarian Left isn’t just evil – it’s boring. (more…)
2,792 words
Reviewers of the new Batman movie on various alt-Right sites have been reasonably led to ask why comic books — excuse me, “graphic novels” — have come to dominate Hollywood. Since both industries were founded by and are dominated by You Know Who, the answer seems easy — ethnic networking — why pay royalties to the goyim?
1,416 words
Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy has proven to be a death-stalked series. Heath Ledger died under mysterious circumstances mere months before the release of The Dark Knight in 2008, (more…)
As surely all Counter-Currents readers have heard by now, a horrible and nihilistic attack took place at a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises (more…)
The Dark Knight Rises is beyond Left and Right, beyond good and evil, beyond any frame of reference that this society can understand. Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy closes with a vision of weaponized Traditionalism certain to be misunderstood by movie reviewers and talking heads who think in terms of Republicans versus Democrats. (more…)
4,936 words
Editor’s Note:
Unless you’re living in Tora Bora, you probably know that Christopher Nolan’s third Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, is coming out this week. (more…)