Leonardio Heredia (Telegram, YouTube) was Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, explaining the racial and demographic situation in Argentina and offering his speculations on the Scythian origins of white people, a link between Basques and Armenians, and the presence of Norsemen in pre-Colombian Argentina. (more…)
Tag: South America
Greg Johnson did a new solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
1,230 words
Despite gaining currency, we are yet to understand the exasperation of the anti-colonialism movement. Frequently, activists denounce colonialism without giving just cause. (more…)
For years, contemporary Chile was considered a remarkable demonstration of the inevitable triumph of economic and political liberalism. (more…)
English original here
Die Südspitze Südamerikas durchquert Chile, Argentinien und Uruguay, die Landschaften und Klimazonen aufweisen, die denen in Europa und Nordamerika sehr ähnlich sind.
Ebenso ist die Südspitze auch die Heimat vieler Europäer. Obwohl Chile mehrheitlich nicht-weiß (mestizisch) ist, sind Argentinien und Uruguay vor allem europäisch, insbesondere spanisch geprägt. (more…)
I write because the future is not what it used to be.
I know, because I have lived in it. My parents had overseas jobs during the 1970s and early 80s, and, consequently, I spent part of my childhood and early teenage years in Latin America. Venezuelan schools — at least at the time — taught their students that the country’s population was racially diverse, going from White to Black, with eight shades in between. (more…)