The Trump experiment is over, and the strange journey that the last five years have been is now at an end. There are already lots of assessments being made about the meaning of Trump’s presidency, but most of them are from either liberal or conservative viewpoints. (more…)
Tag: the alt right
Paul Gottfried, editor
The Vanishing Tradition: Perspectives on American Conservatism
DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2020The Vanishing Tradition is an anthology edited by Paul Gottfried, and owing to its structure, a proper review is not really possible. Rather, I will individually summarize and comment on each contribution to the anthology. (more…)
4,427 words
4,427 words
Philippe-Joseph Salazar
Suprémacistes: L’enquête Mondiale chez les Gourous de la Droite Identitaire
Paris: Plon, 2020This book results from interviews with leading thinkers of the race-conscious right — the so-called alternative right — which seeks to bring race to the forefront of political debate. The title Suprémacistes is, however, misleading; for the author, Philippe-Joseph Salazar, nowhere describes the people who are the subject of this study as supremacists (more…)
December 2, 2019 Greg Johnson
Sága alternativní pravice o čtyřech dějstvích. Část čtvrtá.
2,504 slov
English original here
Předchozí části: první, druhá, třetí.
Bělošský nacionalismus 1.0 & 2.0
V roce 2015, kdy se nová alternativní pravice postupně začínala sžívat s myšlenkou bělošského nacionalismu, měla většina s ní spojených lidí jen velice matné povědomí o předchozích generacích hnutí. (Blogger) Lawrence Murray se například svěřil s tím, že „osobně nikdy neslyšel o [Williamu] Pierceovi ani [Davidu] Dukeovi… dokud nenarazil na alternativní pravici.“ (more…)
December 2, 2019 Greg Johnson
Sága alternativní pravice o čtyřech dějstvích. Část třetí.
1,903 slov
English original here
Část první, druhá, a závěrečná čtvrtá.
Centralizace, čistky a kolaps
Richardu Spencerovi bylo přirozeně líto, že opustil značku, jíž se zaštítila tak energická politická síla a která se stala mezinárodní mediální senzací. Proto se pokusil ji znovu dostat do svého vlastnictví. Byl tu ale problém: nové hnutí z let 2014 a 2015 mělo se Spencerem společného jen pramálo, s výjimkou jména. Spencer to potvrdil v rozhovoru s politologem Georgem Hawleyem z 12. října 2016, v němž akademik shromažďoval podklady pro svou knihu Understanding the Alt-Right. (more…)
December 2, 2019 Greg Johnson
Sága alternativní pravice o čtyřech dějstvích. Část druhá.
December 2, 2019 Greg Johnson
Sága alternativní pravice o čtyřech dějstvích. Část první.
Anna Merlan
Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power
New York: Henry Holt, 2019Anna Merlan’s Republic of Lies exemplifies the typical Leftist outrage over the recent rise of nationalism on the Right. Instead of taking on Right-wing concerns in order to refute them, however, Merlan attempts to smear and discredit Right-wing people – who are mostly white – as deranged conspiracy nuts with a weakness for snake oil and demagoguery. (more…)
3,952 words
September 24, 2018
Very cold, blustery morning. This is what you picture Warsaw to look like: grey skies, brisk wind, and Polish people bundled in their fur coats, scarves, and Russian hats. Might be time to bust out my Marmot puffer jacket. Thank God I stuffed that into the little side panel on my suitcase as an afterthought in August. I’m gonna need it.
Walking around now thinking about Ewelina, the woman I met at the Soho Factory. That was her name, with the “w” pronounced as a “v.” (more…)
Andrew Marantz
Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation
New York: Viking, 2019For the past five years, New Yorker scribe Andrew Marantz has been working a steady beat, writing about Internet trolls and dank memes on the Far Right (which in his mind is still the “Alt Right”). Antisocial is a compilation of some of those writings, strung together with some outtakes and new material.
Michael Malice
The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2019What do you get when you have an anarchist diaspora Jew from the former Soviet Union who cannot abide the hypocrisy of the Left, but who is really nervous around the Right? Add to this someone who likes to write about himself, gonzo-style, as he tries to get a handle the important political issues of the day. (more…)
Stefan Molyneux has not had a good year. In fact, he says it’s been a brutal year. The world’s most popular philosophy show is in dire straits. He’s losing subscribers, he’s losing views. He’s got a bone to pick with YouTube and its bosses, and he needs more money to make more unprofitable documentaries into which he inserts his own experiences. Now, I’m not against inserting onself into reporting; indeed, I’ve been known to engage in wacky gonzo myself, but really, Molymemes, if you’re reporting on Polish nationalism, report on Polish nationalism, not your feelings qua Polish nationalism.
John E. Finn
Fracturing the Founding: How the Alt-Right Corrupts the Constitution
Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019The first thing to understand about this polemical work is that it has very little to do with the Alt Right. As readers of this site are aware, the core of the authentic Alt Right is white racial advocacy unencumbered by taboos against the discussion of human differences or Jewish influence; (more…)