Tag: social psychology
April 29, 2012 Matt Parrott
Der “Eine Wahre Weg”
Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a triumph of intelligent film making. The plot is interesting and well executed, the direction is fast paced and engaging without being too heavy handed, and the apes are brought to life with astonishing realism. In fact, the brilliance of the apes’ characterization, largely due to the presence of the “performance capture” actor Andy Serkis, is so compelling that the best parts of the film center on the apes’ captivity and the way in which they interact with each other. (more…)
July 31, 2011 Andrew Hamilton
Присоединяйся к танцу!
Geoffrey Miller
Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior
New York: Viking, 2009When I was asked to review this book, I half groaned because I was sure of what to expect and I also knew it was not going to broaden my knowledge in a significant way. From my earlier reading up on other, but tangentially related subject areas (e.g., advertising), I already knew, and it seemed more than obvious to me, that consumer behavior had an evolutionary basis. (more…)
December 17, 2010 Michael J. Polignano
Ein revolutionärer Akt
2,686 words
Christian Lander
Whiter Shades of Pale: The Stuff White People Like, Coast to Coast, from Seattle’s Sweaters to Maine’s Microbrews
New York: Random House, 2010I saw Christian Lander in San Francisco on Tuesday, December 2nd, speaking to a tiny sweater-clad audience at a small independent bookstore in the Marina District. Lander told the story of the amazing success of his blog Stuff White People Like (more…)
561 words
When you’re trying to poison somebody, you want to be sneaky about it. When somebody is trying to poison you, you want to be loud about it. The Jewish strategy of patiently infiltrating and subverting our mainstream institutions is necessarily secretive and relies heavily on crypsis because it’s the work of a small minority of hostile outside agitators. (more…)
October 2, 2010 Matt Parrott
A Legitimate Voice
1,584 words
On the same day that I posted my “Cosmic America” article, Angelo Codevilla upstaged me with an excellent piece in The American Spectator: “America’s Ruling Class.” It’s an exposition of the growing rift between White Americans and America’s Cosmic elite. It does a more thorough job of illustrating one of the points I was attempting make: that these are truly a new and different people – (more…)
1,432 words
Russian translation here
A TOQ comment drew my attention to a 3-minute Internet video entitled “Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy” [YouTube clip] by Derek Sivers. There are some brilliant lessons packed into its short compass, culminating in this counterintuitive bit of advice: (more…)